FKS Freundeskreis Selketalbahn e.V.
the "Friends of the Selketalbahn"
overview | address, etc... | program / planning 1996 | FKS special trains 1996
for your collection, buy a Selketalbahn sticker and support Selketalbahn operations
The FKS = Freundeskreis Selketalbahn e.V. (based in Alexisbad, Hotel Harzquell) regroups all the friends of the Selketalbahn, and all people who are interested to support it and take part in any kind of action aiming at enhancing its attractiveness within the HSB operations.
Generally speaking, the goals are as follows:
- maintaining the Selketalbahn in its original form i.e. specially with steam traction,
- maintaining vehicles and other "Harz-typical" equipment and installations,
- having a Mallet back into operation on the Selketalbahn for hauling the Traditionszug,
- putting the 060T 99 6102 "Fiffy" ( ) back into operation,
- bettering the environment of the stations, installing signs, etc... so as to contribute raising the number
of visitors,
- actions aiming at making the Selketalbahn better known,
- work in close coordination with the cities and villages along the line, the other groups, and
organisation promoting incoming in the area, as well as with HSB.
Since the foundation of the Freundeskreis Selketalbahn e.V., many actions have been organised on a regular basis such as "specials" at Easter with "Easter Bunnies", and week-end work sessions on the equipment and the installations so as to help preserving them.
The Freundeskreis Selketalbahn e.V. also organizes a number of interesting steam specials with selected motive power and cars.
With recent HSB decisions aiming at shrinking the service and reducing the staff on the Selketalbahn, the Freundeskreis Selketalbahn e.V. will be more active than ever to contribute keeping the railway in operation: support is needed from both german and "foreign" fans !
Membership / 1 year 1996 / is DM 60.--.
If you want to know more about the Freundeskreis Selketalbahn e.V., and possibly support its action by some financial help, please contact...
Address, etc...
Headquarters, meeting point, place for exhibitions, etc...:
(+49) (0)394 84 980
(+49) (0)394 84 98888
(+49) (0)39485 6 25 82
Reservation, tickets, etc... for "specials":
+49 (0)39485 6 16 61
* General disclaimer: while every precaution has been taken in the preparation of these documents, the author
assumes no responsibility for errors or ommissions, or for any kind of damages resulting from the use of the
information herein.
* Status: OK
* Last update: winter 1996
* Copyright: according to documents of Freundeskreis Selketalbahn e.V., translation and customization © Philippe
* WEB design: IXpert
* e-mail: or