"The Harz":
articulated steam locomotives
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The articulated steam locomotives of the Harz
numbers (99 xxxx) 5901 5906 6011 163 301 411
5902 6012 ... ...
5903 353 414
-- France CFD --
german "Gattung" K44.9 K44.9 K46.10 K44.10 Corse Vivarais
"300" "400"
type Mallet Mallet Mallet Fairlie Mallet Mallet
axles (german style) B'Bn4v B'Bn4v B'Bn4v B'Bn4v C'Cn4v
axles (european style) 0220T 0220T 1221T 0220T 0220T 0330T
axles (british style) 0440T 0440T 2442T 0440T 0440T 0660T
Hartmann x
Jung x
MBK (Karlsruhe) x
Borsig x
SACM (France) x x
years built 1897 1918 1922 1902 1892 1901
... 1924 ... ...
XXX 1932 1931
qty built 12 ? 2 3 22 14
qty in the Harz 3 1 2 (1) - -
cylinders 4 4 4 4 4 4
mm cyl. diam. (HP) 285 280 360 280 280 310
mm piston stroke 500 500 400 380 500 550
mm cyl. diam. (LP) 425 425 560 430 425 480
mm piston stroke 500 500 400 380 500 550
mm driving wheels 1'000 1'000 850 760 1'000 1'020
mm leading wheels - - 600 - - -
mm trailing wheels - - 600 - - -
mm total wheelbase
mm rigid wheelbase
m min. curve
mm length 8'874 9'400 10'350 10'490 9'540 10'800
mm overall width
mm overall height
kg/cm2 boiler pressure 14. 12. 14. 14. 12. 14.
m2 surface 1.39 1.36 1.99 1.89 1.19 1.44
m2 heating surface 61.34 67.87 85.89 79.05 67.9 78.5
m2 overheating - - 22. - - -
m2 total 61.34 67.87 107.89 79.05 67.9 78.5
valve gear H.a. H.a. H.a. H.a. H.a. H.a.
t weight empty 28. 36.5
t weight f.w.o. 33.8 34.4 53. 41.8 33. 45.15
t weight / drivers 33.8 34.4 39. 41.8 33. 45.15
t max. load / axle
brakes (vac.) (vac.) vac. vac. vac. vac.
air air
tractive effort (approx.)
kg 60% boiler press.
kg 75% boiler press.
hp (estimated)
km/h max. speed 30 30 30 30
m3 water 5. 3.8 6. 3.2 3.7 4.
t coal 1.5 1.1 2.5 1.36 1.5 1.2
- This is no "all time roster"... only those locomotives which are still in existence or those which are mentionned in this folder are referenced here...
- Numbers are "DR 1970" style, 99 xxxx, because this is the numbering scheme that HSB is currently using...
- ... and I supply them w/o the "computer digit" but you may "compute" it easily... they use the standard UIC way to do this...
- Of course, french CFD Mallet "300" (Corse) and "400" (Vivarais) were never operated in the Harz but it is an intresting means of comparison:
- a number of Vivarais Mallets are still in use...
- but, sadly, all Corse Mallets were scrapped...
- The "Fairlie" was never operated on the Harz either, but it is currently stored at Ilfeld, near Nordhausen...
- About the valve gear... data are given using german style:
- H.a. means "Heusinger-Steuerung aussen" (Heusinger valve gear, outside mount)
- St.a. means "Stephenson-Steuerung aussen" (Stephenson valve gear, outside mount)
- A.a. means "Allan-Steuerung aussen" (Allan valve gear, outside mount)
- Attn. US "visitors", all data are "metric"... and please remember that a "metric ton" is much heavier than a US ton: about 1.12; i.e. 10t (metric tons) axle load / as standard in the Harz / is equivalent to 11.2t (US tons)...
- If you want to know more about the locomotives, please help yourself and go to the files about each class... (if you arrived here... you probably know the way it works...).
- This applies to data related to s/n...
- A " - " means that this data does not apply; if there is... a blank... or a ? ... well... it means that I do not have the infomation... but if you have it, I will be happy to include it in the table...
- Most information in this document comes from...
- "Taschenbuch Deutsche Schmalspur-Dampflokomotiven" (Franckh'sche Verlag)
- old issues of "Der Modelleisenbahner" (TRANSPRESS), from old GDR,
- data supplied by HSB,
- data about the french Mallets come from old "FACS" magazines and MTVS magazine #4 / October 1977...
- ... and others... (more about these books / magazines / etc... in the bibliography
- Display: unless it really agrees with "smaller-than-normal" size fonts, you will need to adjust your browser because the table below / if displayed using normal size font / probably is much wider than the standard display area !
- Printing: ... and probably you will need to adjust the "page layout" too... so that it prints OK !
- Other data files are available about...
- the non-articulated / rigid frame steam locomotives of the Harz
- the diesel locomotives of the Harz
- the diesel railbuses of the Harz
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