The Picture Gallery
Directory: /pix/ro/misc/bridge
Last update: Tue 18 Feb 21:52:37 GMT 2025
Beautifull view from a semi-fast train running on Jiului Valley.
Foto: Catalin.Ghita whitewolfcata(at!) |
The new bridge over "soseaua bucuresti-ploiesti" street on Bucharest-Constantza line, at the exit of Baneasa station. (photographed by Vlaicu Andrei) |
The bridge over Herastrau lake on the Bucharest-Constantza line. (photographed by Vlaicu Andrei) |
D 460 (Thessaloniki - Budapest) crossing the Danube between Ruse and Giurgiu..
2005-04-01 Helmut Uttenthaler |
D 460 (Thessaloniki - Budapest) crossing the Danube between Ruse and Giurgiu..
2005-04-01 Helmut Uttenthaler |
D 460 (Thessaloniki - Budapest) crossing the Danube between Ruse and Giurgiu..
2005-04-01 Helmut Uttenthaler |
D 460 (Thessaloniki - Budapest) crossing the Danube between Ruse and Giurgiu..
2005-04-01 Helmut Uttenthaler |
D 460 (Thessaloniki - Budapest) crossing the Danube between Ruse and Giurgiu..
2005-04-01 Helmut Uttenthaler |
D 460 (Thessaloniki - Budapest) crossing the Danube between Ruse and Giurgiu..
2005-04-01 Helmut Uttenthaler |
D 460 (Thessaloniki - Budapest) just crossed the Danube near Ruse/Giurgiu and is now on Romanian territory.
2005-04-01 Helmut Uttenthaler |
D 460 (Thessaloniki - Budapest) just crossed the Danube near Ruse/Giurgiu and is now on Romanian territory.
2005-04-01 Helmut Uttenthaler |
Un viaduct pe linia Campulung Muscel-Argesel. Se opreste la combinatul de ciment, desi initial continuarea a fost conceputa ca o alternativa la Bucuresti-Ploiesti-Brasov. Linia ar fi ajuns la Zarnesti-Rasnov dupa ce trecea muntii.
Fotografiat de Vlaicu Andrei (
A bridge on Campulung Muscel-Argesel line. It stops at the concrete factory, altough it was first planned to become an alternative to Bucuresti-Ploiesti-Brasov line. It would have reached Zarnesti-Rasnov after overpassing the mountains.
Photo by Vlaicu Andrei ( |
Un viaduct pe linia Campulung Muscel-Argesel. Se opreste la combinatul de ciment, desi initial continuarea a fost conceputa ca o alternativa la Bucuresti-Ploiesti-Brasov. Linia ar fi ajuns la Zarnesti-Rasnov dupa ce trecea muntii.
Fotografiat de Vlaicu Andrei (
A bridge on Campulung Muscel-Argesel line. It stops at the concrete factory, altough it was first planned to become an alternative to Bucuresti-Ploiesti-Brasov line. It would have reached Zarnesti-Rasnov after overpassing the mountains.
Photo by Vlaicu Andrei ( |
General view from upstream of the new double track rail bridge across Olt river that has replaced the old one at Gura Lotrului( Lotru's Mouth).
Photo©: Cornel Misinger( |
View from the new double track rail bridge across Olt river near Gura Lotrului( Lotru's mouth).
Photo©: Cornel Misinger( |
A service train on the new double track rail bridge across river Olt near Gura Lotrului(Lotru's mouth).
Photo©: Cornel Misinger( |
A view from Danube Bridge near railway station Giurgiu Nord.
You can see my website:
Digital photo Veselin Malinov , e-mail: |
A view from Danube bridge between Giurgiu and Ruse of the Romanian side.
You can see my website:
Digital photo Veselin Malinov , e-mail: |
A view from Danube bridge between Giurgiu and Ruse of the Romanian side.
You can see my website:
Digital photo Veselin Malinov , e-mail: |
View of Anghel Saligny's bridge over Danube river. It was made in 1895.
Photo by Catalin.Ghita, |
Podul Anghel Saligny .Anghel Saligny bridge. Photo by Kupcso Cristian.15.07.2007. |
Road and rail bridges over Borcea, between Fetesti and Cernavoda on the Bucuresti - Constanta railway line. 07.06.2006 photo by Bogdan Spanoche-Stoenescu |
Oltului Valley, replacing an old bridge with a brand new (red colored) one.
Photo by Catalin Ghita, |
An unidentified fast train crossing the Larion viaduct located on CFR's 502 mainline.
Photo by Mircea Blanariu |
View of the central concrete girder from the final variant of Caracau viaduct.
Photo by: Romanian Railway Company (CFR S.A.)
The R365 international fast train is approaching to the bridge over the Crisul Repede (Fast Crisul) river.
Photo and scan by Sprencz Zsolt ( |
Bridge over Bahlui river just outside Iasi station. Date: November 13th, 2006. Visit for many more hi-res pictures of Romanian locomotives.
Photo by Tiberiu Sufitchi ( |
Doua poduri (stanga jos: pod feroviar pe magistrala 900 Bucuresti-Timisoara; sus: viaduct al drumului european E70/DN6) peste un golf la Dunarii (Golful format la varsarea paraului Bahna in lacul de acumulare Portile de Fier). Odata cu constructia barajului si a lacului de acumulare, atat calea ferata cat si soseaua, care serpuiau foarte aproape una de cealalta, pe malul Dunarii, au trebuit sa fie ridicate cu aproximativ 30m, datorita inundarii de catre apele lacului de acumulare. Astfel, nu numai acestea, ci si garile si localitatile de pa traseul de 30km de la Portile de Fier au fost inundate. Ridicarea acestora a presupus lucrari dee arta inginereasca deosebite: tunele, poduri metalice, contraforti, pereti de sprijin, apararea malului pentru calea ferata si numeroase viaducte de lungimi impresionante precum si 2 tunele pentru sosea. Acest defileul ramane unul dintre cele mai frumoase si spectaculaose trasee din Romania. trebuie, astfel, sa aducem un omagiu celor care prin munca au facut posibile aceste lucrari de arta. Fotografia luata de catre Lucian-Boian Brujan (, aprilie 2002.
Podul de cale ferata din imagine a fost scena unui grav accident feroviar: un tren de marfa e deraiat (datorita unei incarcaturi incorect pozitionate la un vagon si datorita solicitarii vagoanelor pe acest traseu, precum si datorita starii proaste a traverseolr de lemn ce sunt inca folosite la poduri), cateva vagoane cazand in Dunare (unde se afla si acum; datorita adancimii mari a apei, peste 30m, nu au putut fi scoase). Acest accident a produs avarii la structura podului, dat acestea au fost reparate superficial; exista un proiect pentru schimbarea totala a unei parti din structura metalica a podului, deocamdata se circula cu restrictie. De fapr, pentru intreg tronsonul se impune o reparatie capitala, care este inclusa in planurile CFR, insa perspectiva unei cai ferate duble, de mare viteza prin defileul Dunarii ramane putin fantezista. Zwei Brücken (links unten: Metalleisenbahnbrücke auf die Hauptstrecke Bukarest-Temeswar; oben: Viadukt der europäischen fernstrasse E70) über einen Golf des Donaus (bei der Mündung der Bahna ins Donaustausee). Mit dem Bau der Wasserkraftwerke und des Staudamms beim Eisernen Tor, wurden die Eisenbahnlinie und die Strasse, die früher nebeneinander dem Ufer entlang fuhrten, 30 m hochgezogen. So blieben die Bahnhöfe und die Siedlungen unter Wasser. Das benötigte der Bau von technischen Kunstwerken (Tunnels, matalische Brücken, lange Viadukte, Schutzwände u.ä.); wenn man also diese spektakuläre Trasse sieht und durchfährt, kann mann nur Respekt für die jenigen die mit ihrer Arbeit das möglich gemacht haben. Es passiert immer, ob es Tag oder Nacht ist, dass Fahrgäste die im Zug sitzen, diese ganze 30km-ige Strecke, durchs Fenster schauend, durchfahren. Auch um 2 Uhr Nachts! Also, bleibe die Eisernen Tore eine echte Sehenswürdigkeit. Fotoaufnahme von Lucian-Boian Brujan (, april 2002. |
Doua poduri (stanga jos: pod feroviar pe magistrala 900 Bucuresti-Timisoara; sus: viaduct al drumului european E70/DN6) peste un golf la Dunarii (Golful format la varsarea paraului Bahna in lacul de acumulare Portile de Fier). Odata cu constructia barajului si a lacului de acumulare, atat calea ferata cat si soseaua, care serpuiau foarte aproape una de cealalta, pe malul Dunarii, au trebuit sa fie ridicate cu aproximativ 30m, datorita inundarii de catre apele lacului de acumulare. Astfel, nu numai acestea, ci si garile si localitatile de pa traseul de 30km de la Portile de Fier au fost inundate. Ridicarea acestora a presupus lucrari dee arta inginereasca deosebite: tunele, poduri metalice, contraforti, pereti de sprijin, apararea malului pentru calea ferata si numeroase viaducte de lungimi impresionante precum si 2 tunele pentru sosea. Acest defileul ramane unul dintre cele mai frumoase si spectaculaose trasee din Romania. trebuie, astfel, sa aducem un omagiu celor care prin munca au facut posibile aceste lucrari de arta. Fotografia luata de catre Lucian-Boian Brujan (, aprilie 2002.
Podul de cale ferata din imagine a fost scena unui grav accident feroviar: un tren de marfa e deraiat (datorita unei incarcaturi incorect pozitionate la un vagon si datorita solicitarii vagoanelor pe acest traseu, precum si datorita starii proaste a traverseolr de lemn ce sunt inca folosite la poduri), cateva vagoane cazand in Dunare (unde se afla si acum; datorita adancimii mari a apei, peste 30m, nu au putut fi scoase). Acest accident a produs avarii la structura podului, dat acestea au fost reparate superficial; exista un proiect pentru schimbarea totala a unei parti din structura metalica a podului, deocamdata se circula cu restrictie. De fapr, pentru intreg tronsonul se impune o reparatie capitala, care este inclusa in planurile CFR, insa perspectiva unei cai ferate duble, de mare viteza prin defileul Dunarii ramane putin fantezista. Zwei Brücken (links unten: Metalleisenbahnbrücke auf die Hauptstrecke Bukarest-Temeswar; oben: Viadukt der europäischen fernstrasse E70) über einen Golf des Donaus (bei der Mündung der Bahna ins Donaustausee). Mit dem Bau der Wasserkraftwerke und des Staudamms beim Eisernen Tor, wurden die Eisenbahnlinie und die Strasse, die früher nebeneinander dem Ufer entlang fuhrten, 30 m hochgezogen. So blieben die Bahnhöfe und die Siedlungen unter Wasser. Das benötigte der Bau von technischen Kunstwerken (Tunnels, matalische Brücken, lange Viadukte, Schutzwände u.ä.); wenn man also diese spektakuläre Trasse sieht und durchfährt, kann mann nur Respekt für die jenigen die mit ihrer Arbeit das möglich gemacht haben. Es passiert immer, ob es Tag oder Nacht ist, dass Fahrgäste die im Zug sitzen, diese ganze 30km-ige Strecke, durchs Fenster schauend, durchfahren. Auch um 2 Uhr Nachts! Also, bleibe die Eisernen Tore eine echte Sehenswürdigkeit. Fotoaufnahme von Lucian-Boian Brujan (, april 2002. |
Dunarea, vazuta de pe linia Orsova-Dr.Tr.Severin, prin defileul Dunarii de la Portile de Fier (Gjerdap, in limba sarba). In stanga este Iugoslavia (Serbia). In fata se poate observa (nu prea clar: a fost o zi cetoasa) calea ferata care serpuieste pe malul Dunarii spre Orsova, care se afla imediat dupa cotul (acest cot este cauzat de intalnirea de catre Dunare a unor strate mai dure) din profilul indepartat al imaginii. Fotografia luata de catre Lucian-Boian Brujan (, aprilie 2002.
Die Donau, gesehen von der Eisenbahnstrecke Orschova-Dr.Tr.Severin, durch die Eisernen Tore (Gjerdap, in der serbischen sprache). Links ist Yugoslavien (Serbien). Im Hintergrund sieht man (ein bisschen unklar, es war ein nebeliger Tag) wie die Eisenbahnstrecke entlang dem Ufer schlangt. Hinter die Ecke-hier trifft die Donau härtere Gesteine (im Hintergrund) befindet sich die wunderschöne, auf Terassen gebaute Stadt, Orschova. Fotoaufnahme von Lucian-Boian Brujan (, april 2002. |
Statia Mehadia.
Photo: Trimbita Corneliu, Romania
Intre Mehadia si Iablanita.
Photo: Trimbita Corneliu, Romania
Viaduct de piatra peste paraul Oravita, pe cea mai veche linie de cale ferata din Romania (Oravita-Bazias, astazi numai pana la statia Iam). Vedere inspre intrarea in gara Oravita. Foto: Lucian Brujan (, Iulie 2002 Eisenbahnviadukt aus Kalkgestein auf die erste rumänische Eisenbahnstrecke: Oravitza-Baziasch (heute gibt es Regelverkehr nur bis Iam). Sichtrichtung: Bahnhof Oravita. Fotoaufnahme: Lucian Brujan (, Juli 2002 |
Viaduct de piatra peste paraul Oravita, pe cea mai veche linie de cale ferata din Romania (Oravita-Bazias, astazi numai pana la statia Iam). Vedere inspre intrarea in gara Oravita. Foto: Lucian Brujan (, Iulie 2002 Eisenbahnviadukt aus Kalkgestein auf die erste rumänische Eisenbahnstrecke: Oravitza-Baziasch (heute gibt es Regelverkehr nur bis Iam). Sichtrichtung: Bahnhof Oravita. Fotoaufnahme: Lucian Brujan (, Juli 2002 |
Intre Orsova si Drobeta Turnu Severin.
Photo: Trimbita Corneliu, Romania
Intre Orsova si Drobeta Turnu Severin.
Photo: Trimbita Corneliu, Romania
The Caracau Viaduct on 501 line in Romania, a 64 meters tall construction, the biggest in Romania is a really piece of art.
Photo by Ionut Marinca( |
The Caracau Viaduct on 501 line in Romania, a 64 meters tall construction, the biggest in Romania is a really piece of art.
Photo by Ionut Marinca( |
The Caracau Viaduct on 501 line in Romania, a 64 meters tall construction, the biggest in Romania is a really piece of art.
Photo by Ionut Marinca( |
The Caracau Viaduct on 501 line in Romania, a 64 meters tall construction, the biggest in Romania is a really piece of art.
Photo by Ionut Marinca( |
The Caracau Viaduct on 501 line in Romania, a 64 meters tall construction, the biggest in Romania is a really piece of art.
Photo by Ionut Marinca( |
A very poor shot of Caracau Viaduct, on the Ciceu - Adjud line. Date: February 22nd, 2006.
Photo by Tiberiu Sufitchi ( |
Rail bridge over Siret river, near Galati. Date: September 9th, 2005.
Photo by Tiberiu Sufitchi ( |
Rail bridge over Siret river, near Galati. Date: September 9th, 2005.
Photo by Tiberiu Sufitchi ( |
Podul peste canalul Dunare-Marea Neagra.Bridge over the Danube-Black Sea channel. Photo by Kupcso Cristian.15.07.2007. |
Podul dublu sosea si cale ferata peste canalul Dunare-Marea Neagra.Double bridge road and track over the Danube-Black Sea channel. Photo by Kupcso Cristian.15.07.2007. |
CFR joyride train on Oravita-Anina line preparing to enter one of the bridges.
Photo by Catalin Ghita, |
Podul peste bratul Borcea, vedere generala.Bridge over Borcea channel,general view. Photo by Kupcso Cristian.09.07.2007. |
Podul cu linie dubla si sosea peste bratul Borcea.Bridge with double tracks and road over the Borcea channel. Photo by Kupcso Cristian.09.07.2007. |
Vechiul pod peste bratul Borcea.The old bridge over the Borcea channel. Photo by Kupcso cristian.09.07.2007. |
Vechiul pod peste bratul Borcea, detaliu.Old bridge over Borcea channel,detail. Photo by Kupcso Cristian.09.07.2007. |
Podul vechi peste bratul Borcea.Old bridge over the Borcea channel. Photo by Kupcso Cristian.09.07.2007. |
Vechiul pod peste bratul Borcea, detaliu.Old bridge over the Borcea Channel,detail. Photo by Kupcso Cristian.09.07.2007. |
Vedere generala a vechiului pod peste bratul Borcea.Old bridge over the Borcea channel, general view. Photo by Kupcso Cristian.09.07.2007. |
Vechiul pod peste bratul Borcea, detaliu.Old bridge over the Borcea channel,detail. Photo by Kupcso Cristian.09.07.2007. |
Vechiul pod peste bratul Borcea, detaliu.Old bridge over the Borcea channel,detail. Photo by Kupcso Cristian.09.07.2007. |
Podul Anghel Saligny detaliu.Anghel Saligny detail. Photo by Kupcso Cristian.15.07.2007. |
Podul Anghel Saligny detaliu. Anghel Saligny bridge detail. Photo by Kupcso Cristian.15.07.2007. |
Podul Anghel Saligny vedere generala.Anghel Saligny bridge general view. Photo by Kupcso Cristian.15.07.2007. |
Podul Anghel Saligny detaliu.Anghel Saligny bridge detail. Photo by Kupcso Cristian.15.07.2007. |
Podul Anghel Saligny vedere generala.Anghel Saligny bridge general view. Photo by Kupcso Cristian.15.07.2007. |
Podul Anghel Saligny vedere generala.Anghel Saligny Bridge general view. Photo by Kupcso Cristian.15.07.2007. |
Poul Anghel Saligny detaliu. Anghel Saligny bridge detail. Photo by Kupcso Cristian.15.07.2007. |
Podul cu linie dubla si sosea peste Dunare.Bridge with double track and road over the Danube. Photo by Kupcso Cristian.15.07.2007. |
Freight train exiting the bridge of Cernavoda (Romania).
Photo by Adrian ( Picture taken from car on the Aug 2011. |
Stone bridge at the entry of Oravita station, from Anina. The picture was done from the Berzovia - Oravita train.
Oravita, 12 Jun 2003
Photo and scan: Dan Jiga ( |
Vidra, Romania
Bridge over Sabar River. It is out of use now, because another bridge (at Gradistea, over Arges river, 8 km South of it) is broken, so the line is closed between Vidra and Gradistea.
Photo by Dr2005 - transportbucuresti.trei(a) -
The entrance portal from Constanta on the first railway bridge built over the Danube between 1890-1895 under the management of the Romanian Dipl.-Eng. Anghel Saligny(1854-1925) as it looked in the 1960s. Between 1895-1948 the bridge name was "Podul Regele Carol I", but in 1948 the communists changed to " Podul ing. Anghel Saligni". We hope that the bridge's name will be restored to "Podul Regele Carol I" as Dipl.Eng. Anghel Saligny strongly disagreed that the bridge bears ever his name.
Photographer unknown |
Trenul accelerat 1765 Iasi-Timisoara intre statiile Suceava nord si Suceava vest(28.04.2006)
Photo by Razvan ( |
Trenul accelerat 1765 Iasi-Timisoara intre statiile Suceava nord si Suceava vest(28.04.2006)
Photo by Razvan ( |
Trenul accelerat 1765 Iasi-Timisoara intre Suceava si Gura-Humorului oras, mai exact podul de la Ciprian Porumbescu(28.04.2006)
Photo by Razvan ( |
Trenul accelerat 1765 Iasi-Timisoara intre Suceava si Gura-Humorului oras, mai exact podul de la Ciprian Porumbescu(28.04.2006)
Photo by Razvan ( |
O minunatie a ingineriei podul Anghel Saligny .A wonder of engineering Anghel Saligny bridge. Photo by Kupcso Cristian.15.07.2007. |
View of the concrete structure which supports the bridgeway of Caracau viaduct.
Photo by: Romanian Railway Company (CFR S.A.)
CFR semi-fast train on a bridge on Jiului Valley.If you can, visit CFR route 202 on Jiului Valley.
Photo by Catalin Ghita, Check |
Pod peste soseaua Targu jiu-Petrosani la Bumbesti.Bridge over road Targu Jiu-Petrosani on Bumbesti. Photo by Kupcso Cristian.16.07.2007. |
General view of Caracau viaduct.
Placed on the railway between Adjud and Ciceu, which runs trough Eastern Carpathians, Caracau
viaduct was built in 1897. The bridge passed trough three construction phases, the actual form
being built in 1946. Measuring 264 meters in lenght and 64 meters in height, the first bridge
had a central opening of 101 meters and two lateral ones measuring 51 meters each. In 1916,
the central girder was cut by the Hungarian army. In order to keep the bridge open, the destroyed
girder was replaced with a provisional one sustained by a metal pole. This provisional bridge
functioned 27 years, till 1944, when the whole viaduct was destroyed by German troops. In order to
quickly restore the railway traffic, a wooden bridge was built. The wooden bridge rested on 22 wooden
pooles, splitted in 8 meters high storeys. The total height of the wooden structure was about 57
meters. Because this wooden structure presented a big fire danger, a new reinforced concerete bridge
was designed and built. The bridge wich is the actual one, has a 100 metres long central arch.
Work at the final bridge finished in 1946 and the bridge is still open for railway traffic.
Photo by: Romanian Railway Company (CFR S.A.)
Stone viaduct at the entry of Oravita station, from Anina. The picture was done from the Berzovia - Oravita train.
Oravita, 12 Jun 2003
Photo and scan: Dan Jiga ( |
The same stone viaduct as the one mentioned previously, but the picture is taken from the end of a train (Oravita - Anina) that has just passed on it.
12 Jun 2003
Photo and scan: Dan Jiga ( |
Stone viaduct on the Oravita-Anina line. The picture is taken from the end of a train that has just passed on it.
12 Jun 2003
Photo and scan: Dan Jiga ( |
Stone viaduct on the Oravita-Anina line. The picture is taken from the end of a train that has just passed on it.
12 Jun 2003
Photo and scan: Dan Jiga ( |
Stone viaduct on the Oravita-Anina line. The picture is taken from the end of a train that has just passed on it.
12 Jun 2003
Photo and scan: Dan Jiga ( |
Stone viaduct on the Oravita-Anina line. The picture is taken from the end of a train that has just passed on it.
12 Jun 2003
Photo and scan: Dan Jiga ( |
Stone viaduct on the Oravita-Anina line. The picture is taken from the end of a train that has just passed on it.
12 Jun 2003
Photo and scan: Dan Jiga ( |
Stone viaduct on the Oravita-Anina line. The picture is taken from the end of a train that has just passed on it.
12 Jun 2003
Photo and scan: Dan Jiga ( |
Rebuilt viaduct on the Oravita-Anina. The yellow sign means "speed restriction". I don't really see its use because the train hasn't run faster than 25 km/h at no time...
Oravita, 12 Jun 2003
Photo and scan: Dan Jiga ( |
Stone viaduct on the Oravita-Anina line. The picture is taken from the end of a train that has just passed on it.
12 Jun 2003
Photo and scan: Dan Jiga ( |
Picture taken while passing on a viaduct on the Oravita-Anina line.
You can see that the viaduct is quite high, by taking a look at the silhouette down in the valley.
12 Jun 2003
Photo and scan: Dan Jiga ( |
Stone viaduct on the Oravita-Anina line. The picture is taken from the end of a train that has just passed on it.
12 Jun 2003
Photo and scan: Dan Jiga ( |
Entrance bridge for Valea Viseului railway station.You can see two different gauges on the same railway line.
Eingangbrücke für Valea Viseului Bahnhof. Sie können sehen zwei verschiedene Messgeräte auf der gleichen Eisenbahnlinie.
Le pont d'entrée pour Valea Viseului station.Vous peut voir deux jauges différentes sur le chemin de fer pareil.
Photo by: unknown ( |
Peisaj specific zonei muntoase (viaduct Dealul Stefanitei). Specificly mountain landscape (Dealul Stefanitei viaduct). Spécifiquement le paysage de montagne (le viaduc de Dealul Stefanitei). Spezifisch Berglandschaft (Dealul Stefanitei Viadukt).
Photo by: unknown; ( |
Lucrarile de schimbare a podului peste raul Timis.Fotografiat de Kupcso Cristian 25.05.2006 |
Over the hills and far away... this is how starts the Oravita-Anina line. This Austrian-built (in 1863) line is one of the oldest railways in Romania.
Photo by: Daniel Daraban ( and Andrei Frangopol ( Date: 13th of October 2006. |
Here comes the bridge, we almost arrive in station.
Prahova, December 2004.
Vient ici le pont, nous arrivons presque dans la station.
Prahova, décembre 2004.
Hier kommt die Brücke, wir fast ankommen in Station.
Prahova, Dezember 2004.
Photo by unknown ( |
Podul de la Bumbesti detaliu.Bridge on Bumbesti, detail. Photo by Kupcso Cristian.16.07.2007. |
Semnalul de intrare in statia Bumbesti langa viadutul peste soasea.Entering signal in Bumbesti station near is the bridge over the road. Photo by Kupcso Cristian.16.07.2007. |
Viaductul peste soseaua Targu Jiu-Petrosani, detaliu.Bridge over the Targu Jiu-Petrosani road,detail. Photo by Kupcso Cristian.16.07.2007. |