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The Picture Gallery
(formerly European Railway Picture Gallery)

On Sun 1 Dec 16:01:09 GMT 2024, the gallery contained 436520 pictures in 35075 directories.

Welcome to the Picture Gallery. Commercial use of the pictures is forbidden, please consult the photographers for more information. Use our new UPLOAD PAGE if you want to share your own pictures with all the visitors of the Picture Gallery!

Picture of the Month
March 2005
Picture of the Month
The latest updates

The complete directory index (large, about 900 kB):  
Frames version Frameless version The Upload Page

Pick your country by clicking on the flag/logo:
Albania Germany Poland
Austria Greece Portugal
Belarus Hungary Romania
Belgium Ireland Russia
Bosnia-Hercegovina Italy Serbia
Bulgaria Kazakhstan Slovakia
Croatia Latvia Slovenia
Cyprus Lithuania Spain
Czech Republic Luxemburg Sweden
Denmark Macedonia Switzerland
Estonia Moldova Turkey
Finland Montenegro United Kingdom
France Netherlands Ukraine
Georgia Norway Compagnie de Wagons-Lits
        Outside Europe (e.g. Morocco, Israel, Syria)

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