The Picture Gallery
Directory: /pix/sk/misc

Last update: Tue 18 Feb 18:40:20 GMT 2025
Pictures on this page: 52



1.jpg (160825 bytes)

1. Trat Prešov – Kraków, Mestská cast Prešov
1. Die Bahn Prešov – Krakau , Satelitenstadt von Prešov
Filip Sivák,

14500.jpg (147647 bytes)

Slowacja, Liptovy Mikulas 20.07.2005,

Photo: Wojciech Liberda,

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Slowacja, Liptovy Mikulas 20.07.2005,

Photo: Wojciech Liberda,

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Slowacja, Liptovy Mikulas 20.07.2005,

Photo: Wojciech Liberda,

15.jpg (136960 bytes)

15. Kysacká spojka, premávajú vlaky z Bratislavy do Prešova a spät
Filip Sivák,

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16. Trat Kysak - Košice
16. Bahn Kysak - Košice
Filip Sivák,

2008-02-09-0003.jpg (62559 bytes)

View from ZSR train 603 Bratislava-Kosice between Zilina and Vrutky.
Martin P.

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View from ZSR train 603 Bratislava-Kosice between Ruzomberok and Liptovsky Mikulas
Martin P.

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View from ZSR train 603 Bratislava-Kosice between Ruzomberok and Liptovsky Mikulas
Martin P.

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View from ZSR train 603 Bratislava-Kosice between Liptovsky Mikulas and Strba.
Martin P.

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View from ZSR train 603 Bratislava-Kosice between Liptovsky Mikulas and Strba.
Martin P.

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View from ZSR train 603 Bratislava-Kosice between Liptovsky Mikulas and Strba.
Martin P.

2008-02-09-0029.jpg (98479 bytes)

View from ZSR train 603 Bratislava-Kosice between Strba and Poprad-Tatry.
Martin P.

2008-02-09-0038.jpg (70338 bytes)

View from ZSR train 603 Bratislava-Kosice near Margecany.
Martin P.

2008-02-09-0039.jpg (88410 bytes)

View from ZSR train 603 Bratislava-Kosice near Margecany.
Martin P.

2008-02-09-0040.jpg (93287 bytes)

View from ZSR train 603 Bratislava-Kosice near Margecany.
Martin P.

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22. Auto nákladnej železnicnej spolocnosti (ZSSK CARGO)
22. Das Auto der Eisenbahn Gesellschaft Cargo Slovakei (ZSSK CARGO)
Filip Sivák,

29.jpg (136836 bytes)

29. Trat Prešov – Kraków, v smere z Prešova
29. Die Bahn Prešov – Krakau, Prešova
Filip Sivák,

30.jpg (128323 bytes)

30. Trat Prešov – Kraków, v smere do Krakowa
30. Trat Prešov – Kraków, in der Fahrtrichtung nach Krakau
Filip Sivák,

31.jpg (150937 bytes)

31. Trat Kraków – Prešov, v smere z Krakowa
31. Trat Kraków – Prešov, in der Fahrtrichtung nach Prešov
Filip Sivák,

A_railway_bridge_near_railway_station_Leopoldov1_09_09_2017.jpg (66020 bytes)

A railway bridge near railway station Leopoldov at the line from Bratislava to Kosice via Zilina. You can see my website:

Digital photo Veselin Malinov , e-mail:

A_railway_bridge_near_railway_station_Leopoldov2_09_09_2017.jpg (74887 bytes)

A railway bridge near railway station Leopoldov at the line Kosice - Bratislava via Zilina. You can see my website:

Digital photo Veselin Malinov , e-mail:

A_railway_bridge_near_railway_station_Leopoldov_09_09_2017.jpg (64565 bytes)

A railway bridge near railway station Leopoldov at the line Bratislava - Kosice via Zilina. You can see my website:

Digital photo Veselin Malinov , e-mail:

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On the way from Bratislava to Wien Südbahnhof on ER 2567.

Photo by Michael Skedel ( 16/07/2004

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On the way from Bratislava to Wien Südbahnhof on ER 2567.

Photo by Michael Skedel ( 16/07/2004

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Hamrický tunel sa nachádza medzi zastávkami Dedinky a Stratená, Slovensko, ©Peter Žídek Le tunnel appelé "Hamrický" se trouve entre les haltes de Dedinky et Stratená, Slovaqie, ©Peter Žídek Tunnel named "Hamrický" is situated between stops of Dedinky and Stratená, Slovakia, ©Peter Žídek

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Trenul Rapid 720 "Bojnice" tractat cu locomotiva electrica 240 ZSSK in treseu nou - "Viaduct Senkvice" cu viteaza maxima 160 km/h, dar trenurile merge prin aici numai max 120 km/h pentru ca nu avem locomotive pentru acestea viteza... Rychlik 720 "Bojnice" tahany elektrickym rusnom 240 ZSSK na novej trati - Senkvickom viadukte, ktory je stavany pre rychlost 160 km/h, ale bohuzial, jazdi sa len 120 km/h lebo ZSSK nema vhodny vozovy park na takuto rychlost.

Autor: Matej Zagrapan, Bratislava Slovakia E-mail:

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Trenul Rapid 720 "Bojnice" intr-o statie Bratislava Vinohrady si Bratislava Centrala. Rychlik 720 "Bojnice" medzi stanicami Bratislava Vinohrady a Bratislava

Autor: Matej Zagrapan, Bratislava Slovakia E-mail:

Most_1.jpg (116355 bytes)

Most ponad rieku Kysuca v meste Èadca, Slovensko Le pont au-dessus de la riviere Kysuca a la vile de Cadca, Slovaquie The bridge over the Kysuca river at the toxn of Cadca, Slovakia autor/auteur/author: Peter Žídek

Most_2.jpg (102097 bytes)

Most ponad rieku Kysuca v meste Èadca, Slovensko Le pont au-dessus de la riviere Kysuca a la vile de Cadca, Slovaquie The bridge over the Kysuca river at the toxn of Cadca, Slovakia autor/auteur/author: Peter Žídek

Most_3.jpg (96332 bytes)

Most ponad rieku Kysuca v meste Èadca, Slovensko Le pont au-dessus de la riviere Kysuca a la vile de Cadca, Slovaquie The bridge over the Kysuca river at the toxn of Cadca, Slovakia autor/auteur/author: Peter Žídek

Most_4.jpg (97108 bytes)

Most ponad rieku Kysuca v meste Èadca, Slovensko Le pont au-dessus de la riviere Kysuca a la vile de Cadca, Slovaquie The bridge over the Kysuca river at the toxn of Cadca, Slovakia autor/auteur/author: Peter Žídek

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ZSSK broad gauge track (1524 mm, Haniska pri Kosiciach - Matovce) runs parallely with the standard gauge tracks of the main line Kosice - Cierna nad Tisou, between stations Nizná Mysla and Kuzmice. The picture was taken between Kalsa and Kuzmice, about three kilometers to the point, where the broad gauge line leaves the standard gauge tracks, by turning to Trebisov.
The track with three electric support cables, is the broad gauge track. Those cables are required to decrease the high amperage of the work cable.

Sirokorozchodná trat (1524 mm, Haniska pri Kosiciach - Matovce) bezí paralelne s s tratou Kosice - Cierna nad Tisou medzi stanicami Nizná Mysla - Kuzmice. Obrázok bol zhotoveny medzi stanicami Kalsa a Kuzmice asi tri kilometre od bodu, kde SRT sa odklána smerom na Trebisov, od hlavného tahu.
SRT má tri pomocné káble pre znízenie zatazenia troleje elektrickym prudom.

Photo Bogoly Zoltán

Telg__tunel_bez_vlaku.jpg (135144 bytes)

Telgártsky tunel, Slovensko, ©Peter Žídek Le tunnel de Telgárt, Slovaquie, ©Peter Žídek A tunnel near Telgart, Slovakia, ©Peter Žídek

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Telgártska sluèka sa nachádza nedaleko obce Telgárt. Aby bolo mozné prekonat vyskovy rozdiel 40 metrov na velmi krátkom úseku, bolo nutné vybudovat trat v tvare slucky, aby sa vlak akoby po spirale mohol dostat na vrch. Na obrázku schéma Telgártskej slucky. Slovensko, ©Peter Žídek Telgártska slucka se trouve pas loin du village de Telgart. Pour qu´ il était possible de passer la dénivellation de 40 metres, il était nécessaire de batir la voie de la forme de boucle, pour que le train puisse monter. Dans cette image on peut voir le schéma de la boucle de Telgárt. Slovaquie, ©Peter Žídek Telgártska sluèka is situated near the village of Telgárt. For surmount the diference in elevation (40m), it was necessary to build the track in form of a loop. In the picture there is a cheme of the loop of Talgart. Slovakia, ©Peter Žídek

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The Bratislava-Kúty-Breclav (CD) main line in the nice surroundings of Bratislava.

Photo (May 2005): Janne Petersson (e-mail:

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ZSR Timetable 1993/94 / ZSR Horário 1993/94

Photo by LUISFER ( (

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ZSSK - Slovakia
Connecting trains at Kosice. Electric locomotive 162 008, diesel trainset 861 016 and electric trainset 660 307.
Kosice, 24-06-2024

Photo by Marco van Uden

ZST_Telg_Penz.jpg (112178 bytes)

Zastávka Telgart-Penzion, v pozadi Telgartsky viadukt, Slovensko, ©Peter Žídek L´ halte de Telgárt-Penzion, derriere laquelle il y a le viaduc de Telgart, Slovaquie, ©Peter Žídek The stop of Telgart-Penzion, after the stop there is a viaduct of Telgart, Slovakia, ©Peter Žídek

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The old railway bridge over the Danube in Bratislava (on the right you can see the Stare Most).

This picture was taken a few hours before the peak of the flow on the Danube. 14.08.2002

Digital photo by István Halász (

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Group of locomotives seen at turntable during the "Locomotive Parade" action in Kosice at 28.04.2002.


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Group of locomotives seen at turntable during the "Locomotive Parade" action in Kosice at 28.04.2002.


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Group of locomotives seen at turntable during the "Locomotive Parade" action in Kosice at 28.04.2002.


ebgauge.jpg (75573 bytes)

The broad gauge freight line from Uzhorod (UA) to US Steel Košice (SK), is electrified
with 3 kV DC system. Because the track goes through mountains with elevation 15 promile,
it is difficult to take a 5000 ton ore train over the portion Èervený Dvor (Slivník) - Slanèík.
3 double locomotives, 2 in the front and 1 on the end of the train. The greatest tractive effort
(3 locos have 12240 kW together) on the European tracks needs very heavy catenary construction.
Na ŠRT (tra Užhorod - US Steel Košice) kvôli trakènému systému 3 KV, na úseku so stúpaním okolo
15 promile (Èervený Dvor - Slanèík), potrebuje nákladný vlak ažký 5000 ton až 3 lokomotívy.
To je najväèší trakèný výkon v Európe (dohromady 12240 kW), a potreubuje ažké trakèné vedenie.
Szlovákiában a széles nyomtávú vonal (Ungvár - US Steel Kassa) 3 kV-at van villamosítva.
A pálya egyik szakasza Èervený Dvor (Slivník=Szilvás) - Kisszalánc között 15 ezrelékes emelkedõ.
Egy 5000 tonnás tehervonat továbbításához ezen a szakaszon 3 mozdony szükséges. Európa vasútjain
ez a legnagyobb vonatatási teljesítmény (12240 kW), és ez nehéz felsõvezetéket igényel.
29. jan. 2008.

Photo by Bogoly Zoltán

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Most nad riekou Hnilec medzi zastávkami Dedinky a Stratená

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View from the most east railway crossing of the ZSSK, to the SK/UA border. From left to right: 2x broad gauge tracks and 1x standard gauge track. Look at the different height of the catenary!
Over the broad gauge track, the catenary is in higher position (left track), than over the standard
gauge track (right track). In the background you can see the checkpoint at the SK/UA border.
March 8 2007

Photo by Bogoly Zoltán


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Telgártsky tunel, Slovensko, ©Peter Žídek Le tunnel de Telgárt, Slovaquie, ©Peter Žídek A tunnel near Telgart, Slovakia, ©Peter Žídek

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ZS R810 "HOREHRONEC" near Dedinky.

Digital photo by Vincze Béla György (

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ZS R810 "HOREHRONEC" entering the loop tunel near Svermovo.

Digital photo by Vincze Béla György (

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The lower entrance of the loop tunel near Svermovo, as seen from the viaduct after the tunnel.

Digital photo by Vincze Béla György (

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ZS mainline no. 180 near the castle of Strecno.

Digital photo by Vincze Béla György (

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The ZSR track near to Bratislava main station with the castle of Bratislava in the background (The castle is more farther like it looks, approximately 2 km from the curve at the end of the visible track part.)

Photo by Szenczi János (
