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Directory: /pix/rs/diesel/dmu/710/misc

Last update: Sat Nov 15 23:02:07 CET 2014
Pictures on this page: 4


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Twin articulated coaches of DMU Y1 ZS cllass 710, waiting to start service in station Zajecar with local train to Bor and Majdanpek, May 2009. photo by Stokic Sasa (

First_Lesson.jpg (29390 bytes)

A young boy from Timocka Krajina (he lives in the Knjazevac area) has a dream: to become a train driver. Travelling to Zajecar he enjoys the spectacular view from the cockpit of the DMU ZS 710 and learns his first lesson. To like trains is in the Timocka Krajina (East Serbia) a tradition. Ein kleiner Junge aus der Timocka Krajina (aus der Umgebung von Knjazevac) hat einen Traum: Lokführer zu werden. Er fährt mit seinem Vater nach Zajecar und geniesst einen spektakulären Blick aus dem Lokführerstand des Diesel-Triebzuges ZS 710 und lernt seine "erste Lektion". Züge zu lieben ist in der Timocka Krajina (Ost-Serbien) eine Tradition!

Photo: Slobodan Ilic, 2007 (

ZS710-Vratarnica-sneg_smanjeno.jpg (50387 bytes)

The DMU ZS 710 on the route Nis - Zajecar in the East Serbian region Timocka Krajina is entering the station of Vratarnica, very close to Zajecar. The Timocka Krajina is especially spectacular under snow, when the streets are covered and only trains can move! That's why maybe nobody in Serbia does not like trains so much as people in the Timok valley.

Photo: Petar Arandjelovic (, Dezember 2007

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Ismeretlen 710-es sorozatú motorkocsi Cacak közelében
A vasút - lévén igen fontos fővonal - egyenesen halad, az út a folyót követi kanyarogva. A völgyzáró gát mögött nagyon hangulatos üdülőterület kezdődik, kis facsipkés díszítésű horgászkunyhókkal, norvég stílusú villákkal.

An unknown class 710 railcar near Cacak
The railway - as it's a very important mainline - runs straight, while the road follows the curve of the river. Behind the dam, there's a really nice resort with an atmosphere, tiny anglers' huts and Norwegian-style, ormented wooden villas.
További .Serbia.Railcars.710 képek - More class 710 railcar photos
