Troleibuzul (ex-autobuzul) "Saurer" #5005 (ex-#469) pe linia 74,la captul de linie "Bd. Alexabdru Obregia/Platforma Metalurgiei". Vehiculul a fost fabricat īn 1968 _i convertit īn troleibuz īn anul 1995. Pe acoperi_ pot observa 2 guri de admisie, folosite pe vremea cānd acest troleibuz era autobuz. Bucure_tiul nu a fost singurul ora_ din Romānia care a avut autobuze "Saurer"; _i Ia_iul a avut de asemena acest tip de autobuze, dar le-a casat. Inicial, īn Bucure_ti. troleibuzele "Saurer" au circulat pe linii centrale sau semicentrale, precum 61, 62, 69, 71, 91, 93, 96 (_i erau garate la Depoul "Bujoreni"), dar odat cu aparacia troleibuzelor "Astra-Ikarus" 415T (īn 1997),au fost exilate īn Cartierul Berceni din sudul Bucure_tiului, pentru a cirula pe liniile 73 _i 74 (uneori _i pe linia 76); una dintre cosecincele acestei exilri o reprezint faptul c acum aceste troleibuze au parte de o calitate inferioar a īntrecinerii (deh, nu mai circul pe liniile centrale/semicentrale). #5005 (ex-#469) "Saurer" trolleybus (ex-bus), manufactured in 1968 and converted into a trolleybus in 1995 at "Bd. Alexandru Obregia/Platforma Metalurgiei" end of line. The vihecle was manufactured in 1968 and converted into a trolleybus in the year 1995. In the roof you can notice 2 air intakers, used when the trolleybus was a bus; Bucharest wasn't the only city in Romania to have "Saurer" buses; Iashi also had this type of buses, but scraped them. Initially, in Bucharest, the "Saurer" trolleybuses runed on central/semicentral lines, like 61, 62, 69, 71, 91, 93, 96 (and they where holed at "Bujoreni" Depot), but with the ariaval of the "Astra-Ikarus" T415 trolleybuses (in 1997), they where exieled in Berceni neiberghood, in the South Side of Bucharest; one of this consecunces of this exile is the fact that the qaulty of mantinence of these trolleybuses droped (eh, they are not runing on central/ semicentral lines any longer) Aparu ^tefan-Daniel