Bucuresti, Romania
R.A.T.B. (Regia Autonoma de Transport Bucuresti)
Dac 317 E #7440
These are the last pictures with this trolleybus, taken inside "Berceni" Yard. This is the condition of the trolleybus when it was sent to URAC for scrapping: 100% complete and functional! They just wanted to get rid of all articulated trolleybuses. #7440 was used mainly on route 76, where the interval between 2 articulated vehicles was 2 minutes. Now the interval is 4 minutes and the trolleybuses are 12m long... but a street was widened, so everybody who has a car and a driver licence is free to use it (or to use the buses & trolleybuses, if there's enough room inside). That is the trend in most of Romania's cities: use the private car, public transit is only for those who can't afford using a car, therefore it is not reliable at all.

ALL Dac trolleybuses in Bucharest were scrapped between 2006 and 2008. List of trolleybuses in Bucharest.

Photo by Dr2005 - transportbucuresti.trei(a)gmail.com - www.transportbucuresti.trei.ro.