Bucuresti, Romania
R.A.T.B. (Regia Autonoma de Transport Bucuresti)
Rathgeber P3.16 #2008 (ex-Muenich #2008)
100 years of public transit provided by S.T.B. (Societatea comunala a Tramvaielor Bucuresti = The local tram company) - I.T.B. (Intreprinderea de Transport Bucuresti = The Bucharest transit company) - R.A.T.B. (Regia Autonoma de Transport Bucuresti = The autonomous of Bucharest transit), 1909-2009.

List of Bucharest trams.
Photo by Dr2005 - transportbucuresti.trei(a)gmail.com; More photos are available at www.transportbucuresti.trei.ro.