Brasov - Tramvaiul Duewag tip M #36 asteptandusi moartea in Depou. Reteaua de tramvaie (formata dintr-o singura linie, 101) din Brasov a fost desfiintata, 17 Noiembrie 2006 fiind ultima zi cu tramvai din Brasov. Tramvaiele V3A si V2A au fost deja casate, iar luna aceasta (Aprilie 2007) vor fi taiate si Duewagurile si Tatrele. Linia de tramvai a fost inlocuita de troleibuze (linia 8), dar mai multe trasee de troleibuz au fost inlocuite cu autobuze :(

Duewag M-type tramway #36 while it's waiting for its death in the Depot. The tramway network in Brasov (formed by one route, 101) was closed; the last day with tramways in Brasov was November 17th, 2006. The V3A and V2A tramway were already scrapped and this month (April 2007) the Duewag and T4D tramways will be scrapped too. The trampline was replaced by troleybus line 8, but many of the trolleybus routes in Brasov were replaced by buses :(

Foto: Dr2005 - homedr2005(a)

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