Bucuresti Nord, Romania
50 53 22-04 002-2
This modernised RIB/RIO was shown at the Romanian Railway Days 2009. It was heavely modernised by S.C. Atelierele CFR Grivita S.A. Bucharest and they registred this car into 22-04 series. They also wrote "CFR Calatori" on it (!), even if the cars were (and still are) the property of Regiotrans. After the exhibition, these cars stayed for a few months inside Atelierele Grivita, than most of the new elements were taken down (because Regiotrans never payed for them) and the cars were moved to Regiotrans' yard in Brasov, where they are still waiting for better days.

More pictures with BB25500 locomotives and RIB/RIO cars.
Photo by Dr2005 - transportbucuresti.trei(a)gmail.com, www.transport-in-comun.ro/trenuri.