Romanian Railway Days 2010 (5th and 6th October), Bucuresti Nord Station, Romania
91 53 0480 001-3
This locomotive is the newest product of Softronic Craiova and was called "Transmontana" by its builder. It is the first Romanian-built locomotive with asynchronus AC 3-faze motors.
A few technical details: wheel formula: Co'Co; length over buffers: 19740mm; wheelbase: 10300mm; weight: 120t; nominal effort: 292kN;
Nominal power: 6000 kW; maximum power of the transformer: 7422 kVA
The boogies are the same like on the other Romanian electric locomotives, but the secondary suspension is now formed by two pairs of Hourglass elements on each boogie, instead of the coil springs.

More pictures (in high resolutions) and information about the Romanian Railway Days are available in this page.
Photo: Dr2005 - transportbucuresti (A) -