The first two Siemens DESIRO dmus trainsets belonging to the first batch of 24 Siemens DESIRO dmu rakes produced by Siemens SGP Verkehrs technik Graz, Austria and delivered to S.N.T.F.C. CFR-Calatori (CFR's passenger transport company-their Romanian owner) in February 2003. At present these trainsets are in service as Intercity trains coupled in pairs on the routes Bucuresti-Nord-Pitesti-Piatra Olt-Craiova and Bucuresti Nord-Urziceni-Faurei-Tecuci-Barlad-Vaslui-Iasi but in future they will run on the route Pitesti-Piatra Olt-Podul Olt-Sibiu-Copsa Mica-Teius-Razboieni-Apahida-Cluj as well as Cluj-Oradea-Salonta-Arad-Timisoara Nord.
The first two DESIRO dmus - nicknamed by CFR management "The Blue Arrow" - seen in February 2003 in Bucharest Nord Station.

Photo ©: Jurnal Feroviar-CFR's monthly full colour magazine (used with permission) Scan: Cornel Misinger (