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Directory: /pix/pl/narrow_gauge/steam/Px48/misc

Last update: Thu 19 Dec 12:48:10 GMT 2024
Pictures on this page: 9


Poland__Px48-3917_pic1.jpg (78794 bytes)

Px48 3917 narrow-gauge (1000 mm) steam locomotive on the Piaseczno Wask.-Tarczyn-Grojec-Nowe Miasto. 12.10.2002 Special train during the trip organised on this closed for a regular traffic line near Warsaw.

Photo: Lukasz Rodziewicz-Cygan mail to (another pics are avaliable)

Poland__Px48-3917_pic2.jpg (106418 bytes)

Px48 3917 narrow-gauge (1000 mm) steam locomotive on the Piaseczno Wask.-Tarczyn-Grojec-Nowe Miasto. 12.10.2002 Special train during the trip organised on this closed for a regular traffic line near Warsaw.

Photo: Lukasz Rodziewicz-Cygan mail to (another pics are avaliable)

Px48-1253_2010_08_04.jpg (158400 bytes)

Narrow Gauge Heritage at Sochaczew
Px48-4516 (750 mm), made in Fablok CHRZANOW (1955),
passing in 1987 from Forest's Railway in CISNA

04.08.2010, Sochaczew Waskotorowy

Photo W. Kolins

direction_zaniemysl.jpg (120290 bytes)

Direction Zaniemysl. A stop along the road for one passenger. Narrow gauge line Sroda- Zaniemysl. Aug. 93

px48i.jpg (30785 bytes)

Polish na narrow - guaged steam engine type Px48 whit specjal train in Rewal (1992)

Photo and scan Jaroslaw Kielak

scroda1.jpg (153628 bytes)

Scroda1.Steamtrain hauled by a px48 awaiting departure for Sroda W (poland)(line Scroda W-Zaniemysl .aug.1993.

Photo and scan

sroda.jpg (124572 bytes)

A look inside the loc PX48 of the narrowgauge line Sroda- Zamiesl poland aug '93.

Photo and scan

zamiemysl.jpg (119876 bytes)

Zaniemysl. Morning passenger train ready for departure from Zaniemysl to Sroda Narrow gauge line Sroda Zaniemysl. febr '94

zaniemysl.jpg (145614 bytes)

sroda. PX 48 ready for return to Sroda from Zaniemysl station(narrow gauge line) Aug.1993 .

Photo and scan:
