The Picture Gallery
Directory: /pix/no/trams/Oslo/SL79/121-140

Last update: Tue 18 Feb 18:39:49 GMT 2025
Pictures on this page: 29 (28 + 1)


0130-01.jpg (151830 bytes)

NORVEGIA, Oslo. Tram unit #130.

Foto: Catalin.Ghita whitewolfcata(at!)

0137-01.jpg (148500 bytes)

NORVEGIA, Oslo. Tram unit #137.

Foto: Catalin.Ghita whitewolfcata(at!)

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NORVEGIA, Oslo. Tram unit #137.

Foto: Catalin.Ghita whitewolfcata(at!)

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Oslo tram type SL79 no 140 in Homansbyen in central Oslo

Photo: Kjetil Refsnes Jørgensen

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Oslo tram type SL79 no 137 at Majorstua in Oslo west. As yoy may see, the condition of the tracks etc isn't the best.

Photo: Kjetil Refsnes Jørgensen

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Oslo tram type SL79 no 139 at Briskeby in central Oslo.

Photo: Kjetil Refsnes Jørgensen

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Oslo tram type SL79 no 136 at Sinsen in north/eastern part of Oslo at the last day with line 15. The line is no cancelled until further notice because of the underground circle line construction work and tram hostility in Oslo sporveier (Oslo Tramways - the company for public transport).

Photo: Kjetil Refsnes Jørgensen

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Oslo tram type SL79 no 134 using the for long time planned, but newer build line from Sinsen to Aker sykehus (Hospital) as a turning triangle becouse of divertions caused by construction work related to the new underground circle line.

Photo: Kjetil Refsnes Jørgensen

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Oslo tram type SL79 no 134 using the for long time planned, but newer build line from Sinsen to Aker sykehus (Hospital) as a turning triangle becouse of divertions caused by construction work related to the new underground circle line.

Photo: Kjetil Refsnes Jørgensen

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Oslo tram type SL79 no 124 at Solli plass (square) in central Oslo, a terminal point with many bus lines and trams in 4 directions (2 towards the city centre, Frogner-Majorstuen and Jar)

Photo: Kjetil Refsnes Jørgensen

IMG_5162_Oslo_23_03_07.jpg (119565 bytes)

IMG 5162 Oslo 23.03.07 Tram 129, Linie 11, kommt von der Hst. Homansbyen und fährt durch das Zentrum zur Endstelle Disen. Dr. Sternol, Eckart (Foto)

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IMG 5170 Oslo 23.03.07 Tram 140, Linie 19, in Richtung Majorstuen zw. den Hst Uranienborgvelen und Rosenborg. Dr. Sternol, Eckart (Foto)

IMG_5171_Oslo_23_03_07.jpg (121597 bytes)

IMG 5171 Oslo 23.03.07 Tram 140, Linie 19, zum Ende des Schultages an der Hst Rosenborg. Dr. Sternol, Eckart (Foto)

IMG_5174_Oslo_23_03_07.jpg (133696 bytes)

IMG 5174 Oslo 23.03.07 Tram 121, Linie 12, kurz vor der Endstelle Majorstuen. Dr. Sternol, Eckart (Foto)

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IMG 5183 Oslo 23.03.07 Tram 127, Linie 11, läßt sich gemütlich, aus Disen kommend, in die Hst. Storo rollen. Dr. Sternol, Eckart (Foto)

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IMG 5190 Oslo 23.03.07 Tram 139, Linie 12, kommt aus Kjelsas und erreicht die Hst. Disen. Dr. Sternol, Eckart (Foto)

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IMG 5193 Oslo 23.03.07 Tram 121, Linie 12, an der Hst. Disen in Richtung Kjelsas, es wird ein 10-Minutentakt angeboten. Dr. Sternol, Eckart (Foto)

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IMG 5195 Oslo 23.03.07 Tram 126, Linie 12, hat Kjelsas erreicht. Nach Durchfahren der Wendeschleife geht es von der Hst, die rechts von der Trambahn zu sehen ist, ins Zentrum zurück. Dr. Sternol, Eckart (Foto)

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IMG 5199 Oslo 23.03.07 Tram 121, Linie 12, an der HSt. Solli in Richtung Majorstuen. Dr. Sternol, Eckart (Foto)

IMG_5216_Oslo_23_03_07.jpg (122968 bytes)

IMG 5216 Oslo 23.03.07 Tram 129, Linie 11, auf dem Bogstadveien, nahe der Hst. Schultz' gate, in Richtung Disen. Dr. Sternol, Eckart (Foto)

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Oslo tram type SL79 no 128 in advertising layout between Storo and Sandaker on a place with the nick name The North Pole in eastern Oslo on a winter day.

Photo: Kjetil Refsnes Jørgensen

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Type SL79 tram 128 leaving Kjelsås on route 12 to Majorstuen.

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Oslo Sporveien Trikken No. 136, type SL-79 (built 1989 by Strømmen after a Duewag design), line 11 to Majorstuen, arriving at Nationaltheatret.

tobias b köhler

Ruter_121_Ljabru.jpg (152960 bytes)

Ruter - Norway
Oslo tram 121 reaches the end loop at Ljabru. This is the end of the original Ekebergsbanen.
Ljabru, 16-08-2022

Photo by Marco van Uden

Ruter_130_AkerBrygge.jpg (149853 bytes)

Ruter - Norway
Oslo tram 130 in the city center at Akerbrygge.
Oslo, 15-08-2022

Photo by Marco van Uden

Storo1.jpg (82171 bytes)

Oslo tram type SL79 no 138 entering Storo tram stop in northern Oslo on a winter day.

Photo: Kjetil Refsnes Jørgensen

no03.jpg (49631 bytes)

GT6 124 der Osloer Verkehrsbetriebe passiert eine interessante Verkehrsinsel nahe der Haltestelle "Solli". Tatsaechlich handelt es sich um einen Brunnen mit kleinen Fontaenen. Sobald eine Strassenbahn sich naehert, werden diese Fontaenen kleiner gestellt, damit die Strassenbahn passieren kann. Im Bild sind sie rechts des Gelenkwagens als kleine Lichtpunkte erkennbar, da sie von unten beleuchtet werden. Die Schienen fuehren wirklich durchs Wasser!

Foto & Scan: Peter Berlich (

tramgirl.jpg (131275 bytes)

Frankly, the girl was lucky indeed! A southbound tramcar – also of class SL79 – appeared in a few minutes. The tram stop at Sæter is the last one before the terminus of Ljabru, the southernmost point which can be reached by tramcar in Oslo. Taken in the summer of 2002, this picture shows the beauty of the southern suburbs of a city which has lost much of its charm of yesteryear…

Photo by Leif-Harald Ruud ( -

City_Hall.jpg (131683 bytes)

Articulated trams of class SL 95 (no. 165) and class SL 79 (no. 122) on the City Hall Square at the magnificent Oslo Waterfront. The picture was taken 08.04.03, just when crowds of people had left the trams to invade the outdoor restaurants nearby!

Photo by Leif-Harald Ruud ( -
