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Directory: /pix/nl/trams/Amsterdam/misc

Last update: Mon 17 Feb 18:07:30 GMT 2025
Pictures on this page: 14


140913-204.jpg (119597 bytes)

Amstelstraat Amsterdam, 13-09-2014.

© Eddy Konijnendijk.

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GVB 365
Amstelveenseweg/Surinamestraat, Amsterdam

© Eddy Konijnendijk.

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GVB tram en sneltramhalte Uilenstede in Amstelveen, 20-10-2018.

© Eddy Konijnendijk.

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GVB tram en sneltramhalte Uilenstede in Amstelveen, 20-10-2018.

© Eddy Konijnendijk.

Amsterdam_Damrak_1.jpg (103962 bytes)

Amsterdam Damrak. 1993.
Seen from the stop Dam. In the background, the Centraal station.

Photo and scan by M.R.Koblischka (

Amsterdam_Leidsestraat_1.jpg (98915 bytes)

Amsterdam Leidsestraat. 1993.

Photo and scan by M.R.Koblischka (

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Tram track of line 1 and 17 in the middle of the Lelylaan.

Photo by Thomas van Berkel

Shunter.jpg (83134 bytes)

Shunter owned by a construction company, used by the construction of the IJ-tram in Amsterdam. This new tram line connects IJburg with the central station. It is pictured next to the eastern entrance of the Piet Heintunnel on October 17th 2003.

Photo by Ernst Berkhout ( with Fuji FinePix A310.

amst_3.jpg (52875 bytes)

24 July 1993, in front of the central railway station, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Amsterdam tramcars Nos. 609, 699 and 913

Photo by Sven Manias (

amsterdam1.jpg (48943 bytes)

Amsterdam, 25.7.1987. Triebwagenparade vor dem Hauptbahnhof. Tw 885 auf Linie 1; T2 751 auf Linie 2; Tw 882 auf Linie 13 und ein weiterer Zug der gleichen Serie auf Linie 5.

Foto & Scan: Peter Berlich (

amsterdam_aband.jpg (153304 bytes)

Abandoned Tracks in Amsterdam
Aug 20, 2003

Photo by Stefan Walter

amsterdam_gleisverschlingung.jpg (132708 bytes)

Characteristic Tracks at Leidsestraat, two tracks in the stops (above the "Grachts") and single-tracked inbetween, where there is a busy shopping area.
Aug 21, 2003

Photo by Stefan Walter

amsterdamanlagen_bk1309030373.jpg (144416 bytes)

Straßenbahn Amsterdam - Anlagen

Display mit den nächsten Abfahrtzeiten der Linien 5, 1 und 2 an der Haltestelle Leidseplein, aufgenommen am 03. September 2013.

Photo: Bernd Kittendorf (

gvb_prinsengracht01.jpg (62594 bytes)

Between Kaizergracht and Leidseplein, parts of the lines 1, 2, and 5 are single-tracked, and are dual track only on the canal bridges (eg Kaisergracht and Prinsengracht). This gives pedestrians a wider amount of space to walk.

(C) 2004 by Josh Hanz (
