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Directory: /pix/nl/private/Syntus/LINT/misc
Last update: Sun May 15 12:44:52 CEST 2022
LINT41H van Syntus. Arnhem, 25 juli 2003.
© Bastiaan Luytjes. |
The line Almelo - Marienberg is operated by Connexxion, but you'll often
find a Syntus Lint operating, because Connexxion only has one old DMU (Plan X 186) for
this line. This is a Lint in Marienberg, and no, it's not heading for Halle. ;-)
Photo and scan by David Eerdmans ( |
Een LINT41H van Syntus in Zwolle. Datum onbekend.
© Bastiaan Luytjes. |
line-up van syntus op Arnhem CS
Foto:16-10-2005 J. Salemink |
Syntus Lint between Arnhem and Winterswijk.
Arnhem Velperpoort, July 27, 2003
Photo by M.Rörik ( |
Two Synthus Lints near Zevenaar. 27 November 2002. Submitted to ERPG on 11 January 2003.
(c) Rob Reinders ( |
Diesel motor units 'Lint' of Syntus arrives at the station of Zevenaar, in the direction of Arnhem. (Spring 2005 By Walter M. Brands,, |
Diesel motor units 'Lint' of Syntus at the station of Zevenaar. (Spring 2005 By Walter M. Brands,, |