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Directory: /pix/nl/museum/SHM/steam/26

Last update: Sun 9 Feb 12:34:13 GMT 2025
Pictures on this page: 29 (28 + 1)


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SHM 26 "Ir. P.H. Bosboom" near Midwoud, 14-05-2010.

© Eddy Konijnendijk.

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No. 26 'Ir. P.H. Bosboom' shunting at Hoorn with a demostration goods train on the SHM (Stoomtram Hoorn Medenblik), during a 'Weekeind van het Nieuw' event when, members have free access, 29 june 2003.

Photo and scan: Henk van Vuren Website : Henks Picture Gallery

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SHM 26 'Ir. BOsboom' shunts in Hoorn on 28 September 2013.

Photo by Leon Schrijvers

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SHM 26 'Ir. BOsboom' shunts in Hoorn on 28 September 2013.

Photo by Leon Schrijvers

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SHM 26 'Ir. BOsboom' arrives in Hoorn on 28 September 2013.

Photo by Leon Schrijvers

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SHM 26 'Ir. BOsboom' arrives in Wognum on 28 September 2013.

Photo by Leon Schrijvers

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Lok 26 "Ir.P.H.Bosboom" der Limburgsche Tramweg Maatschappij, gebaut 1922 bei Hanomag, am 30.06.2000 in Twisk (NL) bereit zur Abfahrt. Loco #26 "Ir.P.H.Bosboom" of Limburgsche Tramweg Maatschappij, build in 1922 by Hanomag, at Twisk-station (NL) on 30th of June 2000.

Photo by Arnim v. Herff (

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SHM a short goods-steamtram with locomotive LTM 26 and NTM K16 and newly restored NHTM 38 in the station of Wognum-Nibbixwoud, 29-04-2005 Photo © SHM/H.R. BInkhorst (

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SHM steamtramlocomotive 26 and steamlocomotive 16 with the train of Austrian coaches in Opperdoes, 24-06-2000

Photo and scan: Huib. Binkhorst © (

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SHM steamtramlocomotive 26 "Ir. P.H. Bosboom" in the station of Opperdoes, 09-05-2002

Photo and scan: Huib. Binkhorst © (

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SHM steamtramlocomotive 26, with in its train the goods van NS 5060 and the Swiss coaches, arriving in the station of Wognum-Nibbixwoud (before this station was restorated), 01-06-2000

Photo and scan: Huib. Binkhorst © (

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SHM steamtramlocomotive 26 with the train of Swiss coaches arriving in Opperdoes, 01-06-2000

Photo and scan: Huib. Binkhorst © (

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SHM steamtramlocomotive LTM 26 + NTM K16 + GoTM 22 + GoTM 21 + NTM C205 + NTM D6, Wognum-Nibbixwoud, 24 mei 2001

Foto & scan: Huib. Binkhorst © (

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SHM steamtramlocomotive 26 "Ir. P.H. Bosboom" with a train of Swiss carriages in evening-light at the station of Wognum-Nibbixwoud, 23-06-2001

Photo and scan: Huib. Binkhorst © (

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SHM steamtramlocomotive 26 "Ir. P.H. Bosboom", Twisk, 09-05-2002

Photo and scan: Huib. Binkhorst © (

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SHM steamtramlocomotive 26 "Ir. P.H. Bosboom", with a long train of Austrian coaches, arriving in Hoorn, 30-08-2003

Photo and scan: Huib. Binkhorst © (

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SHM steamtramlocomotive 26 "Ir. P.H. Bosboom", with goods van NS 5060 and coaches NS C 290 and (former ÖBB) 51 - 60 nearby Benningbroek (in the background), 31-08-2003

Photo and scan: Huib. Binkhorst © (

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SHM steamtramlocomotive 26 "Ir. P.H. Bosboom", with the historic dutch passengerstram, is passing by steamlocomotive 30 "Hoorn", with a historic dutch freighttram, in the station of Zwaag, during the program "Weekend van het Nieuw 2003", 28-06-2003

Photo and scan: Huib. Binkhorst © (

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SHM steamlocomotives 26 and 5, with a train of Swiss coaches, due to depart Medemblik, 24-06-2000

Photo and scan: Huib. Binkhorst © (

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SHM steamtramlocomotives 26 "Ir. P.H. Bosboom" and 7742 "Bello", with a train of austrian coaches between Twisk and Midwoud-Oostwoud, 24-06-2000

Photo and scan: Huib. Binkhorst © (

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SHM steamtramlocomotives 26 "Ir. P.H. Bosboom" and 7742 "Bello", with a train of austrian coaches, leaving Medemblik, 24-06-2000

Photo and scan: Huib. Binkhorst © (

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Museum railway SHM - The Netherlands
Dutch Railway Society NVBS repeated an excursion that was made 40 years ago: Amsterdam-Alkmaar with a mail motor car (then brand new), by diesel to Hoorn and with steam to Medemblik.
A regular steam tram hauled by locomotive 26 "Ir. P.H. Bosboom" leaves Wognum towards Hoorn. It will soon be followed by the two portions of the excursion train.
Wognum, 01-05-2008

Digital photo by Marco van Uden

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SHM 26

Photo: Jos Straathof

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SHM 26

Photo: Jos Straathof

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SHM 26

For more pictures see :

Photo: Jos Straathof

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SHM 26

Photo: Jos Straathof

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NVBS 75 festivities - The Netherlands
On 14 and 15 October 2006 the Dutch railfan society NVBS celebrated its 75th birthday by running (mostly) stock from the 1930s and modern times between Arnhem, Dieren, Zutphen and Apeldoorn.

LTM 26 is a very powerful steam tram locomotive. It used to run in the only hilly part of The Netherlands (Limburg) and is now operated by the SHM museum railway.
Beekbergen, 14-10-2006

Digital photo by Marco van Uden

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NVBS 75 festivities - The Netherlands
On 14 and 15 October 2006 the Dutch railfan society NVBS celebrated its 75th birthday by running (mostly) stock from the 1930s and modern times between Arnhem, Dieren, Zutphen and Apeldoorn.

LTM 26 runs around its train in Loenen. While on the first part of the VMS museum railway (Apeldoorn-Beekbergen) mainline steam trains operated, the second part (Beekbergen-Loenen) was operated by steam trams. The final part (Loenen-Dieren) saw passenger cars hauled by diesel locomotives.
Loenen, 14-10-2006

Digital photo by Marco van Uden

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Museum railway SHM - The Netherlands
Dutch Railway Society NVBS repeated an excursion that was made 40 years ago: Amsterdam-Alkmaar with a mail motor car (then brand new), by diesel to Hoorn and with steam to Medemblik.
SHM steam tram locomotive 18 "Leeghwater" with one coach of the special train waits at Wognum while number 26 "Ir. P.H. Bosboom" prepares to leave with the regular tram towards Hoorn.
Wognum, 01-05-2008

Digital photo by Marco van Uden
