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Directory: /pix/new/2024/02_feb18-misc
Last update: Tue 18 Feb 18:24:29 GMT 2025
A freight car "Habbiilns" of OBB (Osterreichische Bundes Bahnen / Austrian Railways) at railway station Iskar in composition of freight train.
Digital photo Veselin Malinov , e-mail: |
A private electric locomotive SIEMENS Taurus , owned by private operator RCC ("Rail Cargo Carrier") with number 91 81 1116 025 - 8 at railway station Ihtiman after pullling a freight train.
You can see my website:
Digital photo Veselin Malinov , e-mail: |
A freight cars "Ealos" of DB (Deutsche Bahn / German Railways) at railway station Iskar in composition of freight train.
You can see my website:
Digital photo Veselin Malinov , e-mail: |
Am 08.01.2024, also kurz vor Beginn des Streiks, stand Lok 6111 213-5 der SmartRail GmbH (ZUG) nahe dem Bahnhof Frankfurt-Höchst für eine neue Fuhre bereit. Loco 6111 213-5 of SmartRail GmbH (ZUG) waiting for a new task shortly before the railway strike began (Frankfurt-Höchst, 01-08-2024). |
Locomotive 2248 070-5 of the Northrail Fahrzeugverwaltungs GmbH (NRAIL) standing north of Hemsbach being in service for the BM-Bahndienste (BMB) (02/13/2024) while the Main-Neckar-Bahn was under construction and thus closed for public transportation between 02/02/2024 and 02/26/2024. Binary file /pix/de/private/lease-hire/northrail/22480705.txt matches |
On 02/04/2024 the two construction railcars 636 003-2 and 636 011-5 of the KAF Falkenhahn (KAF) were pausing under the Donges bridge at Darmstadt main station. They were supposed to be used while the Main-Neckar-Bahn was under construction and thus closed for public transportation between 02/02/2024 and 02/26/2024. Binary file /pix/de/private/work/KAF/636003-2.txt matches | Binary file /pix/de/private/work/SGL/12613081.txt matches | Binary file /pix/de/private/work/SGL/12613131.txt matches | Binary file /pix/de/private/work/SGL/12613149.txt matches |
Lok 18 (1225 018-1) der H. F. Wiebe (BLP) war am 13.02.2024 in Weinheim vor einen Bauzug gespannt und leistete zwischen dem 02. und 26.02.2024 bei der Sanierung der Main-Neckar-Bahn gute Dienste. Locomotive 18 (1225 018-1) of the H. F. Wiebe (BLP) shunted a construction train in Weinheim (02/13/2024) while the Main-Neckar-Bahn was under construction and thus closed for public transportation between 02/02/2024 and 02/26/2024. |
Locomotive 16 (1277 803-3) of the H. F. Wiebe (BLP) showed up in a blue outfit while shunting a construction train on the tracks of Darmstadt main station (05/13/2022). Binary file /pix/de/private/work/Wiebe/locomotive/G1700/12778033.txt matches |
DB Bahnhof Bad Dürkheim. November 2023. Bahnhofsgebäude Strassenseite. In der Strasse die Wendeschleife der RHB (rnv Linie 4/4A). Photo by M.Koblischka |
DB Bahnhof Bad Dürkheim. November 2023. Bahnhofsgebäude Strassenseite. In der Strasse die Wendeschleife der RHB (rnv Linie 4/4A). Photo by M.Koblischka |
DB Bahnhof Bad Dürkheim. November 2023. Bahnhofsgebäude Gleisseite. Photo by M.Koblischka |
DB Bahnhof Bad Dürkheim. November 2023. Bahnhofsgebäude Gleisseite (Gleis 1 mit Prellbock) und Bahnsteig (Gleis 2 und 3). Photo by M.Koblischka |
DB Bahnhof Bad Dürkheim. November 2023. Bahnsteig (Gleis 2 und 3). Photo by M.Koblischka |
DB Bahnhof Bad Dürkheim. November 2023. Bahnhofsgebäude Gleisseite. Photo by M.Koblischka |
DB Bahnhof Bad Dürkheim. November 2023. Bahnsteig (Gleis 2 und 3) vom Hausbahnsteig Gleis 1 gesehen. Photo by M.Koblischka |
DB Bahnhof Bad Dürkheim. November 2023. Bahnhofsausfahrt. Photo by M.Koblischka |
DB Bahnhof Bad Dürkheim. November 2023. Das Gleisende von Gleis 2 und 3. Photo by M.Koblischka |
DB Bahnhof Bad Dürkheim. November 2023. Gleisende Gleis 1. Gleise 2 und 3 haben noch eine Weiche und einen kurzen Gleisstummel. Photo by M.Koblischka |
A freight car "Fas" of SNCF (Societe Nationale des Chemins de fer Francais / French Railways) at railway station Ilyantsi in composition of freight train.
You can see my website:
Digital photo Veselin Malinov , e-mail: |
PKP Cargo ST48-079 is leaving Rebiszow at the rear end of the culm train towards Jelenia Gora headed by ET26-004, Lower Silesia, Poland, 17.02.2024.
Photo by Michal Kozicki ( |
PKP Cargo EU07-1516 in service of PKP IC is stopping in Jelenia Gora with the TLK "Orzeszkowa" train from Szklarska Poreba to Warszawa Wschodnia, Poland, 17.02.2024.
Photo by Michal Kozicki ( |
A freight car "Rilns" of ZSS ( Zeleznicna Spolocnost Slovensko / Slovakian Railways) at railway station Iskar in compsoition of freight train.
You can see my website:
Digital photo Veselin Malinov , e-mail: |