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Directory: /pix/new/01_jan04-at+de

Last update: Wed 5 Mar 21:43:40 GMT 2025
Pictures on this page: 20 (0 + 20)


20241212_OBB-Bmz-91-111.jpg (160486 bytes)

Austrian OBB seat coach "Sitzwagen" coach type Bmz NVR A-OBB 73 81 21-91 111-4 in NIGHJET colors at Brussels Midi Station - 12/12/2024.

Photo by Guido Allieri ( -

20241212_OBB-Bcmz-91-106.jpg (157996 bytes)

Austrian OBB Couchette "Liegewagen" coach type Bcmz NVR A-OBB 73 81 59-91 106-9 in NIGHJET colors at Brussels Midi Station - 12/12/2024.

Photo by Guido Allieri ( -

20241212_OBB-Bvcmbz-90-010.jpg (160456 bytes)

Austrian OBB Couchette "Liegewagen" coach type Bvcmbz NVR D-BTEX 61 80 59-90 010-9 in NIGHJET colors at Brussels Midi Station - 12/12/2024.

Photo by Guido Allieri ( -

20241212_OBB-WLABmz-90-039.jpg (159812 bytes)

Austrian OBB Sleeping "Schlafwagen" coach type WLABmz NVR D-OBB 61 80 72-90 039-1 in NIGHJET colors at Brussels Midi Station - 12/12/2024.

Photo by Guido Allieri ( -

20241212_NMBS-I10A-11-70-00.jpg (161194 bytes)

Belgian National railways NMBS/SNCB first class coach type I10A NVR 51 88 11-70 005-4 B-B on a very cold evening at Brussels Midi Station - 12/12/2024.

Photo by Guido Allieri ( -

20241212_NMBS-M4-ADx-81-78-049.jpg (162722 bytes)

Belgian National railways NMBS/SNCB first class driving trailer type M4 Adx NVR 50 88 81-78 049-0 B-B at Brussels Midi Station - 12/12/2024.

Photo by Guido Allieri ( -

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Belgian National railways NMBS/SNCB second class double deck coach type M6B NVR 50 88 26-96042-1 B-B on a very cold evening at Brussels Midi Station - 12/12/2024.

Photo by Guido Allieri ( -

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Belgian National railways NMBS/SNCB modern electric loco Class 18 nr. 1801 (NVR 91 88 0180 010-6 B-B) in special "Breng je graag mensen samen?" colors is pulling a set of graffited local coaches on a very cold evening at Brussels Midi Station - 12/12/2024.

Photo by Guido Allieri ( -

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Belgian National railways NMBS/SNCB modern electric loco Class 18 nr. 1863 (NVR 91 88 0180 630-x B-B) ready to pull OBB "NIGHTJET" service on a very cold evening at Brussels Midi Station - 12/12/2024.

Photo by Guido Allieri ( -

20241212_NMBS-2713.jpg (159799 bytes)

Belgian National railways NMBS/SNCB classic electric loco Class 27 nr. 2713 (NVR 91 88 027 013 0-3 B-B) is pushing a local service on a very cold evening at Brussels Midi Station - 12/12/2024.

Photo by Guido Allieri ( -

20241212_NMBS-2752.jpg (158307 bytes)

Belgian National railways NMBS/SNCB classic electric loco Class 27 nr. 2752 (NVR 91 88 027 052 0-5 B-B) is pushing a set of double deck coches on a very cold evening at Brussels Midi Station - 12/12/2024.

Photo by Guido Allieri ( -

20241212_NMBS-AM80-329.jpg (158620 bytes)

Belgian National railways NMBS/SNCB EMU-3 clss AM80 nr. 329 is departing on a very cold evening at Brussels Midi Station - 12/12/2024.

Photo by Guido Allieri ( -

20241212_DB-ICE3N-8001.jpg (162250 bytes)

DB High speed trainset EMU-8 type ICE3Neo nr. 8001 NVR 91 80 5408 001-6 D-DB pictured during a very cold evening at Brussels Midi Station - 12/12/2024.

Photo by Guido Allieri ( -

Stuttgart_Hbf_Feb2024_1.jpg (142174 bytes)

Stuttgart Hbf. Februar 2024.
Der Arnulf-Klett-Platz aus Richtung Hotel Graf Zeppelin.

Photo by M.Koblischka

Stuttgart_Hbf_Feb2024_2.jpg (116954 bytes)

Stuttgart Hbf. Februar 2024.
Das ehemalige Intercity-Hotel.

Photo by M.Koblischka

Stuttgart_Hbf_Feb2024_3.jpg (150952 bytes)

Stuttgart Hbf. Februar 2024.
Der Mitteltrakt des Hbf. Am "Züblin"-Plakat ist ein Stück Wand eingestürzt...

Photo by M.Koblischka

Stuttgart_Hbf_Feb2024_4.jpg (150414 bytes)

Stuttgart Hbf. Februar 2024.
Detail der Baumassnahmen am Mitteltrakt des Hbf. Von den Bus- bzw. Taxihaltestellen sind es weite Wege zur U-Bahn und den Zügen.

Photo by M.Koblischka

Stuttgart_Hbf_Feb2024_5.jpg (148171 bytes)

Stuttgart Hbf. Februar 2024.
Der ehemalige Haupteingang und der Bahnhofsturm im Hintergrund. Gut sieht man auch die umfangreiche Stützkonstruktion am Mittelteil...

Photo by M.Koblischka

Stuttgart_Hbf_Feb2024_6.jpg (150707 bytes)

Stuttgart Hbf. Februar 2024.
Der ehemalige Haupteingang. Man beachte die Hinweisschilder, um den Zugang zu den Zügen zu finden!

Photo by M.Koblischka

Stuttgart_Hbf_Feb2024_7.jpg (150444 bytes)

Stuttgart Hbf. Februar 2024.
Der ehemalige Haupteingang. Man beachte die Hinweisschilder, um den Zugang zu den Zügen zu finden!

Photo by M.Koblischka
