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Last update: Sat Nov 15 20:38:32 CET 2014
Pictures on this page: 36


2005_HU_1_073.jpg (90229 bytes)

View from train 411 "Olympus" (Ljubljana - Thessaloniki) between Skopje and Gevgelija.

Helmut Uttenthaler,

2005_HU_1_074.jpg (76438 bytes)

View from train 411 "Olympus" (Ljubljana - Thessaloniki) between Skopje and Gevgelija.

Helmut Uttenthaler,

Bitola-Veles-1.jpg (65908 bytes)

The railway line Bitola - Veles between Gostirazni and Bogomila.

Foto: Slobodan Ilic, 03.10.2006 (

Bitola-Veles-2.jpg (73519 bytes)

The railway line Bitola - Veles between Gostirazni and Bogomila.

Foto: Slobodan Ilic, 03.10.2006 (

Bridge-1.jpg (64303 bytes)

The international train "Olympus" on the route: Thessaloniki - Skopje - Beograd - Ljubljana is crossing a bridge shortly before it will arrive at Demir Kapija..

Photo: Slobodan Ilic (, 02.10.2006

Catenary+Signals-Gevgelija.jpg (160834 bytes)

Catenary and Signals at Gevgelija.

Photo: Slobodan Ilic, 13.06.2006 (

Catenary-Demir_Kapija.jpg (84644 bytes)

Catenary at Demir Kapija.

Photo: Slobodan Ilic, 03.10.2006 (

Catenary-Gevgelija-1.jpg (84878 bytes)

Catenary at Gevgelija.

Photo: Slobodan Ilic, 03.10.2006 (

Catenary-Gevgelija-2.jpg (150987 bytes)

Die Oberleitungsportale am Bahnhof Gevgelija. Die Bahnen in Mazedonien sind mit dem Einphasensystem 25 kV, 50 Hz elektrifiziert.

Photo: Slobodan Ilic, 03.10.2006 (

Catenary-Veles-1.jpg (77323 bytes)

Catenary at Veles.

Photo: Slobodan Ilic, 13.06.2006 (

Catenary-Veles-2.jpg (66263 bytes)

Catenary at Veles.

Photo: Slobodan Ilic, 13.06.2006 (

Catenary-Veles-3.jpg (51097 bytes)

Oberleitungsmast mit Ausleger am Bahnhof Veles.

Photo: Slobodan Ilic, 13.06.2006 (

D291.jpg (111008 bytes)

D 291 „Akropolis“ Zuglaufschild JZ München-Skopje

Foto/Copyright Rolf Wiemann

Gradsko-Sivec-1.jpg (82554 bytes)

A bridge on the industrial railway line: Gradsko - Šivec in Macedonia.

Photo: Slobodan Ilic, 12.06.2006 (

Gradsko-Sivec-2.jpg (80479 bytes)

The industrial railway line: Gradsko - Šivec in Macedonia.

Photo: Slobodan Ilic, 12.06.2006 (

MZ-JZ_D291_Muenchen-Skopje_1990.jpg (129775 bytes)

MZ-JZ D291 Muenchen-Skopje 1990

Copyright by Rolf Wiemann , Contact:

MZ-Signal-1_Gevgelija.jpg (158254 bytes)

MZ-signals at Gevgelija.

Photo: Slobodan Ilic, 13.06.2006 (

MZ-Signal-2_Gevgelija.jpg (153821 bytes)

MZ-signals at Gevgelija.

Photo: Slobodan Ilic, 13.06.2006 (

MZ-Signal-3_Gevgelija.jpg (136747 bytes)

MZ-Signale am Bahnhof Gevgelija.

Foto: Slobodan Ilic, 13.06.2006 (

MZ-Signal-4_Gevgelija.jpg (109630 bytes)

MZ-Signale am Bahnhof Gevgelija.

Foto: Slobodan Ilic, 13.06.2006 (

Skopje-Bitola.jpg (72338 bytes)

The railway line: Skopje - Bitola.

Photo and scan: Fabian Vendrig, May 11th, 2006 (;

Skopje-Veles.jpg (44274 bytes)

The railway line Skopje - Veles - Gevgelija - Thessaloniki is going just near the river Vardar; it is the most interesting between ZELENIKOVO and VELES, as well as between NEGOTINO VARDAR and MIRAVCI; the line is going through the mountains, from bridge to tunnel, from tunnel to bridge.

Foto: Slobodan Ilic, 21.02.2000 (
Upload: Frank Valoczy (

Stip-Kocani-1.jpg (91551 bytes)

The railway line Štip - Kocani between Štip and Balvan.

Foto: Slobodan Ilic, 03.10.2006 (

Stip-Kocani-2.jpg (82048 bytes)

The railway line Štip - Kocani between Štip and Balvan.

Foto: Slobodan Ilic, 03.10.2006 (

Stip-Kocani-3.jpg (47290 bytes)

The railway line Štip - Kocani between Štip and Balvan.

Foto: Slobodan Ilic, 03.10.2006 (

Vardar-1.jpg (74287 bytes)

The canyon of the river Vardar in Macedonia, close to Demir Kapija, seen from the train.

Photo: Slobodan Ilic (, 03.10.2006

Vardar-2.jpg (79236 bytes)

The canyon of the river Vardar in Macedonia, close to Demir Kapija, seen from the train.

Photo: Slobodan Ilic (, 03.10.2006

Vardar-3.jpg (76647 bytes)

The canyon of the river Vardar in Macedonia, close to Demir Kapija, seen from the train.

Photo: Slobodan Ilic (, 03.10.2006

Vardar-Bridge-Veles-1.jpg (61757 bytes)

The railway bridge in Veles - on this place the railway line Veles - Kocani crosses the river Vardar.

Foto: Slobodan Ilic, 03.10.2006 (

Vardar-Bridge-Veles-2.jpg (55714 bytes)

The railway bridge in Veles - on this place the railway line Veles - Kocani crosses the river Vardar.

Foto: Slobodan Ilic, 03.10.2006 (

Vardar-Bridge.jpg (49578 bytes)

The steel bridge on the river VARDAR in Veles, on the line Skopje - Veles - Kocani. After Veles the line is not more electrified.

Foto: Slobodan Ilic, 21.02.2000 (
Upload: Frank Valoczy (

mast-1.jpg (159198 bytes)

Oberleitungsmast mit Ausleger am Bahnhof KUKURICANI an der Bahnlinie Skopje - Veles - Gevgelija. Mazedonische Bahnen sind mit dem Einphasensystem 25 kV, 50 Hz elektrifiziert.

Foto: Slobodan Ilic, 03.10.2006 (

mast-2.jpg (159701 bytes)

Catenary on the station of KUKURICANI on the line: Skopje - Veles - Gevgelija. Mazedonian railways are electrified with the single phase system 25 kV, 50 Hz.

Photo: Slobodan Ilic, 03.10.2006 (

mast-3.jpg (104134 bytes)

Catenary on the station of KUKURICANI on the line: Skopje - Veles - Gevgelija. Mazedonian railways are electrified with the single phase system 25 kV, 50 Hz.

Photo: Slobodan Ilic, 03.10.2006 (

mast-4.jpg (121527 bytes)

Oberleitungsmast mit Ausleger am Bahnhof KUKURICANI an der Bahnlinie Skopje - Veles - Gevgelija. Mazedonische Bahnen sind mit dem Einphasensystem 25 kV, 50 Hz elektrifiziert.

Foto: Slobodan Ilic, 03.10.2006 (

ohridexpress.jpg (38501 bytes)

Destination board of the Ohrid-Express in the window of an MZ sleeping car type WLBl.

Foto: Slobodan Ilic (
Upload: Frank Valoczy (
