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Directory: /pix/it/work/catenary

Last update: Tue 7 Jan 11:15:08 GMT 2025
Pictures on this page: 20


182fs1.jpg (106792 bytes)

Automotrice diesel per la manutenzione della linea aerea di contatto ripreso presso Lentate sul Seveso sulla linea Milano-Como-Chiasso nell'estate del 1996.

(Photo and scan by Silvio Assi - homepage: - email:

2-workcars-mt.jpg (69147 bytes)

FS Work Cars.
Double-headed work cars rumble onto the causeway and away from Venice S. Lucia station on Tuesday morning, September 18th, 2001.

Photo by Michael Taylor, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. (


20230802_RFI-K45-2650.jpg (123279 bytes)

RFI Rete Ferroviaria Italiana small service autocar Kelelr K 45 nr. 2650 at Peri Station along the Brenner Line. 02/08/2023.

Photo by Guido Allieri (

Baufzg_Puster.jpg (150669 bytes)

FS building vehicle K 45 sided at Casteldarne/Ehrenburg, Jul 4th 2006

Photo: Ulf Fischer

Catenary_work_car_TBV.jpg (122168 bytes)

Catenary work car at Tarvisio Boscoverde 02/11/03

Photo: Ulf;  

Thousands of full size pictures from the austrian railway pictureteam at

ER24-IT-95.jpg (159755 bytes)

Stazione di Genova Pontedecimo

Photo by Emanuele Rava, 11-05-2024 e-mail

FS0155.jpg (108533 bytes)

S 45.2595, in Rimini Fiera station, March 2004

Photo by Mattia C. (

FS_30_83_951_3_100-3_Vre__08-04-2006_MiSmist-01.jpg (135673 bytes)

Trenitalia - 30 83 951 3 100-3 Vre. Milano Smistamento, 08/04/2006.

Photo by Massimo Rinaldi (

FS_30_83_951_3_100-3_Vre__08-04-2006_MiSmist-03.jpg (120135 bytes)

Trenitalia - 30 83 951 3 100-3 Vre. Milano Smistamento, 08/04/2006.

Photo by Massimo Rinaldi (

FS_30_83_951_3_100-3_Vre__08-04-2006_MiSmist-06.jpg (134905 bytes)

Trenitalia - 30 83 951 3 100-3 Vre. Milano Smistamento, 08/04/2006.

Photo by Massimo Rinaldi (

FS_Bauwagen_Be.jpg (153547 bytes)

FS building vehicle at Brennero/Brenner. 08/07/2003

Photo: Ulf

Thousands of full size pictures from the ARP at

IMG_4113.jpg (182345 bytes)

FS Baufahrzeuge
in Brunico/Bruneck

Photo v. Michael Katai, 03.06.2005

K45_2654.jpg (150120 bytes)

FS s.p.a. K45 2654 in Rio di Pusteria/Mühlbach, 14-08-2001.

Binary file K45_2654.txt matches

RFI-TERMEC_99839131105_Modena.jpg (150791 bytes)

RFI - Italy
Brand new maintenance train built by TERMEC for RFI, with UIC number 99 83 9131 105, seen in Modena.
Modena, 29-12-2023

Photo by Marco van Uden

RFI_Worktrain_Mezzocorona.jpg (129142 bytes)

RFI - Italy
A work train on one of the goods tracks in Mezzocorona. The old goods shed can be seen in the background, the RFI station is to the right.
Mezzocorona, 22-01-2008

Digital photo by Marco van Uden

S45-2422_2007_07_23.jpg (149759 bytes)


23.07.2007, Levanto

Photo W. Kolins

controllocavi.jpg (156222 bytes)

FS work car, used to check the cables - Milano Centrale - 23/03/2002

Photo by Alessandro Storti Gajani (

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Ein Fahrleitungszug der FS abgestellt im Bahnhof Firenze S.M.N. (Florenz)

A catenary work train is standing in the station Firenze S.M.N.

Mai 1999

Photo: A. Senn;

work-trev-mt.jpg (56907 bytes)

FS work equipment. A work car for servicing the overhead wires at Treviso on Monday June 18, 2001.

Photo by Michael Taylor, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. (


workcar_LT1.jpg (149490 bytes)

Small overhead wire work car in a station between Lecco and Colico.


Photo: Marc Haber
