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Directory: /pix/it/private/FNM/electric/emu/EB700

Last update: Sun 19 Jan 13:39:26 GMT 2025
Pictures on this page: 8


182fnm2.jpg (41485 bytes)

Automotrice elettrica EB 700 delle Ferrovie Nord Milano (FNM) presso Arosio sulla linea Milano-Seveso-Asso ancora nella classica colorazione marrone. Maggio 1996.

(Photo and scan by Silvio Assi - homepage: - email:

FNM-01.jpg (148170 bytes)

FNM (Ferrovie Nord Milano) (Italie)
Automotrice EBD 700-12 en gare de Laveno Mombello Nord
10 avril 2007

Photo Bruno THALLER -

FNM_EB700-02_Savigliano.jpg (150081 bytes)

FNM - Italy
Piemonte province railway museum in Savigliano.
Electric commuter motor car EB700-02 of the Ferrovie Nord Milano, waiting for restoration.
Savigliano, 29-12-2024

Photo by Marco van Uden

FNM_EB700-11__2006-12-04_Milano-Cadorna-02.jpg (136483 bytes)

FNM - EB 700-11. Milano Cadorna, 2006-12-04.

Photo by Massimo Rinaldi (

FNM_EBD700-14_FM__MiCad-02.jpg (149874 bytes)

FNM - EBD700 14. Milano Cadorna, 06/10/2005.

Digital photo by Massimo Rinaldi (

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In the old FNM Saronno station, a consist of ancient emus is departing to Milano.

Photo by Stefano Paolini --- More at:

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A 5 cars emus train is leaving the old Milano Cadorna station bound to Novara.

Photo by Stefano Paolini --- More at:

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FNM - Ferrovie Nord Milano - EB 700-05

Triebwagen EB 700-05 am 18. März 1988. Die Triebwagen dieser Serie wurden im Jahr 1929 von OM/TIBB gebaut, haben die Achsfolge Bo'Bo' bei 20,60 m Länge und 55 t und leisten 4x136 kW. Rechts im Bild ist die von Fiat gebaute Lok DE 500-5 zu sehen.

Photo: Bernd Kittendorf (
