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Directory: /pix/it/funicular/Venezia

Last update: Mon Sep 7 18:23:10 CEST 2015
Pictures on this page: 6


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In 2010 a Doppelmayr Cable Car (automatic driverless horizontal funicular) opened on the 822 meter line Tronchetto - Marittima - Piazzale Roma in Venezia (known as People Mover). Tronchetto is the main parking island for the city, with a station for long distance buses (such as the Intercitybus from/to Klagenfurt, Austria), Marittima is the passenger terminal for ferries and cruise ships, and Piazzale Roma is the station for regional buses, near the Santa Lucia station, with a parking garage. The system has two trains pulled by a rope, here we see one of the trains leaving Piazzale Roma station (the parking garage is on the right). 2013-10-19.

tobias b köhler

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Doppelmayr Cable Car peoplemover departing from the end station. Venezia Piazzale Roma, 2015-09-02.

tobias b köhler

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Doppelmayr Cable Car peoplemover departing from the end station. Venezia Piazzale Roma, 2015-09-02.

tobias b köhler

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Interior of the People Mover of Venezia. It's mostly standing room, with generous space for wheelchairs and benches for seating at the end of each car. Entrance is on one side, exit on the other. For 1 EUR you get a paper ticket with a bar code, the stations have escalators and lifts to the platform. 2013-10-19.

tobias b köhler

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Zoom on the people mover of Venezia (Doppelmayr cable car with CWA carbodies) seen from Piazzale Roma. Yes that's a car under the bridge, a rarity for this city but that is the access road to the ferry terminal. 2013-10-19.

tobias b köhler

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Doppelmayr Cable Car peoplemover end station. Venezia Piazzale Roma, 2015-09-02.

tobias b köhler
