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Directory: /pix/ie/diesel/071

Last update: Tue 18 Feb 18:40:48 GMT 2025
Pictures on this page: 26


072-D908.jpg (148113 bytes)

Iarnród Éireann 071-Class

Iarnród Éireann 071-Class, No: 072, stands at Sligo while awaiting departure with an unidentified Sligo - Dublin passenger working on Sat 16th July 2005 at 12:49.

Photo: Ross Aitken (

072-D909.jpg (146563 bytes)

Iarnród Éireann 071-Class

Iarnród Éireann 071-Class, No: 072, stands at Sligo while awaiting departure with an unidentified Sligo - Dublin passenger working on Sat 16th July 2005 at 12:29.

Photo: Ross Aitken (

072-D929.jpg (154269 bytes)

Iarnród Éireann 071-Class

IE 071-Class locomotive, No: 072, awaits departure from Sligo with a Sligo-Dublin service on Sat 16th Jul 2005 at 12:50.

Photo: Ross Aitken (

074-D452.jpg (149778 bytes)

Iarnród Éireann 071-Class

Iarnród Éireann 071-Class, No: 074, passes Killucan passing loop with an unidentified Dublin bound passenger service on Sat 16th July 2005 at 09:56.

Photo: Ross Aitken (

078-S177.jpg (88041 bytes)

Iarnrod Eireann 071-Class.

078 heads the 09:40 Dublin Connolly - Belfast GVS cross border express through Lisburn on wednesday 4th August 1999 at 11:33.

Photo and scan: Ross Aitken (

078-S180.jpg (86346 bytes)

Iarnrod Eireann 071-Class.

078 departs from Belfast Great Victoria Street with the 12:30 Belfast GVS - Dublin Connolly cross border express on wednesday 4th August 1999 at 12:30. Alongside can be seen a NIR/Translink 8080-Class DMU, No: 8097 (cars 8097+8765+8734).

Photo and scan: Ross Aitken (

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Until the recent arrival of the new GM locomotives the 071 Class, 2475hp Co-Co locomotive was the flagship class of both Irish Rail and Northern Ireland Railways. This class has been in service since 1977 and became famous for their cross-border express passenger workings between Dublin and Belfast. Sporting the current IE paint scheme and logo, 078 gets ready to depart Dublin Connolly with a rake of MK3 coaches destined for Rosslare Europort to connect with the French ferry services. (April 1995)

Photo and scan by Tom Sheridan <>

080-S210.jpg (79052 bytes)

Iarnrod Eireann 071-Class.

080 stands at Belfast Great Victoria Strret while awaiting departure with the 12:30 Belfast GVS - Dublin Connolly cross border express on thurdayday 5th August 1999 at 12:25. TO the left can be seen a NIR/Translink 8080-Class DMU, No: 8098.

Photo and scan: Ross Aitken (

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Iarnród Éireann (Irish Rail) 071 Class loco number 082 awaits departure from Dublin's Connolly station in October 1998. This class of eighteen 2475hp locomotives were built by General Motors in 1976, whilst three virtually identical machines built in 1980 and 1984 form Northern Ireland Railways' 111 Class. These classes have recently been displaced from inter-capital express duties by the new 201 Class locomotives, which in common with the entire IE locomotive fleet were built by GM. Number 082 is the only member of the class to be named, bearing the name "CUMANN NA nINNEALTÓIRÍ - THE INSTITUTION OF ENGINEERS OF IRELAND"

Photo by Dave Root.

084-D451.jpg (145112 bytes)

Iarnród Éireann 071-Class

IE 071-Class, No: 084, Departs from Dublin Heuston with an unidentified working on Sat 16th Jul 2005 at 18:25.

Photo: Ross Aitken (

IE072_DublinConnolly.jpg (155619 bytes)

IE - Ireland
This is what Irish long-distance trains used to look like! A special train bringing supporters for the Hurling finals from Waterford to Dublin, arrives in Dublin Connolly station. The locomotive is number 072 in the old orange livery.
Dublin, 07-09-2008

Digital photo by Marco van Uden

IE074_LimerickJunction.jpg (152386 bytes)

IE - Ireland
Old diesel locomotive 074 is stabled at Limerick Junction, with running engine. It was probably used for work trains as much track work was going on around the station.
Limerick Junction, 08-09-2008

Digital photo by Marco van Uden

IE081_LimerickJunction.jpg (144660 bytes)

IE - Ireland
Freight trains are rather rare in Ireland. But at least two locomotives of the 071 class have been repainted in this special livery and seem to be exclusively used on freight. A freight train with cement wagons is seen waiting for a signal at Limerick Junction, with locomotive 081.
Limerick Junction, 08-09-2008

Digital photo by Marco van Uden

IE_071_Inchicore.jpg (149352 bytes)

IE Irish Railways - Ireland
Diesel locomotive 071 in the latest grey freight livery is shunting with an electric trainset at Inchicore Works.
Inchicore, 13-07-2016

Digital photo by Marco van Uden

IE_073_Limerick-Junction_2024-09-12.jpg (152724 bytes)

IE Locomotive No 073 with Maintenance Train parked at Limerick-Junction, 2024-09-12

Photo by Florian Litterst

IE_078_Westport.jpg (151384 bytes)

IE Irish Railways - Ireland
Diesel locomotive 078 in the latest grey freight livery with a freight train transporting wood in Westport.
Westport, 12-07-2016

Digital photo by Marco van Uden

P07.jpg (97053 bytes)

IE Dieselengine 087 at Connolly station,
Connolly, Ireland (Rep.)
July 2000

Photo: Freek Smedema
Scan: Paul Sonnemans

cie075_st003814.jpg (88871 bytes)

CIE - 075

Personenzug mit Lok 075 bei Kildare am 22. August 1984. Die Lok der Class 071 wurde 1977 von General Motors in La Grange, Illinois, USA, gebaut und leistet 1828 kW. Kildare liegt 48 km (30 miles) südwestlich von Dublin entfernt an der Strecke nach Limerick.

Photo: Detlef Kettner, Scan: Bernd Kittendorf (

cie076_st003809.jpg (94352 bytes)

CIE - 076

Personenzug mit Lok 076 beim Halt in Kildare am 22. August 1984. Die Lok der Class 071 wurde 1977 von General Motors in La Grange, Illinois, USA, gebaut und leistet 1828 kW. Kildare liegt 48 km (30 miles) südwestlich von Dublin entfernt an der Strecke nach Limerick.

Photo: Detlef Kettner, Scan: Bernd Kittendorf (

cie077_st003815.jpg (87872 bytes)

CIE - 077

Personenzug mit Lok 077 beim Halt in Kildare am 22. August 1984. Die Lok der Class 071 wurde 1977 von General Motors in La Grange, Illinois, USA unter der Nummer 713742 gebaut, hat die Achsfolge Co-Co und leistet 1828 kW. Kildare liegt 48 km (30 miles) südwestlich von Dublin entfernt an der Strecke nach Limerick.

Photo: Detlef Kettner, Scan: Bernd Kittendorf (

cie077_st003815a.jpg (84069 bytes)

CIE - 077

Lok 077 in Kildare am 22. August 1984.

Photo: Detlef Kettner, Scan: Bernd Kittendorf (

crossing_at_navan_station_2_yhg0.jpg (64140 bytes)

071 class loco number 072 on a Tara Mines run at Navan station in County Meath, Ireland.

Photo by Meath On Track (

dublin09.jpg (152466 bytes)

Ireland / Dublin // July 30,1998 around 13h45
In the Pearse station (near the Trinity College).
Diesel loco 073.

Photo and scan by Paul ROBERT (Belgium) {}

dublin10.jpg (129733 bytes)

Ireland / Dublin // July 30,1998 around 13h45
In the Pearse station (near the Trinity College).
Diesel loco 073.

Photo and scan by Paul ROBERT (Belgium) {}

ie_071_071_cd.jpg (49794 bytes)

The locomotive which bequeathed its number to its class, Iarnród Éireann 071 class 071 at Dublin Connolly waiting to depart for Belfast Central on April 6th 1995.

Photo by Colin Duff (

navan_viaduct_and_station_y040.jpg (75527 bytes)

071 class loco on Tara Mines run on Navan Drogheda viaduct in Navan, Co Meath, Ireland.

Photo by Meath On (
