The Picture Gallery
Directory: /pix/hr/car/freight/U-Z

Last update: Tue 11 Feb 08:34:15 GMT 2025
Pictures on this page: 30


18.jpg (44017 bytes)

End of train

Photo by: Vice Huljev <> Binary file 18.txt matches

2062_038_and_composition.jpg (147901 bytes)

HZ 2062 038 with mixed composition in Pula, Croatia

Photo: David Orlovic (

33787918071-5_gyszh.jpg (44673 bytes)

Binary file 33787918071-5_gyszh.txt matches

33_78_791_8_130-9_Mz1.jpg (147593 bytes)

INA gas tank car Zagkks-z with HZ number 33 78 791 8 130-9. Capacity 110 m3, length 18.3 m. The tankcode "23 1965" stands for: combustible gas: liquified propane/butane mixture. The orange stripe is an international sign for gas tank cars. For safety reasons such cars may not run directly behind a locomotive. Mürzzuschlag, 2003-10-04.

tobias b köhler

A_freigh_car_Zaes-z_of_HZ_near_railway_station_Todor_Kableshkov_in_composition_of_freight_train1_15_06_2024.jpg (111482 bytes)

A freight car "Zaes-z" of HZ (Hrvatske Zeljeznice / Croatian Railways) near railway station Todor Kableshkov in composition of freight train.

Digital photo Veselin Malinov , e-mail:

A_freigh_car_Zaes-z_of_HZ_near_railway_station_Todor_Kableshkov_in_composition_of_freight_train_15_06_2024.jpg (114045 bytes)

A freight car "Zaes-z" of HZ (Hrvatske Zeljeznice / Croatian Railways) near railway station Todor Kableshkov in composition of freight train.

Digital photo Veselin Malinov , e-mail:

A_freight_car_Zaes-z_of_HZ_at_railway_station_Pazardjik_in_composition_of_freight_train1_29_10_2022.jpg (117314 bytes)

A freight car "Zaes-z" of HZ (Hrvatske Zeljeznice / Croatian Railways) at railway station Pazardjik in composition of freight train. You can see my website:

Digital photo Veselin Malinov , e-mail:

A_freight_car_Zaes-z_of_HZ_at_railway_station_Pazardjik_in_composition_of_freight_train2_29_10_2022.jpg (127612 bytes)

A freight car "Zaes-z" of HZ (Hrvatske Zeljeznice / Croatian Railways) at railway station Pazardjik in composition of freight train. You can see my website:

Digital photo Veselin Malinov , e-mail:

A_freight_car_Zaes-z_of_HZ_at_railway_station_Pazardjik_in_composition_of_freight_train3_29_10_2022.jpg (75278 bytes)

A freight car "Zaes-z" of HZ (Hrvatske Zeljeznice / Croatian Railways) at railway station Pazardjik in composition of freight train. You can see my website:

Digital photo Veselin Malinov , e-mail:

A_freight_car_Zaes-z_of_HZ_at_railway_station_Pazardjik_in_composition_of_freight_train_29.10.2022.jpg (95258 bytes)

A freight car "Zaes-z" of HZ (Hrvatske Zeljeznice / Croatian Railways) at railway station Pazardjik in composition of freight train. You can see my website:

Digital photo Veselin Malinov , e-mail:

A_freight_car_Zaes-z_of_HZ_at_railway_station_Todor_Kableshkov_in_composition_of_freight_train1_03_12_2022.jpg (102362 bytes)

A freight car "Zaes - z" of HZ (Hrvatske Zeljeznice / Croatian Railways) at railway station Todor Kableshkov in composition of freight train. You can see my website:

Digital photo Veselin Malinov , e-mail:

A_freight_car_Zaes-z_of_HZ_at_railway_station_Todor_Kableshkov_in_composition_of_freight_train_03_12_2022.jpg (146923 bytes)

A freight car "Zaes - z" of HZ (Hrvatske Zeljeznice / Croatian Railways) at railway station Todor Kableshkov in composition of freight train. You can see my website:

Digital photo Veselin Malinov , e-mail:

A_freight_car_Zaes__owned_by_private_operator_PIMK_Rail_Croatia_at_railway_station_Todor_Kableshkov_in_composition_of_freight_train_27_10_2023.jpg (135987 bytes)

A private freight car "Zaes", owned by private operator "PIMK Rail Croatia" at railway station Todor Kableshkov in composition of freight train. You can see my website:

Digital photo Veselin Malinov , e-mail:

A_freight_car_Zagkks-z_of_HZ_on_railway_station_Voluyak_in_composition1_05_07_2015.jpg (121608 bytes)

A freight car "Zagkks-z" of HZ (Hrvatske Zeljeznice / Croatian railways) on railway station Voluyak in composition on freight train.

Digital photo Veselin Malinov , e-mail:

A_freight_car_Zagkks-z_of_HZ_on_railway_station_Voluyak_in_composition_05_07_2015.jpg (92747 bytes)

A freight car "Zagkks-z" of HZ (Hrvatske Zeljeznice / Croatian railways) on railway station Voluyak in composition on freight train.

Digital photo Veselin Malinov , e-mail:

A_freight_car_Zas_-_zof_HZ_at_railway_station_Iliyantsi_in_composition_of_freight_train1_06_09_2024.jpg (134494 bytes)

A freight car "Zas - z" of HZ (Hrvatske Zeljeznice / Croatian railways) at railway station Iliyantsi in composition of freight train.

Digital photo Veselin Malinov , e-mail:

A_freight_car_Zas_-_zof_HZ_at_railway_station_Iliyantsi_in_composition_of_freight_train_06_09_2024.jpg (111697 bytes)

A freight car "Zas - z" of HZ (Hrvatske Zeljeznice / Croatian railways) at railway station Iliyantsi in composition of freight train.

Digital photo Veselin Malinov , e-mail:

A_private_freight_car_Zaes_-_z_of_PIMK_Rail_Croatia_at_railway_station_Pazardjik_in_composition_of_freight_train1_02_12_2023.jpg (152912 bytes)

A private freight car "Zaes - z" , owned by private operator "PIMK Rail Croatia" at railway station Pazardjik in composition of freight train. You can see my website:

Digital photo Veselin Malinov , e-mail:

HZU09-01.jpg (43422 bytes)

This is a HZ departmental 4w low side wagon of UIC code Ukk-z. Number 40 78 909 0 143-9 was photographed in Zagreb Ranzirni Kolodvor on 27 Apr 99.

Photo and scan by John Hamill <>

HZWU-01.jpg (31314 bytes)

This is a HZ bogie cement wagon of UIC code Uacs-z, designated 31 78 932 1. it was Photographed in Podsused, near Zagreb, Croatia on 27 Apr 99.

Photo and scan by John Hamill <>

HZ_Uacns_z_Sl_Brod_061005_01_TB.jpg (59232 bytes)

HZ Uacns wagon; Slavonski brod, 5th October 2006

Photo: Toma Bacic

HZ_Uacns_z_Sl_Brod_061005_03_TB.jpg (47703 bytes)

Plate with the work number, HZ Uacns wagon; Slavonski brod, 5th October 2006

Photo: Toma Bacic

HZ_Uacns_z_Sl_Brod_061005_04_TB.jpg (22444 bytes)

Inscriptions on the HZ Uacns wagon; Slavonski brod, 5th October 2006

Photo: Toma Bacic

HZ_Uacns_z_Sl_Brod_061005_05_TB.jpg (57404 bytes)

HZ Uacns wagon; Slavonski brod, 5th October 2006

Photo: Toma Bacic

HZ_Uckk.jpg (98347 bytes)

Freight car HZ Uckk at Crnomerec station.

Photo: Toma Bacic

HZ_Zas-z.jpg (98982 bytes)

Freight car HZ Zas-z at Crnomerec station.

Photo: Toma Bacic

IMG_2951.jpg (137579 bytes)

A HZ freight vagon type Zaes-z 788 at Ogulin station. Photo taken:20.3.2005.

Photo taken by: Ivan Crnkoci

fr_3.jpg (104786 bytes)

HZ freight car Zaes-z, inscpriptions.

Photo: Toma Bacic

fr_4.jpg (80373 bytes)

HZ freight car Zaes-z, Crnomerec station.

Photo: Toma Bacic

hr-17-99.jpg (61880 bytes)

HZ tank car Zas-z 35 78 785 0 744-6 at Zagreb GK, 29 May 1999

Photo and scan by Frank Valoczy <>
