Salon PLM n°10 (then SNCF-5-SSmyfi 35, then SNCF SSmyfi 51)
After being used for official trains from the 10's up to the late 60's, this luxury car was used at the end of its life as a mobile hotel
for test engineers (vehicle 80 87 979 0 794-2 Uas PSE)
M DPT construction - Section essais de freinage MCF3 - Usual stationnary point: Laroche Migennes
View compartments side: from right to left:
- 3 single compartments, each equiped with a sofa bed for one passenger
- a saloon compartment, equipped with table and chairs
- a chamber, equiped with a 2 persons bed
- a saloon bed compartment ("compartiment lits salon"), equiped with 2 separate beds (for one passenger each)
Angoulème - 17/03/87
Note: this car is now preserved by AJECTA, at Longueville (77) Photo by Joel TASMA (