1st TGV POS set No 4401 (Paris-Ostfrankreich-Süddeutschland) seen on its way from Belfort (FR) to Velim (CZ), at the German/Czech border.
This set actually consists of 2 newly-built, 3-voltage TGV Duplex/Thalys PBKA-style power cars, yet tailored to high-speed operations in Germany (magnetic brakes, higher horsepower), reformed with 8 existing TGV Réseau cars.
The passenger cars are due for refurbishment by 2007. Original TGV Réseau power cars will be reformed with recently-ordered TGV Duplex cars (5th order).
TGV POS sets will primarily run on Paris-Stuttgart and Paris-Zurich (by Lyria).
This set was waiting for Loco 750.253 of CD to be coupled, before going through the Czech border.
Fürth-im-Wald (Oberfranken). 27th July 2004. Photo by Michawel (Acknowledgements)(zelpqge@seznqm.cz), from http://zelpqge.goo.cz Posting and comment by P.L.Guillemin (plguillemin@yahoo.fr)