A rare opportunity of SNCF-RENFE cross-border platform at Irun (French sector). On the left, TGV 8515 from Paris-Montparnasse (Platform 12). On the right, Intercity 12202 (Irun-Madrid-Chamartin), awaiting departure on Platform 14, the only iberic-gauge track to serve the French sector.
As TGV 8515 had been running behind schedule, IC 12202 was due to leave from the French sector, rather than from the Spanish sector (further left, accross the building, off-pic), as is normally the case.
Irun. 06th December 2003. Photo by Hodei Goldarazena (Hodei@tranvia.org)(Acknowledgements), from Tranvia.org Posting and comment by P.L.Guillemin (plguillemin@yahoo.fr).