Refurbished Class 4300 (X-4346) of SNCF-Action Régionale (TER Champagne-Ardennes), seen on TER 39554 (Verdun-Châlons en Champagne), while calling at St-Hilaire.
While the refurbishment carried out in the late-80s upgraded interiors to fairly good standards (Z2-style), it sadly left traction untouched.
40-year old Poyaud engines now obviously lag very much behind today's standards...
One can hardly believe what actually stands further left (off-pic) of this old-fashioned train and station, namely a newly-wired pair of (renewed) tracks, as a result of the LGV Est project...
St-Hilaire au Temple.
27th December 2004.
Photo by Nicolas Husson ( (Acknowledgements).
Posting and comment by P.L.Guillemin (