2nd-class UIC-Y Couchettes car of SNCF (Bc9x) seen on the Train Rapide/Expreso "Puerta del Sol" Paris-Madrid, upon arrival in Madrid-Chamartin.

These cars were mounted on Pennsylvania bogies in Spain/Portugal, and on Y16Lms bogies in France.

These were built in the early-70s specifically to cater for passengers travelling with cheap tickets sold by Wasteels (i.e. BIGE and BIGT) on Franco-Iberic sleepers, hence their particular livery.

30th September 1984. Photo by Arturo Vega Roldán (Arturojvr@telefonica.net) (Acknowledgements), from railwaymania.com. Posting and comment by P.L.Guillemin (plguillemin@yahoo.fr)