Talgo gauge-changer ("Cambiador") in Portbou Station, seen from Platform 1, looking towards France and the cross-border Balitres Tunnel.
This was the first Talgo gauge-changer ever built for revenue service (1969).
On the right, one can see the UIC-gauge (1435mm-4ft8in) single track connecting Cerbčre (France) with the French sector of Portbou Station.
Tracks on the left are Iberic-gauge (1668mm-5ft6in) and serve the Spanish sector.
The track from the gauge-changer is broad-gauge, and crosses the UIC-gauge single track to join the Spanish sector.
The gauge-changer at Irun is also located between the border and the Spanish station.
Beyond the gauge-changer stands BB7298 of SNCF. That morning, it pushed Talgo 463 "Mare Nostrum" (Montpellier-Cartagena) from Cerbčre and is awaiting Talgo 72 "Catalan-Talgo" (Barcelona-Montpellier), which it will haul until Montpellier.
19th December 2003 P.L.Guillemin (plguillemin@yahoo.fr)