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Directory: /pix/es/private/work/misc

Last update: Sun Jan 31 13:48:46 CET 2016
Pictures on this page: 10


ALSTOM_SIV_APV_400B.jpg (154404 bytes)

ALSTOM - Dresina SIV modelo APV_400B para trabajos de tendido de hilo de contacto durante la electrificación de la línea Medina - Salamanca.

ALSTOM - model APV_400B of SIV works vehicle. Works of electrification of Medina - Salamanca railway.


Foto/photo: Manuel Marcos.

AlgL1Iru1203.jpg (157372 bytes)

Algeposa L 1. Irun-Ventas (Guipuzcoa), 12/03/2010.

Photo Jean-Pierre Vergez-Larrouy (

Con15001Roc0108.jpg (140601 bytes)

Convensa 94 71 57 15 001-4. La Roca, 1/08/2010.

Photo Jean-Pierre Vergez-Larrouy (

DSCN0457.jpg (181235 bytes)

Maquina pasando por la estacion de Cambrils, febrero 2007

Photo Christian Fincato (

DresinaSiemensOlmedo16082009.jpg (130934 bytes)

Dresina de Mantenimiento de catenaria perteneciente a la empresa Siemens destacada en la línea de Alta velocidad Madrid - Valladolid.

Ex - DB catenary maintenance dresina of Siemens for working on HSL Madrid - Valladolid.

Olmedo (Valladolid), 16/09/2009.

Foto/Photo: Manuel Marcos.

FERCAM_P_002.jpg (99304 bytes)

Fercam P 002. Brihuegas, 27/04/2002.

Foto Jean-Pierre Vergez-Larrouy (

HormigoneraAV020408.jpg (148510 bytes)

Vagón hormigonera.

Concrete machine car.

Ávila, 02/04/2008.

Foto/Photo: Manuel Marcos.

PT09-3X3303Iru0804.jpg (122142 bytes)

Plasser & Theurer 09-3 X n° 3303/2008. Irun (Guipuzcoa), 8/04/2008.

Photo Jean-Pierre Vergez-Larrouy (

Schoma_1.jpg (126336 bytes)

Schöma narrow gauge 52 tons locomotive awaiting to be send in Spain. At least 20 locos of tis type were ordered in 2002 for Guadarrama highspeed rail tunnel, Barcelona metro, etc... Hendaye, 23/05/2005.

Photo Jean-Piere Vergez-Larrouy (

Schoma_2.jpg (116932 bytes)

Schöma narrow gauge 52 tons locomotive awaiting to be send in Spain. At least 20 locos of tis type were ordered in 2002 for Guadarrama highspeed rail tunnel, Barcelona metro, etc... Hendaye, 23/05/2005.

Photo Jean-Piere Vergez-Larrouy (
