Talgo 533 "Miguel de Unamuno" (Barcelona Sants-->Hendaye/Bilbao Abando/Salamanca), fitted with Talgo III only:

• Very front: TG1z-111 Generator (electric), running on Barcelona-Hendaye. Other such generators to be added at Castejón de Ebro and then at Miranda de Ebro, as the formation divides.
• Front set: Barcelona-->Hendaye, 8 cars (TD + 2TA + TC + 3TB + TBz), 176 seats (48A + 128B);
• Middle set: Barcelona-->Bilbao, 5 cars (TD + TA + TC + TB + TBz), 88 seats (24A + 64B);
• Rear set: Barcelona-->Salamanca (same as the Hendaye set)

This is the only Talgo formation which consists of more than 2 sets. br> It is seen at the Talgo worshops in San Andreu Comtal, awaiting to be shunted to Sants station.

Barcelona-San Andreu Comtal.

25th July 2005.

P.L.Guillemin (plguillemin@yahoo.fr)