Unexpected encounter in Montpellier, on the very first day when Corail Téoz services began to run on the Greater South corridor:

• Left: Talgo III-RD set of RENFE-GL, seen on Talgo 73/2 "Catalan-Talgo" from Barcelona-Sants. Interestingly, this service had been announced as "Corail Téoz 72 from Barcelona" on that day...

• Right: Corail Téoz set of SNCF-VFE, diagrammed on the VIP inaugural service, which ran 1-2hrs ahead of Corail Téoz 4657/6 "Grand Sud" (Bordeaux St Jean--->Nice Ville), the very first scheduled Corail service to be upgraded to Téoz on this corridor.

Hard to believe that the age-gap between the former and the latter (A5t2u car, ex-A9u VU-75) is as little as 7 years (1969/1976)...

Montpellier-St Roch.

5th September 2005.

P.L.Guillemin (plguillemin@yahoo.fr).