The Picture Gallery
Directory: /pix/dk/diesel/dmu/MG-IC4

Last update: Tue 18 Feb 18:40:46 GMT 2025
Pictures on this page: 19


95_86_0005_615-3_Od1.jpg (157756 bytes)

95 86 0005 615-3 DK-DSB (MG 5615) parked on a siding. Odense, 2023-08-04.

tobias b köhler

95_86_0005_815-9_Od1.jpg (162497 bytes)

95 86 0005 815-9 DK-DSB (MG 5815) parked on a siding. Odense, 2023-08-04.

tobias b köhler

AnsaldoBreda-MG-5877-2016_08_01.jpg (150057 bytes)

Danske Statsbaner SV
MG 5877 (the left side)

01.08.2016, Odense

Photo W. Kolins

DKa0049.jpg (39636 bytes)

DKa0049 07.07.11 Danske Statsbaner IC4 MG5811 stopping at Middelfart on an IC service from Kopenhagen to Arhus. IC4 series built by Ansaldo/Breda and now (summer 2011) rolling out on the Danish rail network after 7 years of technical and commissioning problems.

Photo by Steven Van Bauwel

DSB_IC4.jpg (106545 bytes)

The first of the new DSB IC4 DMU, freshly delivered by AnsaldoBreda, autumn 2003

© Foto: Jens Hasse/Chili. Foto submitted by Alex Olsen, upload by Bodo G. Meier

DSB_IC4model_it02.jpg (89450 bytes)

Scale model of the new IC4 DMU for the DSB by AnsaldoBreda.

Innotrans 2002 Berlin, 2002-09-25.

Photo: tobias b köhler

DSB_MG5677+5602_Tinglev.jpg (153453 bytes)

DSB - Denmark
Two trainsets of the very unsuccesful class MG, nrs. 5602 and 5677, are seen dumped at Tinglev.
Tinglev, 20-08-2022

Photo by Marco van Uden

IC4-5841_Kopenhaga.jpg (156526 bytes)

Danske Statsbaner - (DSB) ; IC4-5841 with an IC train from Arhus; Kobenhavn - 26.08.2022;

Photo by P. Zielinski

IC4.jpg (98164 bytes)

Danish IC4 test train at Vojens station. August 25, 2004

Photo by Martin Schrader

IC4_Vejle.jpg (152184 bytes)

Danske Statsbaner - (DSB) ; IC4 with an IC train to Fredericia; Vejle - 25.08.2022;

Photo by P. Zielinski

KbhH_MG_CNL_20130607_01.jpg (109906 bytes)

DSB MG/IC4 and CNL-nighttrain in the Copenhagen Central Station on the 7/6 2013.

DSB MG/IC4 und CNL-nachtzug in der Kopenhagener Hauptbahnhof am 7/6 2013.

Photo by: Morten S. Sørensen
Mail: mschmidts(a)

MG56_57_KbhH_20130607_01.jpg (79557 bytes)

DSB MG/IC4 Intercity-trainsets 56 and 57 in the Copenhagen Central Station on the 7/6 2013.

DSB MG/IC4 Intercity-Triebzüge 56 und 57 in der Kopenhagener Hauptbahnhof am 7/6 2013.

Photo by: Morten S. Sørensen
Mail: mschmidts(a)

MG56_57_KbhH_20130607_02.jpg (88211 bytes)

DSB MG/IC4 Intercity-trainsets 56 and 57 in the Copenhagen Central Station on the 7/6 2013.

DSB MG/IC4 Intercity-Triebzüge 56 und 57 in der Kopenhagener Hauptbahnhof am 7/6 2013.

Photo by: Morten S. Sørensen
Mail: mschmidts(a)

MG56_57_KbhH_20130607_04.jpg (78665 bytes)

DSB MG/IC4 Intercity-trainsets 56 and 57 in the Copenhagen Central Station on the 7/6 2013.

DSB MG/IC4 Intercity-Triebzüge 56 und 57 in der Kopenhagener Hauptbahnhof am 7/6 2013.

Photo by: Morten S. Sørensen
Mail: mschmidts(a)

MG56_KbhH_20130607_01.jpg (96359 bytes)

DSB MG/IC4 Intercity-trainset 56 in the Copenhagen Central Station on the 7/6 2013.

DSB MG/IC4 Intercity-Triebzug 56 in der Kopenhagener Hauptbahnhof am 7/6 2013.

Photo by: Morten S. Sørensen
Mail: mschmidts(a)

MG57_KbhH_20130607_02.jpg (62749 bytes)

DSB MG/IC4 Intercity-trainset 57 in the Copenhagen Central Station on the 7/6 2013.

DSB MG/IC4 Intercity-Triebzug 57 in der Kopenhagener Hauptbahnhof am 7/6 2013.

Photo by: Morten S. Sørensen
Mail: mschmidts(a)

MG57_KbhH_20130607_10.jpg (91700 bytes)

DSB MG/IC4 Intercity-trainset 57 in the Copenhagen Central Station on the 7/6 2013.

DSB MG/IC4 Intercity-Triebzug 57 in der Kopenhagener Hauptbahnhof am 7/6 2013.

Photo by: Morten S. Sørensen
Mail: mschmidts(a)

dsb_ic4_1505-05_00.jpg (83663 bytes)

DSB MG IC4 - 15. May 2005 A graffiti-spoiled IC4 train near the Central station in Aarhus.

Photo: Finn Jensen (

dsb_ic4_1505-05_01.jpg (101728 bytes)

DSB MG IC4 - 15. May 2005 A graffiti-spoiled IC4 train near the Central station in Aarhus.

Photo: Finn Jensen (
