The Picture Gallery
Directory: /pix/de/steam/44/44_1085

Last update: Sat Nov 15 18:31:54 CET 2014
Pictures on this page: 3


44_1085kg1.jpg (121626 bytes)

44 1085 is parked on the site of the Stollwerck chocolate factory in Cologne since 1979. Note that the counter weight on the second axle is on the "wrong" position. The reason for this is that the third cylinder, which is located inside the frame, is connected to a crank on this axle. The form of the tender (closed top) indicates that this loco was fired with oil instead of coal. For some unknown reasons the piston valves were removed. Picture taken on 17 March 2005.

Digital photo by Christoph Schmitz (

44_1085kg2.jpg (141675 bytes)

44 1085 is parked on the site of the Stollwerck chocolate factory in Cologne since 1979. Note that the counter weight on the second axle is on the "wrong" position. The reason for this is that the third cylinder, which is located inside the frame, is connected to a crank on this axle. The form of the tender (closed top) indicates that this loco was fired with oil instead of coal. For some unknown reasons the piston valves were removed. Picture taken on 17 March 2005.

Digital photo by Christoph Schmitz (

44_1085kg3.jpg (110662 bytes)

44 1085 is parked on the site of the Stollwerck chocolate factory in Cologne since 1979. This plate displays some information. The number given for the coal supply (44300 kg) is wrong. It would have been 10000 kg before the tender was adapted for oil firing, now it can contain 11.2 cubic metres of oil. Picture taken on 17 March 2005.

Digital photo by Christoph Schmitz (
