Pöllwitz station building
Pöllwitz station building located on the Werdau–Mehltheuer railway (route km 53.79). The facilities of the station Pöllwitz consisted of three running lines, which had a working length of 643 m. In 1987, it got light signals and a signal box in Soviet EZMG technology. 1994 carload traffic was stopped. When this photo was taken in April 2003 it was still used by passenger trains from Gera to Mehltheuer. Since the cancellation of the train stops in the year 2011, the operating point is completely closed. My first car on the left showing I wasn't a good example for increaesed rail ridership at the station! But Thuringia does a bit more for secondary lines than the neighboured Saxony so the connection from Gera to Hof will remain despite the state border crossing. Photo: Steffen Mokosch (Steffen.Mokosch@web.de)