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Directory: /pix/de/private/lease-hire/misc

Last update: Wed 5 Mar 18:12:41 GMT 2025
Pictures on this page: 45 (44 + 1)


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20.08.2012 - 140857 in Berlin-Westhafen. ABEG = Anhaltisch-Brandenburgische Eisenbahngesellschaft mbH (joint venture zwischen ENON GmbH und mcm GmbH)

Photo by Juergen Maier (

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ALS diesel locomotive 203 504-6 at Heilbronn on Tuesday May 4th, 2004.  

Photo by Michael Taylor, Binbrook, Ontario, Canada. (


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German private EFRN (Freunde der 212 001-2 eV) former DB class 261 687-8 (ex Papierfabrik Scheufele; today's insciptions 9880 3361 687-7) at Stuttgart harbor. Seen on 09.11.2013

Digital photo by Gary Welsch

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Am 08.01.2024, also kurz vor Beginn des Streiks, stand Lok 6111 213-5 der SmartRail GmbH (ZUG) nahe dem Bahnhof Frankfurt-Höchst für eine neue Fuhre bereit.
Loco 6111 213-5 of SmartRail GmbH (ZUG) waiting for a new task shortly before the railway strike began (Frankfurt-Höchst, 01-08-2024).

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ERC.D GmbH 248 039 parked in Mönchengladbach Hbf on 1st of October 2023.

Photo ©Arnim v. Herff

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HLG 248 052 parked in Hagen Hbf on 1st of February 2024.

Photo ©Arnim v. Herff

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Bahnlogistik24 120 201 in Twistringen on 17th of September 2021.

Photo ©Arnim v. Herff

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Bahnlogistik24 120 205 parked in Neuß on 4th of March 2023.

Photo ©Arnim v. Herff

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Leipziger DampfKulTour 155 191 parked in Hamm Hbf on 11th of August 2020.

Photo ©Arnim v. Herff

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Fahrzeugwerke Karsdorf 155 195 parked in Essen Hbf on 25th of December 2019.

Wenn man den bei Google gefundenen Einträgen glauben darf, dann gehören die Fahrzeugwerke Karsdorf GmbH & Co. KG zur Firmengruppe Erfurter Bahnservice.

Photo ©Arnim v. Herff

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Fahrzeugwerke Karsdorf 156 001 parked in Duisburg Hbf on 28th of June 2022. Meanwhile FWK owns all four engines of this class - MEG sold it completely.

Photo ©Arnim v. Herff

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Locomotion 664 parked in Duisburg Hbf on 23rd of February 2019.

Photo ©Arnim v. Herff

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KombiRail "Hedwig" shot from running train between Meerbusch und Neuß Hbf on 18th of October 2024.

Photo ©Arnim v. Herff

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Rail Cargo 203 152-4 parked in Hagen Hbf on 30th of December 2017.

Photo ©Arnim v. Herff.

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Redler-Service 5 parked in Wunstorf on 17th of September 2021.

Photo ©Arnim v. Herff

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LoConnect "Lena Sophie" during track-construction in Wuppertal-Oberbarmen on 31st of March 2019.

The official european "Vehicle Keeper Marking Register - VKM" informs about "LOC": LoConnect GmbH with URL But web-site is under construction. gives this:
LoConnect GmbH
Saarbrücker Straße 42-44
66625 Nohfelden OT Türkismühle

Photo ©Arnim v. Herff

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Hanse Lok 212 267-9 passed Salzbergen on 14th of June 2022.

Photo ©Arnim v. Herff

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225 082 by Andreas Voll is in full commercial use, despite its look like a museum-engine from late Bundesbahn. It was parked in Düsseldorf Hbf on 3rd of March 2018.

Photo ©Arnim v. Herff.

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Andreas Voll 215 082-9 parked in Hagen on 13th of July 2022.

Photo ©Arnim v. Herff

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LoConnect 271 017 was parked in Hamm Hbf on 2nd of October 2022.

Photo ©Arnim v. Herff

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Lokservice Sascha Dehn 261 162-2 parked in Münster Hbf on 24th of December 2022.

Photo ©Arnim v. Herff

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TL Train Logistic 212 902 passed railroad crossing Bahnhofstraße in Bottrop on 27th of February 2021. This locomotive is one of few V100PA built by MaK and was deliverd to Sweden, than sold to Danmark and later owned by Neußer Eisenbahn.

Photo ©Arnim v. Herff

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A Vossloh G6, registered by Hamburger Eisenbahn e.K. with road-no. 98 80 0650 076-9 D-HAEG, waited for depature in Dortmund Hbf on 5th of November 2011.
Photo ©Arnim v. Herff

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332 002 by Laeger & Wöstenhöfer GmbH & Co. KG in port of Emmerich on 1st of January 2016.

Photo ©Arnim v. Herff

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Bergische Bahnen 260 588 parked in Schwerte on 15th of June 2022.

Photo ©Arnim v. Herff

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261 680-3 by RHG (Raphael Hofmann Güterverkehr) in Schwerte (Ruhr) on 18th of January 2015.

A web-search shows, that this company owns/owned some more locomotives: Two V 60 D, 217 017-3 and 202 269
Photo ©Arnim v. Herff

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Lokservice-Dehn 264 767 parked in Münster Hbf on 18th of July 2020.

Photo ©Arnim v. Herff

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A.V.G. (Ascherslebener Verkehrsgesellschaft) 203 004-7 during track-works in Wuppertal-Oberbarmen on 8th of August 2007.
Photo ©Arnim v. Herff

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Cargo Logistik Rail-Service 155 103, Hamburg-Harburg.

Photo by Vasut1848;

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DP 57 am 19.04 in Berlin-Springpfuhl

Photo by Juergen Maier (

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Rostock Hbf station. DeltaRail 243 559-2.

Photo by Emanuele Rava, 07-08-2018. e-mail

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German private EVG 212 309-9 (ex DB) at Stuttgart-Untertürkheim. Seen on 26.08.2013

Digital photo by Gary Welsch.

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Gleiskraft 360 577 als Tfzf in Oggersheim(22.4.06).

Photo by Wolfgang Mauser (

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HLG 185-511-3. Mechterstädt, 22/02/2012.

Photo Jean-Pierre Vergez-Larrouy (

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German private HTS Kassel 346 828-7 at Stuttgart harbor. Seen on 10.08.2013

Digital photo by Gary Welsch.

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Former VT100 (probably owned by some private operator) heading south on the line on the left hand side of the River Rhine between Koblenz and Bingen. 6/2005 (c) J. C. Stiller (

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German private 'Paule Schwertransport' Nr. 30 at Stutgart-Obertürkheim. Seen on 07.07.2012

Digital photo by Gary Welsch.

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Redler - Germany
Redler locomotive Lok 9 is seen with a fire rescue train in Rendsburg.
Rendsburg, 21-08-2022

Photo by Marco van Uden

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Sunrail 140 002, Hamburg-Harburg.

Photo by Vasut1848;

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This small diesel went through Radebeul Ost on the 10th July 2004.

Photo from James & Martin's Picture Collection Copyright 'Jampics'

British and Foreign Railway Pictures Jampics Fotopic.

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A small shunter parked at Stolberg (on Cologne-Aachen) on 4 October 2001.

Digital photo by Christoph Schmitz

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Detail view onto the wheels and the inscriptions of the small shunter seen at Stolberg on 4 October 2001. At the left the Gesamtgewicht (total weight) and the Bremsgewicht (tells something about the breaking ability) are given. The K in the circle says that the brake shoes are made of plastic (Kunststoff). On the right you can see that this shunter is not approved for use any more, as the technical checks were not made.

Digital photo by Christoph Schmitz

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A small shunter and an old baggage car parked at Stolberg (on Cologne-Aachen) on 4 October 2001.

Digital photo by Christoph Schmitz

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WSET - 204237-2

Lok 92 80 1202 237-4 D-WSET der Westsächsischen Eisenbahntransport Gesellschaft mit einem Güterzug in Leipzig Messe, aufgenommen am 04. Oktober 2011.

Photo: Claudia Kittendorf-Wolf (

