Mittelweserbahn (MWB) V 763 on 27th of April 2008 in Moers. Green and no. 16? Ok, Here the locomotive shows still the livery of its former owner, the SJ Brikett- und Extrazitfabriken GmbH in Hückelhoven. The company stoped briquette-production on 31st of March 2008, so their last three locos are not needed anymore. MWB bought them. All three are of type MaK DE 502. MWB V 763 (former SJBE 16) was built in 1988 with fabrication-no. 700085.
[Datas of the other two similar looking machines: MWB V 761 (SJBE 14) Mak700077/1985 and MWB V 762 (SJBE 15) MaK700082/1987. Compare Bahn-Report 3/2008, p. 30.]
Photo ©Arnim v. Herff