The Picture Gallery
Directory: /pix/de/private/historic/freight/VBE

Last update: Sat Dec 11 12:11:51 CET 2021
Pictures on this page: 3


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Special occasion on the Extertal line with 7 historic cars and the locomotive "21" on Eastern 1996.

Photo by M. Heinze / scan by H. Pohlmann

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This is the oldest electric locomotive in Germany which is still doing regular traffic. Since the "21" was delivered to the "Extertalbahn" (a private society) in 1927 it is working without interrupts or modifications. Its normal job is freight traffic, but the railway friends of this line have sometimes special occasions with historic passenger cars.

Photo taken from postcard (c)Verlag Jos. Grobbel

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The "22" of the private line "Verkehrsbetriebe Extertal" at work. Since it was delivered in 1927 it is still hauling regular freight trains. After an accident it was modified in 1964. The windows were enlarged and instead of the old luggage room a ballast weight was installed.

Photo taken from postcard (c)Verlag Jos. Grobbel
