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Directory: /pix/de/car/regional/ex-Silberling/cab-Karlsruhe/verkehrsrot/Koeln

Last update: Tue Jan 2 16:26:17 CET 2018
Pictures on this page: 7


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RE 12085 (Köln Deutz-Trier Hbf) + DB 218 151.
Mediapark Köln, 23-04-2005.

© Eddy Konijnendijk.

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Despite all the modern EMUs, DMUs and double deck coaches, there are still some local trains with the typical local train coaches of the 1960s/70s, called "Silberlinge" because they used to be unpainted stainless steel. Built in over 5000 units from 1958 to 1980 they were found all over west Germany in local and semi-fast trains (Eilzug). The cab coach seen here (type Karlsruhe) was introduced in 1971, originally with a closed-off luggage section with separate folding doors that has later been replaced by an area for bicycles. With push-pull ability, pneumatic doors and lightweight construction they were an improvement over earlier rolling stock, nowadays their opening windows are about the only remaining advantage even though all have been modernized in the 1980s/90s, receiving new seat covers and painted mint turquoise / light grey, then traffic red. They might only last a few years more. Köln Messe Deutz, 2013-08-01.

tobias b köhler

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DB 50 80 82-53 507
Koln Hbf

Photo: Jos Straathof

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DB 50 80 82-34 160
Koln Messe Deutz

For more pictures see :

Photo: Jos Straathof

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DB 50 80 82-53 779
Koln Hbf

Photo: Jos Straathof

Deutsche_Bahn_Class_218_at_Koeln_Hbf_4.jpg (155549 bytes)

Deutsche Bahn Class 218 diesel passing the signals on the bridge over the Rhine in Cologne.

Photo taken on July 27th 2008 at 12:51 with a Canon Digital Rebel Xti by Mark Vogel ( Website

Steuerwagen_in_den_Kolner_Bahnhof.jpg (99218 bytes)

Ein Steuerwagen kommt in den Kölner Bahnhof an, 21 November 2005 A control-car arriving into Cologne main station, 21 November 2005

James Robinson (
