50 80 86-81 118-1 DABpbzf767.3 + 5 DBpz781.2 + 120.2

RE9 (Aachen -) Düren - Siegen

Düren Hbf, 2011-05-26

On this day the RE9 "rsx" trains ended and began in Düren because of a fire between Düren and Aachen; travellers had to change to RE1 trains. Since december 2010 it was planned to introduce new rolling stock on the RE9 "Rhein-Sieg-Express" (rsx), but only the peak-hour doubledeck trains are in service so far, most trains still operate with class 111 and older doubledeck cars (DBza751, DABza756, DBbzfa761). It is planned to replace them by "Talent 2" (class 442) which are not yet approved for service due to many technical problems (mostly with electronics and software), some passengers are glad for this delay as it would mean a reduction of capacity, except for the few remaining doubledeck trains that will look like this.

tobias b köhler