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Directory: /pix/de/car/IC+IR/Bimdz
Last update: Thu Jul 28 14:49:07 CEST 2016
DB Regio IRE-Wagen 2.Klasse mit Fahrradabteil (ex-IR) Typ: Bimdz IRE 4277 Hamburg Hbf -> Berlin Ostbahnhof Bahnhof Hamburg Hbf 13.Juli 2015 Photo: Christian Immler - - |
DBRegio 51 80 84-95 002-2 Bimdz551.6, ex-InterRegio car in Regio colours. München Hbf, 2003-11-24 |
D-DB 51 80 84-95 082-4 Bimdz 268.6 (DB Fernverkehr AG, FM München), Unt ANX 10.11.08, in an unusual three-tone grey livery, no logo, apparently newly painted. Is this a new standard livery for rolling stock rented from DBAG to other railways? Graz Hbf, 2008-11-29, IC 513 "Ferdinand Raimund" from Salzburg. |
D-DB 51 80 84-95 082-4 Bimdz268.6 (DB Fernverkehr AG FM München), Unt. ANX 10.11.08, in Graz Hbf, 2010-01-09. Such cars are currently rented to the ÖBB because of a shortage of rolling stock and used in various trains even though they offer no ÖBB-EC standard. |
16 May 1998, station: Karlsruhe Hbf, Germany
The end with bicycle compartment of a Bimdz268.6 Interregio coach of the DB AG. While the car has been equipped with a bicycle compartment, the doors were retained without changes so that it is a bit awkward to get a bike in. Better solutions were used in newer similar conversions.
16. Mai 1998, Bf. Karlsruhe Hbf, Deutschland
Photo by Sven Manias ( |
Four InterRegio cars stored on a siding in Dresden Hbf:
One Bimdz268.9 (with bicycle compartment, but not
very comfortable entrance through the narrow door!) in
IR livery, two Bimz264.7 already repainted in the
new ICE-like livery and one Aimz261.7. The warning
sign on the first car says: "Zugsammelschiene führt Spannung"
and indicates that the train is connected to local 1000 V
electricity supply. 2001-11-03.
Photo: tobias b köhler |
This 2nd class InterRegio car with bicycle compartment
(51 80 84-95 086-5 Bimdz268.2)
is still owned by Reise & Touristik,
but has been newly painted in the red livery for local
trains. Quite an unusual sight in the IC 870
KÄTHE KOLLWITZ (Dresden Hbf - Hamburg-Altona).
Dresden-Neustadt, 2001-06-02.
Photo: tobias b köhler |
Farewell to Paris-Munich conventional daytime services (Ultimate day!!!):
2nd-class (compartments+open-room) car (Bidmz-268, ex-IR) of DB-FV, seen at the rear of the very last EC 64 ever (München Hbf ---> Paris Est), while running on the Rhine Bridge, which marks the border between Kehl (Germany) and Strasburg (France). At this stage, most of that car already runs in France, under 25kV-50Hz... Pont du Rhin-Rheinbruck (Kehl Grenze). 9th June 2007.
P.L.Guillemin ( |
2nd-class (compartments+open-room) car (Bidmz-264, ex-IR) of DB-FV, seen in the consist of IC 430 (Norddeich Mole ---> Luxembourg), upon reversal at Koblenz.
Koblenz Hbf. 20th May 2007.
P.L.Guillemin ( |
2nd-class (compartments+open-room) car (Bidmz-268, ex-IR) of DB-FV, seen in the consist of IC 432 (Emden Außenhafen ---> Luxembourg), upon arrival at its final destination.
Luxembourg-Ville (Stad Lëtzebuerg). 23rd May 2007.
P.L.Guillemin ( |
Final countdown for IC/EC stock of DB in Paris (Deadline: 9th December 2007!!!).
2nd-class (compartment+open-room) car (Bimdz-268, ex-IR) of DB-FV, seen in the consist of EC 67 (Paris Est--->München Hbf). This car also features a bike-storage area. Paris-Est. 1st September 2005.
P.L.Guillemin ( |
DB Bimdz 267.0 518084-95502-1 Freshly painted for DB Autozug BW Koeln HbF -> 08-June-2003 Photo by Michael Winklhofer ( |
Niemiecki wagon InterRegio w malowaniu ICE z serii Bimdz268 na końcu składu pociągu InterCity WAWEL relacji Berlin Ostbahnhof - Kraków Główny. Wroclaw Glowny, marzec 2003. DB IR-Wagen Bimdz268 in ICE Lackierung, am Ende des InterCity WAWEL von Berlin Ostbahnhof nach Krakow Glowny. Wroclaw Glowny, März 2003. Fot. Comenius ( |
Deutsche Bahn - 51808490004-3 Wagen 51 80 84 90004-3 D-DB (Typ Bimdz268.7) in Koblenz Hauptbahnhof, aufgenommen am 22. Juni 2010.
Photo: Bernd Kittendorf ( |
Deutsche Bahn - 51808490015-9 Wagen 51 80 84 90015-9 (Typ Bimdz268.1) bei der S-Bahn Station Düsseldorf Volksgarten am 26. November 2009.
Photo: Bernd Kittendorf ( |
Deutsche Bahn - 51808495047-7 Wagen 51 80 84 95047-7 (Typ Bimdz268.4) in Frankfurt (Main) Hauptbahnhof am 18. Mai 2005.
Photo: Bernd Kittendorf ( |
Deutsche Bahn - 51808495064-2 Wagen 51 80 84 95064-2 (Typ Bimdz268.4) in Mannheim Hauptbahnhof am 19. März 2006.
Photo: Bernd Kittendorf ( |
Deutsche Bahn - Zuglaufschild Zuglaufschild des IC 2115 Hamburg Altona - Stuttgart an der Tür des Wagens 51 80 84 95064-2 (Typ Bimdz268.4), aufgenommen in Mannheim Hauptbahnhof am 19. März 2006.
Photo: Bernd Kittendorf ( |
Deutsche Bahn - 51808495557-5 Wagen 51 80 84 95557-5 (Typ Bimdz267.8) in einem Messzug in Mannheim Hauptbahnhof am 09. September 2008. Bei der grünen Lok handelt es sich um die SNCF - 475074.
Photo: Bernd Kittendorf ( |