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Directory: /pix/ch/narrow_gauge/MGB/locomotive/HGe4_4-II/108-109

Last update: Sun 19 Jan 13:39:18 GMT 2025
Pictures on this page: 35 (31 + 4)


100919-15.jpg (147634 bytes)

MGB 108
Glacier Express 906 (Zermatt-St. Moritz)
Grengiols, 19-09-2010.

© Eddy Konijnendijk.

2007-07-07-0004.jpg (139692 bytes)

mgb 108. MGB train Zermatt-Brig is arriving at Brig
Martin P.

344_16.jpg (134884 bytes)

MGB Hge 4/4 II 108 brings a train off the rack section from the direction of Disentis.

Andermatt, 17 June 2003. Colin Baker (

97-08-Furka-FO108-01.jpg (160185 bytes)

FO 108 has just left the Furka tunnel.
August 1997

Photo by Johannes Demmer

DSC4893.jpg (118598 bytes)

MGB HGe 4/4 II 108 is shunting in Disentis/Muster.
19. June 2004

Photo by Johannes Demmer

MGB108.jpg (125311 bytes)

MGB HGe4/4 II Number 108 at Oberalp Pass - 25/3/2005

Photo by Jonathan Lewis (

MGB_HGe44-108_Muenster.jpg (148589 bytes)

MGB - Switzerland
During the winter season, there is only one daily return trip from the Glacier Express on St. Moritz-Zermatt. On the last day of 2018, the Locomotive of the train is Matterhorn-Gotthard-Bahn HGe 4/4 108.

Digital photo by Marco van Uden Binary file MGB_HGe44-108_Muenster.txt matches

MGB_HGe44-109_Muenster.jpg (148421 bytes)

MGB - Switzerland
The daily westbound Glacier Express passes through Münster with HGe 4/4 109 (rebuilt from HGe 4/4 number 1) as locomotive.
Münster(VS), 31-12-2024

Photo by Marco van Uden

MGB_HGe44II_108_Andermatt.jpg (150176 bytes)

MGB - Switzerland
Locomotive HGe4/4 II 108 in Andermatt with a train towards Disentis/Muster over the Oberalp pass.
Andermatt, 30-12-2013

Digital photo by Marco van Uden

MGB_HGe44_108_Muenster.jpg (134859 bytes)

MGB - Switzerland
Recently modernised locomotive HGe 4/4 number 108 passes Münster on a test run.
Münster(VS), 01-01-2024

Photo by Marco van Uden

fo1999100924A.jpg (101312 bytes)

Furka Oberalp Bahn. Die HGe 4/4 108 steht im Bahnhof Disentis.

9. Okt 1999

Photo: A. Senn;

fobrig22.jpg (66774 bytes)

Rollschemmel die unter die Lokomotive gestellt werden. Zwischen die kleinen Räder kommt ein Rad zu liegen. Die Schemmelteile werden nachher für jede Achse miteinander verbunden.

Clearing up work after the flooding in the center from Brig (VS) after the 24.9.93

Sept. 93

Photo and scan: A. Senn (; Binary file fobrig22.txt matches

fobrig24.jpg (60519 bytes)

Abtransport der einen defekten Lokomotive. Blick unter das Fahrzeug. Gelb leuchten die Rollschemmel hervor.

Clearing up work after the flooding in the center from Brig (VS) after the 24.9.93

Sept. 93

Photo and scan: A. Senn (; Binary file fobrig24.txt matches

fobrig25.jpg (38451 bytes)

Abtransport der einen defekten Lokomotive. Blick unter das Fahrzeug. Gelb leuchten die Rollschemmel hervor. Auf den Weichen brauchte es sehr viel Fingerspitzengefül, damit der Schemmel nicht entgleiste.

Clearing up work after the flooding in the center from Brig (VS) after the 24.9.93

Sept. 93

Photo and scan: A. Senn (; Binary file fobrig25.txt matches

fobrig26.jpg (81423 bytes)

Abtransport der einen defekten Lokomotive.

Clearing up work after the flooding in the center from Brig (VS) after the 24.9.93

Sept. 93

Photo and scan: A. Senn (; Binary file fobrig26.txt matches

fobrig29.jpg (126452 bytes)

Abtransport der einen defekten Lokomotive. Auf einem Seitengleis ohne Fahrleitung wird die Lokomotive zu den Kranwagen gebracht.

Clearing up work after the flooding in the center from Brig (VS) after the 24.9.93

Sept. 93

Photo and scan: A. Senn (; Binary file fobrig29.txt matches

fobrig30.jpg (68899 bytes)

Abtransport der einen defekten Lokomotive. Die Lokomotive wird für den Lufttransport vorbereitet. Im Vordergrund der Transportanhänger für die Lokomotive.

Clearing up work after the flooding in the center from Brig (VS) after the 24.9.93

Sept. 93

Photo and scan: A. Senn (; Binary file fobrig30.txt matches

fobrig31.jpg (58285 bytes)

Abtransport der einen defekten Lokomotive. Die Lokomotive schwebt durch die Lüfte.

Clearing up work after the flooding in the center from Brig (VS) after the 24.9.93

Sept. 93

Photo and scan: A. Senn (; Binary file fobrig31.txt matches

fobrig32.jpg (52295 bytes)

Abtransport der einen defekten Lokomotive. Die Lokomotive schwebt durch die Lüfte.

Clearing up work after the flooding in the center from Brig (VS) after the 24.9.93

Sept. 93

Photo and scan: A. Senn (; Binary file fobrig32.txt matches

fobrig33.jpg (51368 bytes)

Abtransport der einen defekten Lokomotive. Die Lokomotive schwebt durch die Lüfte.

Clearing up work after the flooding in the center from Brig (VS) after the 24.9.93

Sept. 93

Photo and scan: A. Senn (; Binary file fobrig33.txt matches

mgb108_And2.jpg (149923 bytes)

mgb (FO) cogwheel locomotive HGe 4/4 II 108 with a train from Disentis.

Andermatt, 2003-02-10

Photo: tobias b köhler

mgb108_Andermatt1.jpg (144092 bytes)

matterhorn gotthard bahn (ex Furka-Oberalp-Bahn) locomotive HGe 4/4 II 108 shortly before entering Andermatt station.


Photo: tobias b köhler

mgb108_Sed1.jpg (149512 bytes)

mgb (FO) HGe 4/4 II 108 with a passenger train.

Sedrun, 2003-02-10

Photo: tobias b köhler

mgb_108_br1.jpg (160091 bytes)

matterhorn gotthard bahn HGe 4/4 II 108 "Channel Tunnel" (built 1990 by SLM for FO) with a Glacier Express. Brig, 2019-10-02.

tobias b köhler

mgb_108_br2.jpg (160763 bytes)

matterhorn gotthard bahn HGe 4/4 II 108 with a Glacier Express. On the right you see the ABDeh 4/10 2013. Brig, 2019-10-02.

tobias b köhler

mgb_108_br3.jpg (161030 bytes)

matterhorn gotthard bahn HGe 4/4 II 108 with a Glacier Express. On the right you see Tm 2/2 74. Brig, 2019-10-02.

tobias b köhler

mgb_108_br4.jpg (160807 bytes)

matterhorn gotthard bahn HGe 4/4 II 108 with a Glacier Express. Brig, 2019-10-03.

tobias b köhler

mgb_108_br5.jpg (162736 bytes)

matterhorn gotthard bahn HGe 4/4 II 108 leaving Brig with a Glacier Express.

Brig, 2019-10-02.

tobias b köhler

mgb_Oberalp1.jpg (95124 bytes)

matterhorn gotthard bahn (ex Furka-Oberalp-Bahn) locomotive HGe 4/4 II 108 descending the Oberalp line to Andermatt.


Photo: Ralf Gunkel

mgb_Oberalp2.jpg (136549 bytes)

matterhorn gotthard bahn (ex Furka-Oberalp-Bahn) locomotive HGe 4/4 II 108 descending the Oberalp line to Andermatt. The upper part near Oberalppass has a simple overhead wire on wooden poles, which are easy to replace in case of a snowslide.


Photo: Ralf Gunkel

mgb_Oberalptunnel1.jpg (123865 bytes)

matterhorn gotthard bahn (ex Furka-Oberalp-Bahn) locomotive HGe 4/4 II 108 entering the short tunnel near Oberalppass (2033 m). This part of the line is surrounded by snow masses during much of the year.


Photo: Ralf Gunkel

97-08-BfDis-FO107+108-01.jpg (84192 bytes)

FO 107 and 108 in Disentis/Muster on a very busy summerday in 1997.
August 1997

Photo by Johannes Demmer

fobrig23.jpg (68368 bytes)

Abtransport der einen defekten Lokomotive. Als Schleppfahrzeug dient eine HGe 4/4.

Clearing up work after the flooding in the center from Brig (VS) after the 24.9.93

Sept. 93

Photo and scan: A. Senn (; Binary file /pix/ch/narrow_gauge/MGB/locomotive/HGm4_4/fobrig23.txt matches

fobrig19.jpg (49928 bytes)

Stelldichtlein der Lokomotiven vor dem Depot. Leider sind diese Lokomotiven nicht mehr fahrfähig und müssen desswegen in die Revision.

Clearing up work after the flooding in the center from Brig (VS) after the 24.9.93

Sept. 93

Photo and scan: A. Senn (; Binary file /pix/ch/narrow_gauge/MGB/locomotive/HGe4_4-II/104-105/fobrig19.txt matches

mgb_74_br2.jpg (162389 bytes)

matterhorn gotthard bahn Tm 2/2 74 in front of the HGe 4/4 II 108. Brig, 2019-10-02.

tobias b köhler
