The Picture Gallery
Directory: /pix/bg/private/LSD-DB-Schenker/diesel/346

Last update: Mon 3 Mar 08:16:41 GMT 2025
Pictures on this page: 47 (43 + 4)


346_776-8_of_DB_Schenker_standing_in_plant_for_the_extraction_of_lime_09_02_2014.jpg (124936 bytes)

A private diesel shunter of class 346 with number 346 776-8 , owned by private operator DB Schenker RAIL Bulgaria standing in factory for the extraction of lime near railway station Ognianovo.

Digital photo Veselin Malinov , e-mail:

A_private_346_677_-_8_of_DB_Schenker_standing_near1_02_11_2012.jpg (129665 bytes)

A private diesel shunter with number 346 677 - 8 , owned by private operator DB Schenker standing near railway station Ognianovo.

Digital photo Veselin Malinov , e-mail:

A_private_346_677_-_8_of_DB_Schenker_standing_near_02_11_2012.jpg (148907 bytes)

A private diesel shunter with number 346 677 - 8 , owned by private operator DB Schenker standing near railway station Ognianovo.

Digital photo Veselin Malinov , e-mail:

A_private_346_776-8_of_DB_Schenker_RAIL_Bulgaria_standing_19_07_2015.jpg (98213 bytes)

A private diesel shunter of class 346 with number 346 776-8 , owned by private operator DB Schenker RAIL Bulgaria standing in factory for the extraction of lime near railway station Ognianovo.

Digital photo Veselin Malinov , e-mail:

A_private_346_776-8_of_DB_Schenker_RAIL_Bulgaria_staning_17_09_2014.jpg (123901 bytes)

A private diesel locomotive of class 346 with number 346 776-8 , owned by private operator DB Schenker RAIL Bulgaria standing in lime factory near railway station Ognyanovo.

Digital photo Veselin Malinov , e-mail:

A_private_346_776-8_of_DB_Schenker_near_railway_station_21_03_2015.jpg (149705 bytes)

A private diesel shunter of class 346 with number 346 776-8 , owned by private operator DB Schenker RAIL Bulgaria standing in factory for the extraction of lime near railway station Ognianovo.

Digital photo Veselin Malinov , e-mail:

A_private_346_776-8_of_DB_Schenker_standing_in_lime_factory_15_06_2014.jpg (117539 bytes)

A diesel locomotive of class 346 with number 346 776-8 , owned by private operator DB Schenker RAIL Bulgaria standing in lime carrier near railway station Ognianovo.

Digital photo Veselin Malinov , e-mail:

A_private_346_776-8_of_DB_Schenker_standing_near_railway_07_12_2014.jpg (125134 bytes)

A private diesel shunter of class 346 with number 346 776-8 , owned by private operator DB Schenker RAIL Bulgaria standing in factory for the extraction of lime near railway station Ognianovo.

Digital photo Veselin Malinov , e-mail:

A_private_346_776_-_8_of_DB_Schenker_standing_near_02_11_2012.jpg (128722 bytes)

A private diesel shunter with number 346 776 - 8 , owned by private operator DB Schenker standing near railway station Ognianovo.

Digital photo Veselin Malinov , e-mail:

A_private_346_938-4_of_DB_Schenker_RAIL_Bulgaria1_12_09_2014.jpg (135251 bytes)

A private diesel locomotive of class 346 with number 346 938-4 , owned by private operator DB Schenker RAIL Bulgaria , standing in yard in metalurgic plant "Stomana" near railway station Pernik.

Digital photo Veselin Malinov , e-mail:

A_private_346_938-4_of_DB_Schenker_RAIL_Bulgaria_12_09_2014.jpg (135324 bytes)

A private diesel locomotive of class 346 with number 346 938-4 , owned by private operator DB Schenker RAIL Bulgaria , standing in yard in metalurgic plant "Stomana" near railway station Pernik.

Digital photo Veselin Malinov , e-mail:

A_private_346_972-3_of_DB_Cargo_Bulgaria_standing_in_depot_Karlovo_07_03_2021.jpg (119169 bytes)

A private diesel shunter with number 346 972 - 3 , owned by private operator "DB Cargo Bulgaria" standing in depot Karlovo. You can see my website:

Digital photo Veselin Malinov , e-mail:

A_private_346_972_-_3_of_DB_Cargo_Bulgaria_standing_in_base_near_railway_station_Pirdop_Ves.jpg (73922 bytes)

A private diesel shunter of class 346 with number 346 972 - 3 , owned by private operator "DB Cargo Bulgaria" standing in factory near railway station Pirdop.

Digital photo Veselin Nikolov , for contacts:

A_private_346_981_-_4_of_DB_Cargo_Bulgaria_standing_in_base_near_railway_station_Pirdop_Ves.jpg (59819 bytes)

A private diesel shunter of class 346 with number 346 981 - 4 , owned by private operator "DB Cargo Bulgaria" standing in factory near railway station Pirdop.

Digital photo Veselin Nikolov , for contacts:

A_private_346_981_-_4_of_DB_Cargo_Bulgaria_standing_in_base_near_railway_station_Pirdop_Ves1.jpg (65139 bytes)

A private diesel shunter of class 346 with number 346 981 - 4 , owned by private operator "DB Cargo Bulgaria" standing in factory near railway station Pirdop.

Digital photo Veselin Nikolov , for contacts:

A_private_98_52_11_53776-8_of_DB_Cargo_Bulgaria_at_railway_station_Ogniyanovo_after_shunting_04_10_2020.jpg (158600 bytes)

A private diesel shunter with number 98 52 11 53 776 - 8 (ex-class 346), owned by private operator "DB Cargo Bulgaria" at railway station Ogniyanovo after shunting with freight cars. With due to non-compliance with the numbering system in the private operator , the locomotives of this class received a new class 53. You can see my website:

Digital photo Veselin Malinov , e-mail:

A_private_98_52_11_53_677_-_8_of_DB_Cargo_Bulgaria_at_railway_station_Ogniyanovo_16_10_2022.jpg (143768 bytes)

A private diesel shunter with number 98 52 11 53 677 - 8 , owned by private operator "DB Cargo Bulgaria" at railway station Ogniyanovo after shunting with freight cars. You can see my website:

Digital photo Veselin Malinov , e-mail:

A_private_98_52_11_53_776_-_8_of_DB_Cargo_Bulgaria_at_railway_station_Ognyanovo_shunting_with_freight_cars_22_01_2022.jpg (104769 bytes)

A private diesel shunter with number 98 52 11 53 776 - 8 , owned by private operator "DB Cargo Bulgaria" at railway station Ognyanovo shunting with freight cars. You can see my website:

Digital photo Veselin Malinov , e-mail:

A_private_98_52_11_53_838_-_6_of_BD_Cargo_Bulgaria_standing_near_railway_station_Pirdop1_Val.jpg (87312 bytes)

A private diesel shunter of class 53 with number 98 52 11 53 838 - 6 , owned by private operator "DB Cargo Bulgaria" standing near railway station Pirdop. With due to non-compliance with the numbering system in the private operator , the locomotives of this class received a new class 53.

Digital photo: Valeri Petov, for contacts:

A_private_98_52_11_53_838_-_6_of_BD_Cargo_Bulgaria_standing_near_railway_station_Pirdop_Val.jpg (85394 bytes)

A private diesel shunter of class 53 with number 98 52 11 53 838 - 6 , owned by private operator "DB Cargo Bulgaria" standing near railway station Pirdop. With due to non-compliance with the numbering system in the private operator , the locomotives of this class received a new class 53.

Digital photo: Valeri Petov, for contacts:

A_private_98_52_11_53_838_-_6_of_DB_Cargo_Bulgaria_at_railway_station_Ihtiman_shunting_with_freight_cars1_29.06.2022.jpg (105175 bytes)

A private diesel shunter with number 98 52 11 53 838 - 6 , owned by private operator "DB Cargo Bulgaria" at railway station Ihtiman shunting with freight cars. You can see my website:

Digital photo Veselin Malinov , e-mail:

A_private_98_52_11_53_838_-_6_of_DB_Cargo_Bulgaria_at_railway_station_Ihtiman_shunting_with_freight_cars_19_07_2022.jpg (111738 bytes)

A private diesel shunter with number 98 52 11 53 838 - 6 , owned by private operator "DB Cargo Bulgaria" at railway station Ihtiman shunting with freight cars. You can see my website:

Digital photo Veselin Malinov , e-mail:

A_private_98_52_11_53_838_-_6_of_DB_Cargo_Bulgaria_at_railway_station_Ihtiman_shunting_with_freight_cars_29_06_2022.jpg (111927 bytes)

A private diesel shunter with number 98 52 11 53 838 - 6 , owned by private operator "DB Cargo Bulgaria" at railway station Ihtiman shunting with freight cars. You can see my website:

Digital photo Veselin Malinov , e-mail:

A_private_98_52_11_53_854-3_VN.jpg (85950 bytes)

A private diesel shunter of class 53 with number 98 52 11 53 854-3 , owned by private operator "DB Cargo Bulgaria" standing near railway station Pirdop.

Digital photo: Veselin Nikolov , for contacts:

A_private_98_52_11_53_854-3_VN1.jpg (70946 bytes)

A private diesel shunter of class 53 with number 98 52 11 53 854-3 , owned by private operator "DB Cargo Bulgaria" standing near railway station Pirdop.

Digital photo: Veselin Nikolov , for contacts:

A_private_98_52_11_53_854-3_VN2.jpg (102990 bytes)

A private diesel shunter of class 53 with number 98 52 11 53 854-3 , owned by private operator "DB Cargo Bulgaria" standing near railway station Pirdop.

Digital photo: Veselin Nikolov , for contacts:

A_private_98_52_11_53_854-3_VN3.jpg (34854 bytes)

A private diesel shunter of class 53 with number 98 52 11 53 854-3 , owned by private operator "DB Cargo Bulgaria" standing near railway station Pirdop.

Digital photo: Veselin Nikolov , for contacts:

A_private_diesel_locomotive_346_677-8_of_DB_Schenker_02_02_2013.jpg (107346 bytes)

A private diesel shunter with number 346 677 - 8 , owned by private operator DB Schenker standing near railway station Ognianovo.

Digital photo Veselin Malinov , e-mail:

A_private_diesel_shunter_53_838_-_6_of_DB_Cargo_Bulgaria_at_railway_station_Ihtiman_shunting_with_freight_cars_13_10_2021.jpg (112112 bytes)

A private diesel shunter with number 50 52 11 53 838 - 6 , owned by private operator "DB Cargo Bulgaria" at railway station Ihtiman shunting with freight cars. You can see my website:

Digital photo Veselin Malinov , e-mail:

A_private_diesel_shunter_with_number_346_972_-_3___owned_by_private_operator_DB_Cargo_Bulgaria_standing_in_depot_Karlovo_22_06_2024.jpg (106549 bytes)

A private diesel shunter with number 346 972 - 3 , owned by private operator "DB Cargo Bulgaria" standing in depot Karlovo.

Digital photo Veselin Malinov , e-mail:

A_private_diesel_shunter_with_number_346_972_-_3_of_DB_Cargo_Bulgaria_in_depot_Karlovo_03_06_2023.jpg (135808 bytes)

A private diesel shunter with number 346 972 - 3 , owned by private operator "DB Cargo Bulgaria" standing in depot Karlovo. You can see my website:

Digital photo Veselin Malinov , e-mail:

A_private_diesel_shunter_with_number_346_981_-_4_of_DB_Cargo_Bulgaria_in_depot_Karlovo_03_06_2023.jpg (132800 bytes)

A private diesel shunter with number 346 981 - 4 , owned by private operator "DB Cargo Bulgaria" standing in depot Karlovo. You can see my website:

Digital photo Veselin Malinov , e-mail:

A_private_diesel_shunter_with_number_98_52_11_53_754_-_5_of_DB_Cargo_Bulgaria_in_depot_Karlovo_03_06_2023.jpg (136131 bytes)

A private diesel shunter with number 92 52 11 53 754 - 5 , owned by private operator "DB Cargo Bulgaria" standing in depot Karlovo. You can see my website:

Digital photo Veselin Malinov , e-mail:

A_private_diesel_shunter_with_number_98_52_11_53_838_-_6___owned_by_private_operator_DB_Cargo_Bulgaria_at_railway_station_Ihtiman_shunting_with_freight_car1_10_08_2024.jpg (134040 bytes)

A private diesel shunter with number 98 52 11 53 838 - 6 , owned by private operator "DB Cargo Bulgaria" at railway station Ihtiman shunting with freight cars.

Digital photo Veselin Malinov , e-mail:

A_private_diesel_shunter_with_number_98_52_11_53_838_-_6___owned_by_private_operator_DB_Cargo_Bulgaria_at_railway_station_Ihtiman_shunting_with_freight_car_10_08_2024.jpg (157160 bytes)

A private diesel shunter with number 98 52 11 53 838 - 6 , owned by private operator "DB Cargo Bulgaria" at railway station Ihtiman shunting with freight cars.

Digital photo Veselin Malinov , e-mail:

A_private_diesel_shunter_with_number_98_52_11_53_838_-_6___owned_by_private_operator_DB_Cargo_Bulgaria_near_railway_station_Ihtiman_shunting_with_freight_cars1_20_12_2023.jpg (114126 bytes)

A private diesel shunter with number 98 52 11 53 838 - 6 , owned by private operator "DB Cargo Bulgaria" near railway station Ihtiman shunting with freight cars. You can see my website:

Digital photo Veselin Malinov , e-mail:

A_private_diesel_shunter_with_number_98_52_11_53_838_-_6___owned_by_private_operator_DB_Cargo_Bulgaria_near_railway_station_Ihtiman_shunting_with_freight_cars2_20_12_2023.jpg (134334 bytes)

A private diesel shunter with number 98 52 11 53 838 - 6 , owned by private operator "DB Cargo Bulgaria" near railway station Ihtiman shunting with freight cars. You can see my website:

Digital photo Veselin Malinov , e-mail:

A_private_diesel_shunter_with_number_98_52_11_53_838_-_6___owned_by_private_operator_DB_Cargo_Bulgaria_near_railway_station_Ihtiman_shunting_with_freight_cars3_20_12_2023.jpg (97282 bytes)

A private diesel shunter with number 98 52 11 53 838 - 6 , owned by private operator "DB Cargo Bulgaria" near railway station Ihtiman shunting with freight cars. You can see my website:

Digital photo Veselin Malinov , e-mail:

A_private_diesel_shunter_with_number_98_52_11_53_838_-_6___owned_by_private_operator_DB_Cargo_Bulgaria_near_railway_station_Ihtiman_shunting_with_freight_cars_20_12_2023.jpg (151673 bytes)

A private diesel shunter with number 98 52 11 53 838 - 6 , owned by private operator "DB Cargo Bulgaria" near railway station Ihtiman shunting with freight cars. You can see my website:

Digital photo Veselin Malinov , e-mail:

A_private_diesel_shunter_with_number_98_52_11_53_838_-_6_of_DB_Cargo_Bulgaria_at_railway_station_Ihtiman_shunting_with_19_05_2022.jpg (105166 bytes)

A private diesel shunter with number 98 52 11 53 838 - 6 , owned by private operator "DB Cargo Bulgaria" at railway station Ihtiman shunting with freight cars. You can see my website:

Digital photo Veselin Malinov , e-mail:

A_private_shunting_346_776_-_3_of_DB_Schenker_standing_13_11_2012.jpg (132052 bytes)

A private diesel shunter with number 346 776 - 8 , owned by private operator DB Schenker standing near railway station Ognianovo and shunting with freight cars.

Digital photo Veselin Malinov , e-mail:

A_view_from_railway_station_Ihtiman_29_06_2022.jpg (161064 bytes)

A view from railway station Ihtiman. You can see my website:

Digital photo Veselin Malinov , e-mail:

LSD_364_838_Senovo.jpg (163582 bytes)

LSD( Logistic Servises Danubius ) shunting diesel-hydraulic locomotive class 346.838 at career for quartz sand Senovo.

Digital photo by Chavdar Nikolov :

A_3_private_locomotives_of_DB_Schenker_standing_near_23_03_2014.jpg (117984 bytes)

A 3 private locomotives of classes 86 (electric) , 345 and 346 (diesel) , all owned by private operator DB Schenker RAIL Bulgaria standing in factory for lime near railway station Ognianovo.

Digital photo Veselin Malinov , e-mail:

A_3_private_locomotives_of_DB_Schenker_standing_in_lime_06_05_2014.jpg (123605 bytes)

A 3 private locomotives of classes 86 (electric) , 345 and 346 (diesel) , all owned by private operator DB Schenker RAIL Bulgaria standing in factory for lime near railway station Ognianovo.

Digital photo Veselin Malinov , e-mail:

A_private_diesel_locomotives_of_DB_Schenker_standing_in_lime_15_06_2014.jpg (130362 bytes)

A 2 diesel locomotives of classes 345 and 346 , owned by private operator DB Schenker RAIL Bulgaria standing in lime carrier near railway station Ognianovo.

Digital photo Veselin Malinov , e-mail:

A_private_diesel_locomotives_owned_by_private_operator_DB_Cargo_Bulgaria_standing_in_factory_near_railway_03_03_2018.jpg (120702 bytes)

A private diesel locomotives owned by private operator "DB Cargo Bulgaria" standing in factory near railway station Pirdop. You can see my website:

Digital photo Veselin Malinov , e-mail:
