The Picture Gallery
Directory: /pix/bg/private/Bulmarket/85/004

Last update: Mon 3 Mar 19:21:45 GMT 2025
Pictures on this page: 16 (10 + 6)

85 004 ex 86 235 "Crown Point"/"Novelty" (Anglia)

A_2_private_electric_locomotives_both_owned_by_private_operator_Bulmarket_at_railway_station_Septemvri1_20_08_2021.jpg (135186 bytes)

A 2 private electric locomotives both owned by private operator "Bulmarket" at railway station Septemvri with freight train. You can see my website:

Digital photo Veselin Malinov , e-mail:

A_private_85004_of_Bulmarket_at_central_railway_station_Plovdiv_with_freight_train_07_03_2021.jpg (126895 bytes)

A private electric locomotive with number 85 004 , owned by private operator "Bulmarket" at central railway station Plovdiv with freight train. You can see my website:

Digital photo Veselin Malinov , e-mail:

A_private_85004_of_Bulmarket_in_depot_Sofia_after_pulling_a_freight_train_29_02_2020.jpg (118927 bytes)

A private electric locomotive with number 85 004 , owned by private operator "Bulmarket" in depot Sofia after pulling a freight train. You can see my website:

Digital photo Veselin Malinov , e-mail:

A_private_85_004_Kaloian.jpg (86539 bytes)

A private electric locomotive of class 85 with number 85 004 , owned by private operator "Bulmarket" , standing at railway station Trakia with freight train. This locomotive had an old number 86 235 , but with due to non-compliance with the numbering system in the private operator (class 86 are exDSB machines) , has a new class 85.

Digital photo: Kaloian Nikolov , for contacts:

A_private_85_004_of_Bulmarket_crossing_through_central_railway_station_Stara_Zagora_with_27_05_2017.jpg (129359 bytes)

A private electric locomotive of new class 85 with number 85 004, owned by private operator "Bulmarket" crossing through central railway station Stara Zagora with freight train. This locomotive had an old number 86 235 , but with due to non-compliance with the numbering system in the private operator (class 86 are exDSB machines) , has a new class 85.A large photo , you can see on this adress: You can see my website:

Digital photo Veselin Malinov , e-mail:

A_private_86_235_of_Bulmarket_standing_in_depot_Koncar_near_railway_14_05_2016.jpg (133480 bytes)

A private electric locomotive of class 86 with number 86 235 , owned by private operator "Bulmarket" standing in depot "Koncar" near railway station Poduyane.

Digital photo Veselin Malinov , e-mail:

A_private_electric_locomotive_with_85_004_of_Bulmarket_at_railway_station_Septemvri_with_freight_train1_20_08_2021.jpg (145254 bytes)

A private electric locomotive with number 85 004 , owned by private operator "Bulmarket" at railway station Septemvri with freight train. You can see my website:

Digital photo Veselin Malinov , e-mail:

A_private_electric_locomotive_with_85_004_of_Bulmarket_at_railway_station_Septemvri_with_freight_train_20_08_2021.jpg (144339 bytes)

A private electric locomotive with number 85 004 , owned by private operator "Bulmarket" at railway station Septemvri with freight train. You can see my website:

Digital photo Veselin Malinov , e-mail:

A_private_electric_locomotive_with_number_91_52_00_85_004_-_7_of_Bulmarket_at_railway_station_24_05_2022.jpg (135004 bytes)

A private electric locomotive with number 91 52 00 85 004 - 7 , owned by private operator "Bulmarket" at railway station Dragoman before pulling a freight train. You can see my website:

Digital photo Veselin Malinov , e-mail:

A_view_from_private_electric_locomotive_of_class_86_of_Bulmarket_14_05_2016.jpg (132802 bytes)

A view from private locomotive of class 86 , owned by private operatr "Bulmarket" standing in depot "Koncar" near railway station Poduyane.

Digital photo Veselin Malinov , e-mail:

A_2_private_electric_locomotives_both_owned_by_private_operator_Bulmarket_at_railway_station_Septemvri_20_08_2021.jpg (133237 bytes)

A 2 private electric locomotives both owned by private operator "Bulmarket" at railway station Septemvri with freight train. You can see my website:

Digital photo Veselin Malinov , e-mail:

A_3_private_electric_locomotives_of_Bulmarket_at_railway_station_Iliantsi_after_pulling_a_freight_trains_24_05_2022.jpg (136510 bytes)

A 3 private electric locomotives , all owned by private operator "Bulmarket" at railway station Iliantsi after pulling a freight trains. You can see my website:

Digital photo Veselin Malinov , e-mail:

A_private_electric_locomotives_of_Bulmarket_standing_near_railway2_08_05_2016.jpg (134341 bytes)

A private electric locomotives of class 86 , all owned by private operator "Bulmarket" standing near railway station Obrazcov Chiflik.

Digital photo Veselin Malinov , e-mail:

A_view_between_2_private_electric_locomotives_86_of_Bulmarket1_08_05_2016.jpg (143102 bytes)

A view between 2 private electric locomotives of class 86 , owned by private operator "Bulmarket" standing near railway station Obrazcov Chiflik.

Digital photo Veselin Malinov , e-mail:

A_view_from_2_private_locomotives_of_Bulmarket_standing_in_depot_Koncar1_14_05_2016.jpg (135804 bytes)

A view from 2 private locomotives of class 86 , both owned by private operatr "Bulmarket" standing in depot "Koncar" near railway station Poduyane.

Digital photo Veselin Malinov , e-mail:

A_view_from_2_private_locomotives_of_Bulmarket_standing_in_depot_Koncar_14_05_2016.jpg (143011 bytes)

A view from 2 private locomotives of class 86 , both owned by private operatr "Bulmarket" standing in depot "Koncar" near railway station Poduyane.

Digital photo Veselin Malinov , e-mail:
