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Directory: /pix/be/electric/emu/AM96/501-509

Last update: Tue 18 Feb 18:40:00 GMT 2025
Pictures on this page: 29 (28 + 1)


050918-140.jpg (143786 bytes)

NMBS AM96 504 + 501
IC 2115 (Brussel Zuid-Luxembourg)
Jambes-Est, 18-09-2005.

© Eddy Konijnendijk.

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NMBS 508
RB 5932 (Luxembourg-Arlon)
Hollerich, 17-06-2011.

© Eddy Konijnendijk.

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NMBS 501 + 524
IC 2110 (Brussel Zuid-Luxembourg)
Poix St. Hubert, 07-10-2011.

© Eddy Konijnendijk.

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NMBS 507 + 512 + 503
IC 2114 (Brussel Zuid-Luxembourg)
Marloie, 07-10-2011.

© Eddy Konijnendijk.

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NMBS 504 + 508 in Brussel Zuid, 04-10-2015.

© Eddy Konijnendijk.

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On the 10h24 IC service to Bruxelles-Midi, an EMU of SNCB AM96 with 506 unit on back is waiting to depart in Luxembourg station.

Photo by Aaron Gil (, 08/03/2008

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Regio hourly service beggining its journey at Brussels and heading via Charleroi and Mons in Belgium.

Photo by T. Sprînceană (

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Regio hourly service beggining its journey at Brussels and heading via Charleroi and Mons in Belgium.

Photo by T. Sprînceană (

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NMBS 504
Brussel Zuid

Photo: Timo Straathof

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SNCB AM96 in Jemelle

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SNCB 503 moments away to end its ride in Luxembourg. Hollerich, 13-07-2004.

Photo by Eric BLEY. (

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SNCB 506 descends to Bertrange heading towards Brussels.
Hollerich, 08-03-2004.

Photo by BLEY Eric. (

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SNCB 508 in Luxembourg.
Luxembourg, 14-04-2004.

Photo by BLEY Eric (

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SNCB AM96 501 in Brussel Centraal(Belgium) 20-07-11.

Photo by: Arturo Vega Roldán (

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SNCB AM96 car in Brussel Centraal(Belgium) 20-07-11.

Photo by: Arturo Vega Roldán (

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Single-voltage AM96 EMUs in dual-unit formation (No 505 + unknown), seen on IC 2133 (Luxembourg Ville ---> Bruxelles Midi/Brussel Zuid), while nearing its very first stop in Brussels.

Etterbeek (Région Bruxelles-Capitale/Brussel Hoofdstedelijk Geweest).

23rd March 2006.

P.L.Guillemin (

SNCB_AM96_Hollerich_1.jpg (162008 bytes)

AM 96 2-set formation (No 506 and 505) of SNCB/NMBS, seen on IC 2109 (Bruxelles Midi/Brussel Zuid ---> Luxembourg Ville), while nearing its final destination.

At this stage, the 25kV-50Hz AC line (left) from Rodange (Athus/Virton/Longwy) runs alongside the 3kV DC line (right) from Kleinbettingen (Brussels/Arlon).

Hollerich, Luxembourg-Ville (Hollerech, Stad Lëtzebuerg).

2nd February 2007.

P.L.Guillemin (

SNCB_AM96_Hollerich_2.jpg (130167 bytes)

AM 96 2-set formation (No 506 and 505) of SNCB/NMBS, seen on IC 2109 (Bruxelles Midi/Brussel Zuid ---> Luxembourg Ville), while nearing its final destination.

Hollerich, Luxembourg-Ville (Hollerech, Stad Lëtzebuerg).

2nd February 2007.

P.L.Guillemin (

SNCB_AM96_Hollerich_3.jpg (148970 bytes)

Single-voltage AM96 EMUs in dual-unit formation (No 505 + unknown), seen on IC 2109 (Bruxelles Midi/Brussel Zuid ---> Luxembourg Ville), very close to its final destination.

At this stage, this formation runs on the 3kV DC "Down" track, which accommodates traffic from Kleinbettingen (and Arlon/Brussels), while the single track further left is under 25kV-50Hz AC, as it accommodates traffic to/from Rodange (and Longwy/Virton/Athus).

Hollerech, Luxembourg-Ville (Hollerech, Stad Lëtzebuerg).

10th April 2007.

P.L.Guillemin (

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Picture was taken in Luxemburg on 26-12-2003


Digital photo © by Davy Gijbels

Visit HGBTF for Belgium railroads discussion & information

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NMBS-SNCB AM96 501 and another unknown AM96 unit pass Rhisnes with IC 2113 (Brussel Zuid - Luxembourg).

Rhisnes , 22/07/2008.

Photo by : Denis Verheyden (

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NMBS-SNCB AM96 507 departs Brussel-Schuman station with IC 2113 (Brussel Zuid - Luxembourg).

Brussel-Schuman , 05/05/2007.

Photo by : Denis Verheyden

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NMBS-SNCB AM96 507 pauses at Brussel-Schuman with IC 2113 (Brussel Zuid - Luxembourg).

Brussel-Schuman , 05/05/2007.

Photo by : Denis Verheyden

be_20090613_am96_1.jpg (114816 bytes)

Automotrice AM96 n°504 et une consoeur arrive à Bruxelles-Midi comme train IC 2135 en provenance de Luxembourg.

2 Motorstellen MS96 (n°504 en een onbekende nummer) komen aan in Brussel-Zuid als IC 2135 uit Luxemburg.

2 EMU96 (n°504 and an unknown one) arrive in Bruxelles-Midi as IC 2135 from Luxemburg.

Gare/Station: Bruxelles-Midi/Brussel-Zuid
Date/Datum: 13-06-2009

Photo: Durvaux Christophe
Train compositions in Belgium and Luxemburg:

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L'automotrice 503 évolue sur l'une des voies de garage de la gare d'Arlon en ce lundi matin.

On this monday morning, the railcar n°503 is moving on one of the parking tracks of the Arlon station.

Gare/Station: Arlon
Date/Datum: 20-07-2009

Photo: Durvaux Christophe
Train compositions in Belgium and Luxemburg:

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Après avoir assuré le train L 5906 entre Arlon et Luxembourg, ces deux AM96 remontent de Luxembourg vers Bruxelles-Midi comme IC 4629. Le train entre gare d'Arlon.

After having ensured the train L 5906 between Arlon and Luxembourg, these two AM96 railcars are running to Bruxelles-Midi as IC 4629. The train is entering Arlon station.

Gare/Station: Arlon
Date/Datum: 20-07-2009

Photo: Durvaux Christophe
Train compositions in Belgium and Luxemburg:

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Les deux AM96 provenant de Luxembourg sont entrées en gare et sont accrochées à une AM96 supplémentaire. L'IC 2130 est prêt pour remonter vers Bruxelles.

The two AM96 railcar coming from Luxemburg has entered Arlon station and are coupled with another AM96. The IC 2130 is ready to join Brussels.

Gare/Station: Arlon
Date/Datum: 20-07-2009

Photo: Durvaux Christophe
Train compositions in Belgium and Luxemburg:

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2 automotrices AM96 assurant le train IC 2106 vers Luxembourg quittent la gare d'Arlon. La 3e automotrice est limitée à Arlon et a été décrochée. Elle ira se garer juste après la libération de la voie.

2 AM96 railcars as IC 2106 are leaving Arlon to Luxembourg. The third AM96 has been uncoupled in Arlon and will join the parking tracks.

Gare/Station: Arlon
Date/Datum: 20-07-2009

Photo: Durvaux Christophe
Train compositions in Belgium and Luxemburg:

SNCB_AM96_CARS.jpg (79399 bytes)

SNCB AM96 cars in Brussel Centraal(Belgium) 20-07-11. Binary file /pix/be/electric/emu/AM96/510-519/SNCB_AM96_CARS.txt matches
