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Directory: /pix/ba/station

Last update: Tue 18 Feb 18:40:26 GMT 2025
Pictures on this page: 20


20070630_063.jpg (93907 bytes)

Small station between Caplijna and Mostar.

Helmut Uttenthaler

20070630_066.jpg (102882 bytes)

Station Mostar.

Helmut Uttenthaler

Grad-station.jpg (146281 bytes)

441-906 a legfelsõ szinten Grad állomáson
Ez pedig maga Grad állomás, az elõtérben a hosszú alagúttal, ami után már a Szarajevóig tartó unalmas vonalrész következik, alig néhány viadukttal és alagúttal. Alattam, a hegy alatt van a háromvágányos alagút, ami után egy kicsit nyitott részen van a váltókörzet, majd kezdõdik a rövid alagút, ami az elõbb Tamás fotóján szerepelt.

The 441-906 at the highest level at Grad station

HallGareDeSarajevo.jpg (112710 bytes)

Hall Gare De Sarajevo ver 7h30

Photo by Pierre Auriol (pierre-henri.auriol@wanadoo.frt) le 2 août 2003.

IMG_1219.jpg (154515 bytes)

The main station in Sarajevo. Pictured with "Avazovog" tower. Sarajevo 23.10.2009.

Photo by: Muamer Djuzo (

PA263410.jpg (151480 bytes)

The railwaystation of Jablanica (Bosnia) 26.10.2006

Photo by Theodor Rieche (

Pljesevo_stn.jpg (117503 bytes)

At Pljesevo station, Tito is still alive..., Jul 28th 2006

Photo: Ulf Fischer

SA_Teretna.jpg (159119 bytes)

Sarajevo Teretna station seems to be out of use for a long time, Jul 28th 2006

Photo: Ulf Fischer

Visoko.jpg (156511 bytes)

Station Visoko, 29.07.2009.

Photo by Marcell Gábor (

ZFBH_Sarajevo1.jpg (150726 bytes)

ZFBH - Bosnia-Hercegovina
Sarajevo now only sees a few trains a day, with no trains anymore to the Republika Srpska (also Bosnia-Hercegovina) and only one international train pair a day in summer weekends to Ploce in Croatia, at the Adriatic coast. 5 platform tracks is more than enough...
Sarajevo, 29-06-2024

Photo by Marco van Uden

ZFBH_Sarajevo2.jpg (147676 bytes)

ZFBH - Bosnia-Hercegovina
A very empty but clean station hall at Sarajevo.
Sarajevo, 29-06-2024

Photo by Marco van Uden

ZFBH_Sarajevo3.jpg (145719 bytes)

ZFBH - Bosnia-Hercegovina
Sarajevo station on the outside.
Sarajevo, 29-06-2024

Photo by Marco van Uden

ZRS_Station_Brcko.jpg (122808 bytes)

ZRS border-crossing station Brcko (Bosnia/Croatia) as seen from train number 7403 (Tuzla-Drenovci) on 26.10.2006.

Photo by Markus Schreilechner (

ZStn_SA_Ins.jpg (91947 bytes)

Inside view of Sarajevo railway station. The officer told us that it was forbidden to take photos in here, Jul 28th 2006

Photo: Ulf Fischer

ZStn_SA_far.jpg (89347 bytes)

Sarajevo railway station on Trg Žrtava Genocida u Srebrenici, Jul 28th 2006

Photo: Ulf Fischer

ZStn_SA_ne.jpg (102388 bytes)

Sarajevo railway station on Trg Žrtava Genocida u Srebrenici, Jul 28th 2006

Photo: Ulf Fischer

ba-8-99.jpg (87079 bytes)

Sarajevo railway station, Sarajevo, Bosnia-Hercegovina, August 20, 1999.

Photo and scan by Frank Válóczy

rs-11-2000.jpg (49420 bytes)

View of Doboj station from the control tower. Doboj, Republika Srpska, BiH. 19 September 2000.

Photo and scan by Frank Válóczy

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View towards the Doboj locomotive maintenance depot from the control tower. Doboj, Republika Srpska, BiH. 19 September 2000.

Photo and scan by Frank Válóczy

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Inside the control tower at Doboj station. The man in the red shirt is Mr. Djordje Milicic, the station chief of Doboj station. Doboj, Republika Srpska, BiH. 19 September 2000.

Photo and scan by Frank Válóczy
