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Directory: /pix/ba/electric/441-9

Last update: Tue 18 Feb 18:40:28 GMT 2025
Pictures on this page: 33


441-901_Sarajevo.jpg (146416 bytes)

ŽFBH electric locomotive 441-901 in Sarajevo, with the train from Sarajevo to Konjic. 2007.08.19.

Photo: Marcell Gábor (

441-904-2019_07_22.jpg (149055 bytes)

Javno preduzece Zeljeznice Federacije Bosne i Hercegovine (ZFBH)
441 904 (441 909 and 441 908 at the left side)

22.07.2019, Capljina

Photo W. Kolins

441-905-2019_07_22.jpg (148768 bytes)

Javno preduzece Zeljeznice Federacije Bosne i Hercegovine (ZFBH)
441 905

22.07.2019, Mostar

Photo W. Kolins

441-905_Visoko.jpg (155132 bytes)

ŽFBH 441-905 elecreic locomotive in Visoko with international train 397 (Zagreb-Ploèe), 29.07.2009.

Photo by Marcell Gábor (

441-906_ovcari.jpg (115199 bytes)

441-906 Ovčari állomásról indul
Ennek a kb. százötven méteres alagútnak a túloldalán áll a Feri a váltókörzet viaduktján.

The 441-906 departing from Ovčari station
Feri is standing at the other end of this 150 metres tunnel.
V42 fotókülönvonat és a konjici vonalkifejtés - Photo charter with the V42 electric locomotive and a rail photo trip to the Konjic horseshoes in Bosnia

441-907-2019_07_13.jpg (151613 bytes)

Javno preduzece Zeljeznice Federacije Bosne i Hercegovine (ZFBH)
441 907 (441 913 at the left side)

13.07.2019, Sarajewo

Photo W. Kolins

441-908-2019_07_22.jpg (146206 bytes)

Javno preduzece Zeljeznice Federacije Bosne i Hercegovine (ZFBH)
441 908 with a fast train Capljina - Sarajewo

22.07.2019, Mostar

Photo W. Kolins

441-908_ovcari-station-south.jpg (129536 bytes)

441-908 Ovcari állomáson
A teleobjektív mellett, különösen az elõzõ képen, jól látható, hogy mennyire a szikla peremén halad a vasút itt, és ráadásul egy háromvágányos állomásnak kellett elférnie, nem csak egy sínpárnak. A háttérben látható fák a légvonalban vagy fél kilométerre, a fõvölgy túloldalán levõ hegyoldalt nõnek.

The 441-908 at Ovcari station
With the telephoto lens, and especially at the previous photo of the album, you can see that the railway runs at the edge of the cliff, and not only one pair of rails, but a three-platform, 750-metres-long station had to be inserted. The trees in the background appear close, but in fact they grow at the other side of the main valley approximately 500 metres behind the train.
Nagy bosnyák vasúti kaland - Big Bosnian Railway Adventure

441-908_ovcari-twice.jpg (150978 bytes)

441-908 Ovcariban
Alant Ovcari legkülsõ házai láthatóak.

The 441-908 at Ovcari
Nagy méretben - Large sized photo

441-908_ovcari_small-viaduct.jpg (124866 bytes)

441-908 az Ovcari állomás fölötti kis viadukton
Csak négy perc telik el, és hallom a hátam mögött eldübörögni a vonatot, majd elõtûnik az Ovcari állomás fölötti kisebb viadukton, ahol már le is tudom fényképezni.

The 441-908 at the small viadukt above Ovcari station
Just four minutes later I hear the train pass behind me, one level above Ovcari station, just ten metres behind the trees. I'm near the peak of this section and from where I'm standing I can catch the train once again running so high above Ovcari village.
Nagy méretben - Large sized photo

441-909_ovcari-grad.jpg (121633 bytes)

441-909 a legfelsõ szinten Ovčari és Grad között
Ilyen magasan már ellaposodik a hegyoldal, a horpadásokat a sínek nem tudják követni, ezért l'art pour l'art is kell viaduktokat, hidakat emelni pár méter magasra. A háttér hegyei ezen a képen is hósipkásak!

The 441-908 at the highest level between Ovčari and Stari Grad
Nagy méretben - Large sized photo

441-910_Celebic.jpg (187336 bytes)

Train 390 (Ploèe-Sarajevo) and 397 (Zagreb-Ploèe) meet at Celebic near Konjic, 26.07.2009.

Photo by Marcell Gábor (

441-913-2019_07_13-01.jpg (148007 bytes)

Javno preduzece Zeljeznice Federacije Bosne i Hercegovine (ZFBH)
441 913, maneuvers at the station

13.07.2019, Sarajewo

Photo W. Kolins

441-913-2019_07_13-02.jpg (142890 bytes)

Javno preduzece Zeljeznice Federacije Bosne i Hercegovine (ZFBH)
441 913, maneuvers at the station with a fast train from Capljina

13.07.2019, Sarajewo

Photo W. Kolins

441-913-2019_07_13-03.jpg (150155 bytes)

Javno preduzece Zeljeznice Federacije Bosne i Hercegovine (ZFBH)
441 913, maneuvers at the station with a fast train from Capljina

13.07.2019, Sarajewo

Photo W. Kolins

441_902_SA.jpg (103379 bytes)

441 902 is arriving at Sarajevo with B 397. The cars are from ZRS, HZ and ZFBH, Jul 29th 2006

Photo: Ulf Fischer

441_902_SAT.jpg (116435 bytes)

441 902 is passing Sarajevo Teretna with B 397, Jul 28th 2006

Photo: Ulf Fischer

441_904_2401.jpg (146402 bytes)

441 904 with Lok 2401 between Ovčari and Konjic, Jul 28th 2006

Photo: Ulf Fischer

441_904_2402.jpg (131822 bytes)

441 904 with Lok 2402 between Konjic and Ovčari, seen from Ovčari station, Jul 28th 2006

Photo: Ulf Fischer

441_904_2404.jpg (114852 bytes)

441 904 is passing Sarajevo Teretna with Lok 2404, Jul 28th 2006

Photo: Ulf Fischer

441_904_2405.jpg (103959 bytes)

441 904 is passing Sarajevo Teretna with Lok 2405, Jul 28th 2006

Photo: Ulf Fischer

441_904_Ovc.jpg (167910 bytes)

441 904 is arriving at Ovčari station, leaving the tunnel nearby, Jul 28th 2006

Photo: Ulf Fischer

441_904_Ovcari.jpg (142025 bytes)

441 904 stops at Ovčari station. Some passengers seem to be in a hurry, Jul 28th 2006

Photo: Ulf Fischer

441_904_Sara.jpg (97817 bytes)

441 904 is arriving at Sarajevo with Lok 2404, Jul 29th 2006

Photo: Ulf Fischer

IMG_1511.jpg (111631 bytes)

ZFBiH electric locomotive 441-905 in station Sarajevo on a fast train 450 for Belgrade. (13.12.2009)

Photo by: Muamer Djuzo (

PA243293.jpg (162411 bytes)

441 904 in Doboj with the 396 from Ploce to Zagreb 24.10.2006

Photo by Theodor Rieche (

PA263456.jpg (150229 bytes)

441 902 (ZFBH) in the border station (between Bosnia and Croatia) Caplinja with the train 391 from Sarajevo to Ploce(Croatia). The locomotive pulled three blue cars (former swedish cars). 26.10.2006

Photo by Theodor Rieche (

TCDDstrojovodje.jpg (67681 bytes)

Cab of the locomotive ZBH (Bosnia-Herzegovina) 1143 016 with two ZBH test engineers. Photographed at Zagreb Crnomerec station after renovation and thyristorization at Koncar electric locomotives factory. Locomotive is rented to TCDD (Turkey) and renumbered (TCDD E 52 516). This locomotive is almost identical with Croatian 1141 301 loco, but in Bosnia renovation opened a new class (ZBH 1143; HZ 1141), and in Croatia only subclass (3)!

Photo: Toma Bacic; 2000.

ZFBH_441908_Sarajevo.jpg (150623 bytes)

ZFBH - Bosnia-Hercegovina
Electric locomotive 441-908 with two TALGO coach sets is ready to depart to Ploce in Croatia. The locomotive will haul the train to Capljina at the border, where a HZPP locomotive will take over.
Sarajevo, 30-06-2024

Photo by Marco van Uden

ZFBH_441910_Sarajevo.jpg (149676 bytes)

ZFBH - Bosnia-Hercegovina
Electric locomotive 441-910 arrives with TALGO coach set 7D5 from the depot at Sarajevo station.
Sarajevo, 29-06-2024

Photo by Marco van Uden

ZFBiH_441-907.jpg (84674 bytes)

Locomotiv ASEA 441-907 on a local passenger train. In Sarajevo 21.02.2010 year.

Photo by: Muamer Ðuzo (

konjic.jpg (116103 bytes)

ZFBH local train headed to Sarajevo at Konjic station; digital photo

zfbh_441-903_doboj_2006-08-28.jpg (130561 bytes)

ZFBH 441 903
Doboj [BIH]

Photo: Karl Arne Richter (
